A bunch of terms. Idk

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Environmental Water Conservation: Aquaponics uses way less water than the traditional way of agriculture. Water and nutrients are always going around in a closed loop, which preserves water, which greatly increses the eco-friendliness of aquaponics.

Aquaponics Protects Our Rivers & Lakes:  No harmful fertilizers will get into the water supply. In efforts to keep and preserve nutrient rich soil, farms have to use a ton of fertilizers, and sometimes, those excess fertilizers eventually make it the rivers, where there are numerous harmful side effects, like water poisoning, land poisoning, and many more.

Gas Conservation:  “Food Miles” are greatly reduced. Our products only travel for less than five miles from the sources to the consumers. Serving only your local community quite reduces harmful gas emissions.

Energy Conservation: Even with grow lights, we use much less energy than traditional farming! All of the energy used in aquaponics is using electricity, so alternate energy sources such as solar panels, windmills, and hydroelectric systems can be used to power the system.

Land Conservation: Our system grows six times more per square foot than traditional farming. It means that you'd grow MORE in LESS space. Confusing, right?

Effectiveness of solar powered aquaponics in cultivating lettuce and tilapia Where stories live. Discover now