Noah vs Seto Part One

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"Hey! Hands of the merchandise, man! What do you think you're doing?! If you think robot monkeys can't barf, you're wrong!" Tristen shouted as Joey shook him.
"Tristen, calm down! This could the only way to save us from this place!" Joey told him.
"Torturing me is going to save us?!" Tristen shouted.
"Look, man, you may hold the secret to escaping Noah's virtual world!" Joey said.
"Oh, so your back to think I work for Noah?! It's me; Tristen!" Tristen shouted again.
"Everyone knows it's you trapped in there, dude, but we figured since your robot body was designed by Noah it may hold some clues about how to get out of here," Duke said walking up.
"So cough up some answers, baboon boy!" Joey said back to shaking Tristen. Duke tried to look for something.
"Stop grabbing! There nothing..." Tristen stop as soon as a pad opened on his back.
"Hey check it out, it's a secret compartment. Let's try this," Joey said pushing the five. Tristen landed on the ground.
"Hey, what's going on?!" He asked before rolling around Duke and Joey. "Somebody stop me!" He shouted.
"Let me handle this, okay?!" Duke asked Joey. He then grabbed Tristen. "Two's my lucky number," he said pressing the two.
"Something tells me it's not mine!" Tristen said a propeller comes out of his head. "Hey, this isn't so bad," Tristen said floating up. He then went haywire and started flying around until he crashed to the ground. "Monkey sleep now..." Tristen slurred.
"Way to go, smart one," Kendra mumbled.
"At least I'm trying here!" Duke told her. She gave him a look that said 'don't yell at me again'. He gave a sheepish smile to her.
"That didn't work, maybe there's some kinda code," Joey said. I looked at the numbers and saw a red button that said E on it. Yugi saw it too.
"Hey, guys, maybe this red button is the one," he said before pressing it. Tristen then stood up, his face red.
"Initiating primate emergency escape sequence," the computer in Tristen said.
"I think we hit the jack pot," I said as a red light shown.
"It's projecting something," Yugi noted.
"Activating virtual destination matrix. Passageway revealed. Program complete," the computer said as the door opened...Kaiba Land!
"Kaiba Land? What's that?" Tea asked. I smiled nervously.
"Mine and Seto's Duel Monsters theme park," I answered. Everyone gave me looks. "What? We were bored!" I excused.
"Remind me to never waste my money here," Joey said. I gave him a look.
"Gee, thanks, Joey," I said. He gave a sheepish smile.
"Hey, where is Tristen?" Serenity asked. We looked at Tristen who started to roll away.
"Look, there he goes!" Joey pointed.
"Follow him!" Yugi said and we started following Tristen.
"Slowdown will ya, robo chimp!" Joey commented. Tristen turned, face still red.
"Halt! Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Unauthorized personnel are forbidden to enter!" The computer told us.
"And just how are you gonna stop us, you little metal twerp?" Joey asked.
"You've been warned, intruder," the computer said as laser guns came out of his hands. Joey punched him.
"Thanks for the warning!" Joey smart mouthed.
"Hey, Tristen, you okay?" Serenity asked.
"What's going on?" Tristen asked.
"Short story cut shorter, you tried to kill us," I stated. His eyes widened.
"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed. It wasn't long until we found a theater and watched the old movie projector.
"How can this have happened?" The woman asked holding a picture.
"Don't worry, there's nothing I can't do," the man replied.
"What's this?" Yugi asked.
"Beats me," Joey replied.
"Listen, their talking about Noah. This must be some kind of old home movie," Tea said.
"They look pretty upset," Yugi commented.
"What're they so down about?" Joey asked.
"I have a pretty good idea," I muttered.
"If I'm going to save him, we have to act fast," the man said.
"Save him? You hear that? It sounds to me like Noah was in some sort of accident," Tea said.
"Well, I know the man is Gozaburo, but I don't know the woman," I stated. After a little bit we took a look around.
"Hey, guys! I found something, check it out! Train tracks!" Tristen called. We all ran over.
"Don't tell me you guys are thinking of following those tracks," Tea said to us. I sighed.
"You got any other ideas? We have to find Seto and Mokuba, get Tristen's body back, and get out of here. So if you can think of something else, then let me know," I said to her. She frowned hearing the anger in my tone.
"Sorry..." she whispered. I shook my head.
"No, I'm sorry...I'm just worried for my brothers," I muttered. She nodded understanding.
"So come on!" Tristen said jumping down.
"Let's go!" Yugi agreed.
"Maybe we can just wait for the next train," Tea suggested.
"Who needs a train when you've got one of these bad boys?!" Tristen asked jumping on a handcar.
"Nice score, Tristen!" Joey grinned. Duke and Joey started working the machine as the rest of us rode on.
