Chapter 1.

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                                                      KNOWING HIM 

It was a long, rough day at school. annoying teachers,lauds of homework and those bitches i meet everyday. It was time for lunch which means i still have 4 lessons,i honestly couldn't wait to be home. anyway i sat down to eat while waiting for my bestfriend kitty because she wasn't in the same class as mine. when she saw me she smiled,i smiled back and waved at her, she finally came and sat down next to me. ''hey what's up?'' she said taking a bit of her sandwich ''nothing much'' i sighed ''you don't seem to be very happy'' she asked like if she knew what i was thinking ''actually yes i'm so tired of school i wanna go home already'' i said rolling my eyes. ''we may be having some fun tonight'' she winked. ''oh really? how do you mean?'' i asked raising my eyebrows. ''a friend of david has a friend he's throwing a party today'' she said. ''and?'' i asked, ''and he told david to invite anyone you want to'' she added. ''i don't know if i could come'' i said, ''oh ''y/n'' don't be like that we'll have much fun'' she said smirking. '' yes you'll have of course because you're going with your boyfriend david but me i have no one'' i said, ''you might find someone today'' she winked, ''oh maybe you're right''. ''hey'' i heard a voice behind my back it was david's ''oh hey david'' i smiled, ''hey babe'' kitty said he sat next to her and gave her a quick kiss, i kinda blushed and looked away. ''Hello,i'm still here'' i said joking, ''yeah i see'' david said joking back. the bell rang it was time for us to go to our classes. david and kitty shared the same class. anyway i ran quickly to my class not wanting to be late, the classes were so boring but finally the bell rang, i'm going home. i waited for kitty in the hallway, i saw her coming with david. she lives meters away from me so we were walking home together everyday. sometimes david drive us home with his car. ''hey ''y/n'' sorry for late tho'' kitty said, ''no,it's fine, now let's go'' i smiled at her ''okay but guys we're going to the party at 8:00pm so don't be late, we're going with my car'' david said ''okay'' me and kitty nodded our heads in agreement. davied kissed kitty on her cheek and stepped in his car he waved at us and we waved back. we were walking home in silence when kitty broke it ''so ''y/n'' what are you going to wear for tonight?'' she asked, ''i don't really know but i guess i'm going to wear my black dress'' i said. ''it looks hot on you'' she winked ''oh shut up'' i punched her chest playfully. i'm finally home i hugged kitty and gave her a goodbye kiss. i opened the door i saw my brother and mom sitting on the couch i locked the door behind me. ''hey darling,how was your day?'' mom asked sweetly. ''boring'' i sighed, ''you always say that'' mom laughed, ''it's because it's the truth'' i said ''oh really? you don't study well anyway'' brother said rolling his eyes ''i'm not really for the mood to fight you'' i said and ran upstairs to my room i wanted to relax so i decided to take a shower. it took me 15 mins then i got out looking at the clock it was five damn i dressed on my pajamas and did my homework. it took me what felt like ages i looked at the hour again it was 7:00 i needed to dress very fast i quickly dressed my black dress it kinda showed my back and i loved that i look sexy. i usually don't use much makeup so i put my lipstick on and made my hair straight i looked in the mirror and smirked at myself. my phone buzzed, she was kitty texting me that she is waiting for me with david i texted her back with an ''ok i'm coming'' i quickly ran downstairs. my mom was washing the dishes ''hey where are you going?'' she asked focusing much on my dress ''i'm going out with david and kitty mom don't worry'' i said and kissed her cheek ''if it's kitty so okay i trust her'' mom said, mom really loved kitty plus kitty's mother and mom were friends. ''but don't be late,did you take your phone with you?'' she asked me ''yes mom don't worry can i go now they're waiting for me'' i said annoyed ''okay don't be mad take care and have fun'' she said smiling i kinda felt bad she was just making sure i'm okay ''thanks mom'' i said and kissed her cheek again and left. i got out david and kitty were waiting for me i stepped in the car in the back seat ''hey guys'' i said smiling, ''you're finally here'' kitty rolled her eyes playfully ''sorry guys'' i apologized ''it's fine but damn ''y/n' you look hot'' kitty said '' yeah i agree'' david winked and i kinda blushed ''thanks guys'' i said david finally drove it took us 45 mins to get the party david stopped the car in front of a big house,it was really huge ''are you sure it's the right address'' i asked not believing my eyes ''yes i'm sure'' kitty didn't say anything she was just staring and her mouth was in shape ''O''. ''let's get inside guys'' david said holding kitty's hands the door was opened we got inside the house was even more beautiful from inside. i looked around this wasn't like any party i felt like i'm in a night club. boys and girls were dancing like crazy,drinking alcohol, making out. i looked in disgust. '''hey man you're finally here'' a black boy said while hugging david ''hey bro sorry for late anyway let me indirect you, this is my girl kitty and this is my friend ''y/n'' he shook our hands and lead us into a crowed the music was loud. we searched for a place to sit down which was hard they were a lot of gusts i felt like the whole town is here we finally reached a place and sat down,kitty and daivd sat next to each other and i sat next to john. ''so do you have a boyfriend?'' john asked smirking ''no she don't'' kitty answered and i gave her a death stare ''baby do you wanna dance?'' david asked kitty and she nodded in agreement, i didn't want to sit and talk with john so i got up and went to drink something, they were every kind of alcoholic here but i didn't drink it i don't want to go home drunk mom will kill me for sure. i finally found pepsi and coca i chose pepsi i was drinking when i heard a voice behind my back ''hey'' a blonde hair boy with a chocolate brown eyes said his arms were covered in tattoes he was so hot no deny ''hey'' i said back ''what's your name beauty'' he asked giving me an evil smile ''why do you care anyway'' i answered he was hot but i'm not this kind of a girl he's searching for '' i was just asking'' he said ''who are you'' i asked finally looking at him ''i'm the leader of this house baby'' he said smirking ''oh i'm sorry then,hope you take my apologize'' i felt a little stupid ''only if you tell me your name'' he flirted ''it's ''y/n'' nice to meet you'' i said smiling like an idiot ''nice to meet you too,i'm justin, justin bieber'' i was looking at him in shock let me tell you about him he is the biggest manwhore in this town he basically have sex with any girl he wants and then kick them out he sometimes even force them for sex it's like a rape. well it is a rape.i had an old friend she told me about how he treats them she used to be his ''sex slaves'' as he call them. anyway i looked at him in disgust but to be honest i was so scared of him. '' i guess you know about me,huh'' he said smirking '' i gotta go now'' i said turning around ready to leave when he hugged me from behind ''not this fast babygirl'' he whispered in my ears sending me shivers all over my body ''my boyfriend is here'' i lied ''oh so who is he'' he narrowed his eyes ''you don't know him anyway'' i said bushing him away and searching for kitty i looked around and i finally saw her she was making out with david i felt a bit annoying for cutting them off but i had to leave. ''hey kitty'' i said looking down ''hey what's wrong'' she asked worried ''do you know who this party belongs to'' i asked her almost yelling ''no you tell me'' she asked '' it belongs to justin bieber'' i told her she took like 10 seconds like if she's remembering his name ''wait are you serious?'' she asked shocked ''yes i just met him let's go now or you can stay if you want'' i said ready to leave ''no i'm leaving with you'' she said ''but baby it's been only an hour'' david said almost begging ''it's okay i'll go home by myself'' i said ''no we're going with you'' kitty said ''okay i'll drive you guys home but i'll come back to party'' david said we nodded in agreement ''hey where are you going'' john asked he was getting on my nervous for real ''not your business'' i said rudely ''hey ''y''m'' calm down'' david said i just rolled my eyes ''i'm taking them home but don't worry i'm coming back'' david explained ''okay i'll be waiting'' david said finally letting us outside davied and kitty stepped in the car and i did too in the back seat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- it took me a long while writing it guys so it would be awesome if you fave and rt and please tell me what you think

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