Chapter Thirty Two

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The drive was silent. Alex pulled into Toys R Us.

"What are we doing here?" I asked him.

"Carlos works here. I wanna know what happened." He unstrapped Este out his seat.

"He moved back?" He nodded.

I hopped out the car. I was still very sore and was walking slightly abnormal. We walked in, him going to the cash register.

"Carlos, you got a sec?" I came face to face with my ex. He still had those gorgeous gray eyes, slicked hair with a strand out, and long eyelashes that I adored back then.

The only reason why we didn't make it was because he moved. Now he's back and I'm engaged.

"Alex? What are you doing here? Who's kid is that?" Alex shifted his gaze to me, signaling me to come into view.

"Oh. Kir. Babe whats been up?" I leaned into Alex, receiving Este from him. "I'm engaged and I have a son." He licked his lips.

"To who?" He leaned on the counter.

"Me, jackass." Alex said,"And that's our son. I wanna know what happened between you and my fiancée." He eyed me before shifting and annoyed gaze towards his half brother.

"She was my first time, I was hers. We were eighteen. We attended the same college before I moved to New York. We were... perfect before I moved. I kinda regret it now." He slipped a sly wink.

I blushed suddenly finding the floor very interesting. Alex noticed before pulling me towards me, shielding me from my charming ex boyfriend. "Back the fu- Back up. She's not apart of you. She's apart of me. What's your problem?" Alex's temper was rising.

"Runs on my dad's side," I had a confused look. "I'm sure you remember my cousin Romeo Rivera."

Oh my fuck.

"Now you see why I despise that -" I stepped in front of him.

"I know." I kissed his lips, his sexy, pink lips. Carlos coughed, attracting our attention

"Kir, can I ask you something?" I sighed.

"What?" He motioned to Alex. "Why him?" I turned to Alex.

"Cause he's different. He didn't up and leave without a reason. " He half smiled, mouthing 'I love you.' I turned to Carlos. "I don't know what it is but whatever it is... I can't live without it." He tilted his head.

"Mmhmm. I'd love to... befriend you again... if ya' jackass will let me."

Alex glared at him. "Fuck no." I glared at Alex.

"Sorry babe." I turned back to Carlos.

"Yeah. Nothing more unless you want like eight dudes to jump you." He smiled slightly.

"Cool." He gave me his number and I gave him mine.

Alex looked beyond pissed. He stormed out the store and waited in the car.

"I'll see you later. I have to cool his fire." He smiled at me, kissing my lips gently.

"He doesn't have to know about us." He whispered in my ear. I backed away, suddenly feeling a ton of bricks hit me. I'm engaged and he's implying that I'll risk my family for him. I do miss him but not enough to lose my family. He kissed my lips again, bitting my lower lip. I walked out the store getting in the car.

"What happened to you? You look like you saw your grandmother naked. Believe me, I still have nightmares."

I looked at him. "He kissed me. He kissed me." I was scared. Alex got out the car, the sensors on the sides of the doors went off. I ran out to him. "Alex! No!" He turned to me, pointing the gun at Carlos, who seemed to be unfazed by it. He fails to realize he will shoot.

"Think about Este. If you go to jail, the wedding is off." He clicked loaded his gun. "I'd rather spend a life in prison knowing this bastard is dead because he harassed you than walk away a free man, you living with his DNA all over your lips. The skin I touch, kiss, and make love too. Especially yesterday since you still walking like that."

I sighed, face palming. "Alex. Please. Cops." He let a heavy sigh before hitting Carlos with his gun.

"We can go now," He turned to the nearest worker,"You will tell them it was a misunderstanding. He's unfortunately alive." He walked out. We opened the car door, seeing a little girl.

"Thats a cute baby." She was no older than five.

"Who are you? Wheres your mom?" Alex asked.

"Carwos is my daddy." She got out our car. We watched my ex's offspring walk in to the store. That was beyond weird.

"When we get home, don't come near me." I commanded Alex. He nodded, driving off. Once again, Satan knocked at my door, leaving a present for me which is Hell in a human form.

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