"Why don't we slow down a bit?" Yugi asked anxious.
"Are you kidding? Speed it up, you wimps!" Tristen said.
"Easy for you to say, Mr. My Arms Are Too Short To Drive!" Joey retorted.
"You do know where the breaks are, right?!" Tea asked.
"Yeah, have either one of you ever seen one of these things before?!" I asked as Kendra and I held on.
"Yeah, on TV once!" Joey answered. So not helping!
"This is real life, Joey!" Kendra shouted.
"This looks like a break!" Joey said holding something. "Hey, it's working!" He said as we saw sparks. It broke then and we all screamed.
"I think I left my stomach back at the last turn!" Tea shouted.
"You and me both!" Kendra and I shouted. We saw a white light and fell out where there was rock and lava everywhere.
"Is...everyone...alright?" Yugi asked.
"Define alright!" Joey told him.
"Well, I feel pain so I'm not dead...good in my book," I groaned.
"Hey look!" Yugi said looking around.
"Where are we?" Serenity asked.
"Beats me, but I don't think we're in Kaiba Land anymore," Tea replied. We all stood up.
"Hey, look over there, guys," Joey pointed.
"Kaiba versus Noah?" Yugi asked as we looked.
"No way!" Joey gasped.
"Be careful, Seto!" I shouted. Seto turned.
"Sera..." his eyes widened.
"Looks like your fan club has arrived and they came just in time to witness your last duel, Seto. And my rebirth into the real world as the new leader of Kaiba Corp.," Noah said.
"No, he can't let Noah win," Yugi murmured as I looked worried at my brother.
"Let's continue. Behold the power of my Mage and his Mirror of Truth! Nothing can remain hidden from me now for the Mirror of Truth reveals your face down card and destroys it as well. Now let's see what you tried to hide," Noah smirked. Its then his card was shown...the Crush card!
"Oh no!" Seto and I gasped.
"Your Crush card is gone. Now watch this. Attack, my Mage, destroy his Giant Germ!" Noah ordered. Giant Germ was defeated.
(Noah-4000, Seto-3200)
"Giant Germ, return to me now!" Seto ordered. His monster reappeared. "It's back and you lose 500 life points," Seto stated.
(Noah-3500, Seto-3200)
"I'm not too worried. Your card's weak," Noah said.
"That may be, but what makes you think I brought it back to attack you? Watch and learn; I sacrifice my Giant Germ in order to summon my Vampire Lord (2000 ATK)! Now my creature of darkness, attack his Chiron the Mage!" Seto ordered as his monster attacked.
(Noah-3300, Seto-3200)
"And that's not all, thanks to his special ability every time my monster sucks away some of your life points, he forces you to send one of your cards directly to the graveyard. So say goodbye to another monster card, Noah," Seto told him. Noah grabs a card and places it in the graveyard. "At this rate your deck will be empty in no time," Seto added.
"I doubt that. I'm afraid that fanged freak of yours is about to take his own trip to the card graveyard now," Noah smirked.
"But you have no monsters!" Seto said.
"I never said anything about using a monster. I'll destroy him with this; the magic card Fissure! Adios, bat boy! And now that you defenseless, I'll play this," Noah said as he played Aeris.
"Oh no, Kaiba's wide open for an attack!" Yugi said.
"Seto!" I shouted.
"Go, my Aeris, attack Seto's life points!" Noah ordered.
(Noah-3300, Seto-1400)
"Surrender now while you have the chance," Noah told my brother.
"Don't give up, Kaiba!" Yugi told him.
"Show that green haired freak whose boss!" Joey said next.
"You can do it, big brother!" I called.
"I place one card face down," Noah finished.
"You'll never get away with this, Noah. I'd rather see my company crumble to the ground than fall into your grubby little hands. Kaiba Corp. is mine and Sera's. You go that, punk?" Seto asked.
"You stole it! I'm just taking back what belongs to me!" Noah told him.
"Keep dreaming, kid. Okay then, I think you might remember my old friend Vampire Lord. You look surprised, don't you know about vampires? They can't be destroyed, my Vampire Lord possesses the power of immortality, you fool. So when he's sent him to the graveyard he comes back and there's more. I summon this; Sleep Warrior (1900 ATK) in attack mode!" Seto called.
"Alright! I never thought I'd be routing for Kaiba, but let's go, rich boy!" Joey grinned.
"I can't be beat, we're in my world now and I make the rules," Noah told Seto.
"Listen, you may think you created this virtual world, you punk, but all you did was rip off mine and Sera's system. Now, Vampire Lord, attack!" Seto ordered.
"I don't think so! Your Vampire has activated my trap card. So reveal the mighty Earthshaker!" Noah ordered. "Time for me to shake things up a bit!" It was then the ground was shaking. I almost fell in until Yugi and Kendra caught me.
