Dreaming Awake

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"Good morning mother. Good morning brother."

"I needed to talk to you. You need to leave the house early today." said Scarlett's mother.

"Why leave the house? I am supposed to be taking care of it and Elaine, so that you and Irwin can go to work."

"You need to get to work too, darling. Your aunt, Faith, is ill. You need to replace her, or else she will lose her job. It is only temporary. You don't need to worry. You know what it is she does. You are just going to be taking care of the Duke's son."

"Mother, you know my thoughts on the matter. Isn't it going to be hostile for such a young girl like Scarlett in the castle?" Scarlett's brother, Irwin has always been trying way too hard to cope with the weight of the whole family on his shoulders. After their father died, Irwin was the only male left in this household. Not only did he need to work but also he had to worry about his family and especially his young girls; Scarlett and Elaine. He was only 17. He was too young to have to take care of a whole family, but he was taking his role seriously. He would never allow anything to happen to his little girls. He was of those many people who thought that royals weren't at all like they sometimes might wanted to present themselves. They were greedy, ignorant and vicious. Irwin never wanted any of his family members to be involved with them, the farther the better.

"I've grown up, brother. You need not worry about me. I will take good care of myself. I promise. You know me, brother, don't you? Money and power has never attracted me."

"I do know you Scarlett. You are a dreamer... You chase the impossible, sister. A soul mate is more than just magic. It is fate, it is eternity. We, humans, unlike the gods, have no idea what eternity feels like. How many summers have we seen or how many sunsets? How long have we lived to see the Earth change?"

"I've always liked it when you spoke in riddles and so poetic, Irwin. But my beliefs are only going to affect me, when I have to deal with matters of love and if we are meant to be together for eternity, even our human small eternity, then he is going to love me back. If so, then I'm sure you are going to be happy about me."

 Irwin took a deep breath to continue and actually end up to one of those long, usually late-night, talks he loved to have with his sister, but mother interrupted them; "Enough with philosophy children. Irwin must take you to the Duke's castle. It is a quick ride, but you need to leave immediately." said their mother and they all obeyed. None of the three of them had ever wanted to make their mother's life harder than it already is.

"Be careful. Do as you think best. I'll pick you up when I'll bring aunt Faith back." Irwin wished her luck and waved her goodbye, when he left her right outside the castle's gate.

"What ills her? You haven't told me yet."

"We don't really know. She has high fever and she coughs a lot. They say, that she is going to be alright. She just needs time and rest. None of these could be accessible to her, had she been working." Even though Irwin's tone seemed like Scarlett should dig deeper within him to find the truth in his words, she just told herself what she always used to say; He knows better, he does what he thinks is best for all of us, trust him. And thus she did.

The gates opened for her and it was like a new world opened up for her. A world of wealth and power. The castle was intimidating. She felt as if she has never seen a true place for someone to live in until she got into the castle. Any comparison with her small, old and partly destroyed and disfunctional house was simply out of the question. Nevertheless she felt that all that wealth was just a surface and deep inside she was happy that she could call her house, her home. She felt so much like a fish out of the water. At points she felt at ease and that something good could come out of that short experience and at other points she was getting a feeling that something was terribly wrong in the aura around the castle. Those mixed feelings didn't help her to even find the confidence to lift her eyes from the ground. She was utterly careful not to bump on anyone and not to cause trouble. The maze-like building was filled with people of all kinds; Knights, servants, royals. Everyone was busy. Everyone had somewhere to go and something to do. But what about Scarlett? She didn't know where to go or who was she going to serve. Then she decided that it didn't matter where she was from and how much of royals the people around her were, she had to get herself together after all that amazement and find her destination.

"Excuse me, Sir. I am the Duke's son's new servant. Do you know where I can find him?" She was shy and she was stuttering, but she managed to get her phrase straight. And that was the point. Stay away from everything, do your job.

"At this time of the day he is probably in the field, training. I don't think he will really need you there, but you'd better go find him." The man was in his middle or late 20s. He was definitely a knight and a warrior and his voice had something fearful and polite at the same time. He was kind to her. That was when she thought that she could actually get along with at least some of those people.

"Thank you deeply, Sir" Scarlett said, she bowed her head respectfully as she had seen people doing when they met others with high social statuses and then she left silently.

She hurried to the training point only to witness a scene that made her doubt her eyesight. He is just an apparition. That is beyond logical explanation. He can't be here. I must be dreaming awake. Good Lord! She blinked and focused on the guy's face again, yet not a single feature of his had changed. He was there right in front of her, fighting the way Scarlett had seen him so many times before in her sleep. He looked almighty and handsome. And he was real. Then she centered herself. For as long as it took him to notice her presence, she hadn't blinked once. Even though evidence showed otherwise, she believed that if she blinked or made any move he was going too fade into dust. She stood still and used all of her senses to take in as much of him as possible. She hadn't averted her eyes for fraction of a second, when he turned and his eyes met hers. By the time their gazes found each other, it seemed like, that for a blink of an eye they were connected by a purple essence that floated around both of them like little purple stars. And that was when they felt, that they were transported to a galaxy made just for the two of them.

When Louis turned his head and momentarily closed his eyes and reopened them she was there. The girl of his dream's. Unlike Scarlett's, Louis' gaze travelled everywhere on her body. Her gown was beige, but it gave the impression that it once used to be white. It was a bit worn out, but it looked exceptional and expensive on her. It hugged her body  perfectly and fell to her ankles. His eyes stopped on her lips. They were even more vibrant in real life. Is this a dream I'm in right now? How could she possibly be here? She can't be. She must be, what people call angels or fairies or deities, everything those people believe to exist in the world, yet is not visible to everyone. She is divine. Is she real or am I dreaming awake? Then he felt it. A strange rush of relief came and left in a blink of an eye.

Niall was there too. he felt it too. Though it wasn't relief he felt. It was an ever existing feeling of hatred mixed with jealousy being awakened. When he realized what had happened with the two, he made sure they were both brought back to the "real world".

"Who are you supposed to be?" His tone was tempered, but no matter what, he couldn't hide his annoyance.

Scarlett shook herself out of her daydream and answered to the man in front of her, obviously embarrassed to being caught staring and also frightened by his voice, because she could really sense that the two men represented or even created her feelings; relief and unease "I am Duke's son's new servant. I am Faith's replacement. She is my aunt."

"Very well. But you are not needed here. Go find... Owen? And ask him to inform you on your duties. Now go!"

"NO!" The word escaped Louis' mouth before he could stop it. "I mean...I will inform you. Indeed you are not needed for the practice, but... stay. You don't want to get lost in the castle." Louis said, still in awe, and shot Niall an annoyed look. He could still feel the spark between them. But so Niall seemed to do.

"You seem distracted. You are a Warrior! Never be off guard." those words reminded Louis of his first years of fencing training, when his father was teaching him how to concentrate and focus on the battle. "I command you to leave." His expression didn't shift to anything harder, even though he looked engrossed by Scarlett's presence, yet his voice was frightening. She had to obey. Remember; don't cause trouble.

"Yes, Sir." she said to Niall defeated "I'll get informed and ready to serve you, Sir." she addressed Louis and after a moment of intense eye contact between them she found the heart to leave.

They both saw the magic between them. They both recognized each other. They both felt the fire that was burning their souls, whenever they dreamed of each other, becoming an inferno.

Shattered Souls(Louis Tomlinson Niall Horan Zayn Malik FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now