Preggo Struggles :

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"Breathe in slowly," Jimin instructs, raising his folded hands down to his chest and closes his eyes. He can hear Yoongi panting and he peeks, "Hyung?"

"Pregnant people shouldn't be able to bend this way!" Yoongi growls, unfolding his legs and sitting on the ground, "Can we take a break?"

"We just started like five minutes ago!"

"I'm tired," Yoongi complains, laying on the blanket and letting his leggings ride up. His shirt stayed perfectly still, curving around his bump nicely, "Where did the little energy I had go?"

"Apparently it went out the window, say good bye to that hyung," Jimin folds himself down into a downward dog and looks back at Yoongi, "This pose is easy."

"Yeah, you're not pregnant so shut up."


"What?!" Yoongi perks up, "What did you say!?!?"

"I said yet," Jimin says slowly, smiling, "We're talking about it, but still unsure. I want to wait until after Minseo is born and the group gets used to her. Jungkook is dropping out of school and going to work for a paper company near the house. Taehyung and I are graduating next semester, so we'll start working and paying off our student loans. Actually, with dad's small fund he gave me before he died I can go ahead and pay it all off."

"Your dad gave that to you for when you have kids."

"I can make my own money for my babies," Jimin hums, sitting on the ground by Yoongi, "Besides, dad really wanted me to go to school for something I enjoy, and he would rather me be happy and not spend a life in debt. Which I would be if I only make small payments for my loans and adding a family on top of it rather than paying it all at once and then waiting."

"So, what's the plan then? How will this work with two boyfriends?"

"Well, someone has to do the fucking and placing their sperm in me," Jimin giggles, "I don't even know if they both can reproduce. For all I know, both their sperm counts could be low and we'd have to adopt which I'm totally cool with... Or I can kidnap Minseo and give her back after hyping her up on candy and soda."

"You do that and I'll smother you with your pillow," Yoongi threatens, Jimin just laughs.

"We still need to talk, but we're thinking about babies," Jimin smiles, crossing his legs and patting Yoongi's legs, "So, have you thought about getting back on the horse?"


"Dating! Have you thought about getting out there and dating someone yet?"

"I'm still pregnant! Who's going to want to date a pregnant man?!"

"Guys with Mommy kinks," Jimin winks, giggling as he dodges Yoongi's swinging fists, "Come on, have you not once thought about dating? Pregnant or not?"

"I've thought about it, but when am I going to be able to with Minseo? She's going to need me and I don't want to feel like a bad parent for leaving her with my mom for a few hours while I run to do errands or go on a date. Plus, I feel like if I do, it's going to give Namjoon a little leverage to him being the better parent."

"Don't think about Namjoon right now, think about boys. Going on dates, having dinner at a restaurant...fucking at your apartment," He moves away, Yoongi jumps up and starts swinging fists and just barely misses Jimin's legs. Jimin laughs, "Aw come on hyung! We all know since you've been pregnant you've been horny as fuck."



Yoongi finishes cutting up the chicken for his salad, turning sharply to grab a bowl but was met with a sharp counter top corner on his belly. He huffs, holding the spot and groaning, "Fuck." It throbs for a second, and the action woke Minseo up so the baby was now making her mother pay by kicking as hard as she can up in his ribs. He groans, "I'm sorry baby, I'm not used to having to lug around a huge belly!"

He rubs the area, lifting his shirt to see the dark red spot. He sighs, knowing good and well he's going to bruise. He guards his belly and turns back to his salad and finishes it up. After eating is lunch, he checked the fridge and notices he needs to get a couple of things, so he heads to the door and tries to bend down to pick up his shoes. He growls, turning to the side and bending back to just barely grab onto one with his middle finger and hooks it. He cheers, doing the same with the other.

He waddles to the living room and sits on the recliner that him and Jimin actually bought from the baby store, and tries to bend over to put on his shoes. Have you ever tried to put on a pair of shoes with a pillow on your belly? Well, this is kind of what it's like, only the pillow is hard and won't let you hardly bend down. Like someone has strapped a volleyball to your belly. That's how Yoongi felt. He even tries to lift his leg and place it over the other, but with his belly it was hard to keep it there long enough for him to put the shoe on.

He throws them across the room, "Fuck it! I'm wearing sandals." He tries to stands out of the recliner but keeps rocking back on his butt, he growls and just lays back in the chair, pouting, "Fuck it all."


Allergy season is here and Yoongi hated it. He can't take any medicines because of Minseo, so honestly he just has to fight the illness with hot tea, a humidifier, and sleep. Sleep he's got down pat, it's the steamer and the hot tea that are killing him. He hated feeling like he was suffocating from the moisture in the air and the tea always burning his tongue and throat. Finally after about two weeks of fighting the sneezing and coughing fits, Yoongi starts feeling a little bit better and decided to go visit his mom and Alexander. He was kind of irritated with not being able to take medicine, one little pill and after three days he'd be back to normal. Nope, he was still congested and his sinuses were plugged up.

She opens the door and smiles, "Hi baby," immediately, he's wrapped in a hug and she pats his tummy. Anymore, Yoongi doesn't want people touching his belly, not even his own mother. But she does anyway because she claims, "She's the favorite and the best Nani." She smiles at her son, "Feeling any better? You look better."

"I feel better enough to get out of the house," Yoongi says, his nose was still plugged up so he sounded congested. He sniffs, one nostril plugged while the other is open, "I had to get out, the silence was driving me crazy."

"I made lunch, I wasn't sure if you ate yet or not," she leads him into the house, but he stops when he feels a sneeze coming.

He feels it tickle his entire nose, and holding his bump he lets it out. He immediately crosses his legs when he feels wetness, his eyes widen, "Mom."

"What babe?" She turns, seeing his legs crossed and him holding his bump, leaning against the wall so he won't fall. She arches her eyebrow, "You okay?"

"I think I peed myself a little," He admits, he looked down only to smack his forehead when he looked down and only seen his belly. That's all he can ever see anymore. He sighs, looking up at her with tears of embarrassment in his eyes, "Did I?"

She comes over to him, trying to get him to unravel himself so she can see but he didn't want to move, afraid he'll pee more if he moves his legs. She finally gets him to uncross his legs to see no wetness. She shakes her head, "I don't see anything. Why don't you go to the bathroom and I'll dip your plate?"

He nods, waving his hands at his face to wave away the tears threatening to fall, "I've been doing that all week. Sneezing and pissing myself."

"It's the pressure of the sneeze that's pushing you to pee. It's bad enough you have a baby pushing on your bladder, now your allergies are causing your bladder to release some of it's fluids," She smiles, "Go to the restroom and clean up, then come eat."

He nods, sniffling and trying to calm his emotions as he waddles to the bathroom. Before he disappears behind the door, he turns to face his mom, "I promise you this, Minseo will be my only kid. I'm refusing to get pregnant again!" And with that remark, he slams the door shut and misses his mom's chuckle. She knows more than Yoongi can say.


These are the actual struggles of pregnant women. I had a friend that has three kids, all still little, and I asked her for some of the struggles she has had with her pregnancies. Here's what she gave me so hope you all enjoyed!

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