"Sera!" Seto shouted.
"I'm okay. Just kick his ass, bro!" I told him. He nodded.
"Now allow me to explain how this ground breaking trap card of mine works and in case you don't know, you have two kinds of creatures on the field; a wind monster and a dark monster and one of those two monsters is about to be destroyed, but which one? That is up to you, Seto," Noah smirked. "Let's go!"
"I choose my creature of darkness!" Seto chose.
"Earthshaker, swallow his Vampire Lord!" Noah ordered. Vampire Lord was gone.
"Why did he pick that? Kaiba's Vampire Lord was much stronger than his other monster," Joey said. I nodded.
"Yeah, but don't forget; when Seto's Vampire is destroyed it comes right back to the field next turn," I reminded.
"Oh right. Kaiba may be a pain in the butt, but he knows how to play Duel Monsters," Joey said.
"Um, pain in the butt's sister is right here," I mumbled making Joey give a sheepish smile.
"Now it's time to say goodbye to your monster. Sleep Warrior, attack!" Seto ordered. IT's then Aeris was destroyed.
(Noah-3200, Seto-1400)
"Now you're completely defenseless," Seto finished.
"This duel is finally looking up," Joey said.
"Kaiba made a good move, but Noah's still ahead of him by almost 2000 life points, Joey. There'll be plenty of time to celebrate later," Yugi said.
"I was thinking, Seto. Maybe you, Sera, and I just got off on the wrong foot. Perhaps it's time to wash away our differences and this should help, the magic card Giant Flood! I hope you packed a virtual swimsuit," Noah said.
"What's going on?" Joey asked.
"Look over there, guys!" Serenity pointed.
"I don't know what it is, but it doesn't look good!" Duke said.
"I'll tell you what it is, a tidal wave!" Kendra shouted.
"Run for your lives! Wait-there's nowhere to go!" Joey yelled.
"Time to drown out my competition!" Noah called. He was protected in a bubble. I had to do something quick. I concentrated on my Crystal. Soon everyone was safe in a light blue dome, even my brother was in one. "Looks like your monster needs a life jacket," Noah smirked. I made sure to keep the dome around us to keep us safe, but I couldn't keep Seto's up since he was farther away.
"No, my Sleep Warrior!" Seto called.
"Flushed right out of the game, Yug," Joey said.
"And that's not the only one, look!" Yugi pointed.
"What's happening?! Every monster in my graveyard is getting washed away!" Seto gasped.
"Now it's time for you to see what my Deck Master can do," Noah said.
"But you never picked a Deck Master," Seto pointed out.
"Oh, forgive me for being so rude," Noah smirked.
"What's freak boy up to now?" Joey asked.
"Meet my Deck Master; Shinato's Ark!" Noah shouted.
"This is nuts, look at the size of that thing!" Joey exclaimed.
"No way!" Yugi and I gasped.
"That boat's your Deck Master?!" Seto asked.
"That's right. Now Seto, my great Ark will allow me to sail away with everything you have! Your company and your brother!" Noah smirked.
"What kind of freak chooses a boat to be his Deck Master?" Joey asked.
"It must be really powerful, Joey," Yugi suggested. The front parts of the ship opened.
"It's opening up," Joey observed.
"But why?" Is what Yugi wanted to know.
"It's swallowing every monster that's been sent to the graveyard," Duke stated.
"Are you wondering what happened to all your monsters?" Noah asked.
"It crossed my mind," Seto replied.
"Just as that sphere holds my brain, my ship now holds a precious cargo of its own, Seto," Noah said.
"I can see that, kid," Seto retorted.
"And from now on, every monster ever sent to the card graveyard will be rerouted into the belly of Shinato's Ark and there it shall rest for the rest of the duel. Let's just say I'm collecting passengers, shall we?" Noah asked.
"But what happens to those monsters once they enter the ship?" Yugi asked.
"I got a feeling we'll find out soon," Kendra replied. Seto chuckled.
"You find this funny?" Noah asked.
"I find you pathetic. Thanks to your Giant Flood card, you have no monsters on the field or in your hand and it's my move. So if I draw a monster now, you have nothing to protect you from its attack," Seto pointed out.
"Um, Sera? I think your brother's in denial," Kendra muttered.
"I would say you're wrong...but I'm not sure. I hoping my brother isn't," I told her.
"I'm afraid you're mistaken, amateur," Noah smirked.
"Prepare to lose now. Now I call to the field, the mighty Spear Dragon (1900 ATK)! Go, attack him now with Cyclone Blast!" Seto ordered.
"Is that thing supposed to scare me? Because I can block its attack with ease, Seto," Noah told him.
