Bleck :

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Jimin knocks on the door and waits for an answer. He knew he probably wasn't going to get one, but he needed to try anyway. He knocks again, bouncing on his bare feet as his yoga shirt ruffles and bounces too.

Finally he couldn't stand it and opens the door, "Yoongi-Hyung~?"

Yoongi snores on, curled in his little ball under the two comforters in the cold room. In just leggings and a flowy shirt for yoga, Jimin couldn't help but shiver and wonder how Yoongi wasn't freezing to death. He just shakes his head, crawling in the bed and laying beside the older, "Yoongi~"

He gets a groan in return, one eye peaking open before he squints them cutely and groans, "Jiminnnnnn!!" He rolls away in a new ball, shivering at the cold sheets away from the ball of heat he was rolled in earlier. He sighs, "It's still dark out!"

"But hyung! You have to exercise and keep healthy for the baby. So," he stands on the bed, hands on his hips, "we're going to do pregnancy Yoga for beginners."

Yoongi growls, ignoring the younger and pulling the comforter over his head. Jimin narrows his eyes, jumping slightly on the bed and jostling Yoongi. This could end very good, Yoongi could get out of bed and go with Jimin to the living room and do yoga. Or, Yoongi could get motion sickness and still being early in his pregnancy, it could trigger his morning sickness.

The second option is to what greets Jimin.

Yoongi throws the covers off and races to the connected bathroom, where he barely makes it to the toilet and throws up noisily. Jimin stops bouncing, pouting at the noise before getting off the bed and walking to the doorway, "I'm sorry hyungie."

Yoongi gags, throwing up his dinner and moaning in pain, "Well, baby does not like being jostled this early. Obviously my trait."

Jimin pats his back, Yoongi gags one more time and waits for the bile but nothing comes. He groans, stepping back and flushing the toilet before setting the seat down and sitting on it. Jimin purses his lips, "You know what, let's go eat some breakfast first and see if you can keep it down before yoga. I really don't want you passing out on me."


After a yummy breakfast of strawberry oatmeal, toast, and milk, Yoongi is brushing his teeth and ready to start the day. Until he feels his stomach lurch and his face is back in the toilet again. He throws up noisily, waking even the heaviest of sleepers, Namjoon, who was watching at the doorway.

"Hyung?" Namjoon walks over and grabs a wet wash cloth, putting the coldness on the back of his neck.

"I already hate this pregnancy," Yoongi growls, spitting and wiping his mouth.

"It's only for the first trimester of the pregnancy, and then hopefully you won't get morning sickness after that."

"Shut up," Yoongi groans, resting his head against his hand, "I need to work on those songs in the studio but I don't even know if I can walk and not pass out."

"Then don't go. That's the best thing about being self employed and you selling your mix tapes, you can take whenever off."

Yoongi sighs, grabbing Namjoon's hand and helping himself up, "Thank you, I'm going to go lay down."

Namjoon helps get him to bed, covering him up and setting the cold rag on his forehead, "I'm heading to school, if you need me text me okay?"


Namjoon leaves, turning to shut the door. He runs into Jimin, who had Yoongi's prenatal vitamins and a glass of water. He smiles, "Have a good day at school Hyung!"

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