"With what?" Seto asked disbelieving.
"With this; a creature you might recognize that now lives within my ship! Arise, Vampire Lord (1500 ATK)!" Noah summoned.
"That's my monster, kid!" Seto snarled.
"Not anymore! He's a passenger of Shinato's Ark which means he belongs to me now and thanks to my Deck Master's special ability, I have access to every monster on board my ship, so go ahead and try to attack me now. My Vampire will absorb the impact," Noah smirked. The Vampire was then attacked. "Nice try, Seto," Noah added.
(Noah-2800, Seto-1400)
"This can't be good. Noah has the power to use every monster on board his ship, so anytime Kaiba attacks him, Noah can just summon a monster to protect himself," Yugi noted.
"Plus whenever a monster get sent to the graveyard, it goes right into that boat," Joey added.
"You're forgetting one thing, Seto; we're dueling in my world and I control everything around us," Noah said as the boat floated out of the water.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"I don't like the looks of that," Tea commented.
"Here's a small taste of my power!" Noah told my brother.
"Oh man!" Tristen monkeyed out.
"Hey, guys, look at the water," Tea said.
"It's dryin' up or somethin'," Joey agreed.
"What's the deal with that?" Duke asked.
"Check it out, the whole virtual world is changing," Kendra pointed out. The scene was now like a jungle.
"Impressive, isn't it? I command every part of this place. Welcome to the dinosaur age. I summon Giant Rex (2000 ATK)! Your Spear Dragon is about to become extinct. Giant Rex, attack!" Noah ordered. Spear Dragon was then attacked and sent over flying to us. "Lucky for you your pitiful Dragon was in defense mode so your life points were spared, but I assure you, you won't be so lucky next time, Seto," Noah smirked. Seto glared at him. "What? Are you feeling frustrated because you realize I'm more intelligent than you? Look up, my super human brain sees everything and with each passing second it grows!" Noah pointed up to the glowing orb.
"What does he mean by that?" Yugi asked eyes narrowed.
"It sounds like Noah's brain's up there," Tea answered.
"When my mind was digitized into that computer something happened. Something unexpected. It seemed my brain waves were beginning to grow more powerful. I was able to access vast amounts of information from the databanks of my father's computer network. I was constantly absorbing facts and figures, I learned the secrets to mankind's greatest weakness. Before long I became a superhuman, infused with knowledge beyond anyone on earth, but all of this wisdom, all of this understanding, all of this intelligence wasn't enough. Something was still missing from my life," Noah said.
"And what was that?" Seto asked.
"One thing. A thing I was never able to achieve as a human; my father's trust. And once I destroy you, I'll finally prove to him that Kaiba Corp should be mine! You're just a lowly human, Seto. You're nothing next to me," Noah smirked. Seto and I chuckled. "I missed the joke," Noah glared.
"Behind your so called 'superhuman intellect'..." Seto started.
"...there's nothing but a spoiled little brat," I finished.
"Is that so?" Noah glared at us.
"For your entire life people just handed things to you, Noah, but Seto and I had to work for what we have. Kaiba Corp. is ours because we earned it and the fact that you think you can take it away from us by winning one duel proves what we thought about you from the start," I stated.
"And what's that?" Noah spat.
"You're nuts! You must have spent one too many years trapped in that bubble in the sky, Noah!" Seto answered.
"So you two think I'm insane for wanting to claim what's rightfully mine?" Noah asked us.
"No, we think you're insane for trapping us in a virtual computer program and forcing me to duel you just to prove to your daddy that you're not the failure he thinks you are! Well, Sera and I are here to prove that you are. There's a reason why Sera and I are in charge of Kaiba Corp. and why you're not," Seto told him.
"And what's that?" Noah asked.
"Because we're the best people for the job. We're more fit to run that company than you'll ever be and deep down your father always knew that!" Seto stated. Noah told us his story about how his father created a virtual world just for him. Noah didn't like how there were practically glitches in the programming and started doing things himself. His father began visiting him less and less until Noah was practically ignored.
"He didn't believe Kaiba Corp. could be run by a virtual president," Noah finished.
"Noah, Gozaburo didn't give up on you because of your virtual state. I think he knew no matter how much knowledge you gained you would always be a spoiled brat. Expecting to get ahead in the world without making any effort at all. As despicable as your father was, he knew the value of hard work. It was his own determination for power that got him where he was after all. And as much as it pained him to admit it, I think Gozaburo knew that Sera and I were the best people for the job as Kaiba Corp. President and Vice President. And as for you, Noah, his real son, you were better off isolated in your computer world, out of everyone's way," Seto told him. I knew it was a mean thing to say, but a part of me agreed. Mainly just about the part where everything was handed to Noah while we worked to get where we are.

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