The Big Five Duel Part One

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"Well, Seto and Sera," we heard Noah say.
"Well what?" Seto and I asked. Noah laughed.
"You may have won your duel, but you've lost something more important; your brother!" Noah told us as tunnels appeared.
"Where is he?" Seto growled.
"Here's a hint; just look down," Noah replied.
"The road's back," I heard Yugi say.
"Proceed ahead and you may find him," Noah told us.
"Mokuba, we're on our way," I said before Seto and I took off running.
"Kaiba! Sera, come back! That may be a trap!" Yugi shouted.
"Just stay out of this, Yugi!" Seto shouted.
"Who do you think you are?" Joey asked him.
"This doesn't concern you, Wheeler. It's family business!" Seto told him before running ahead. I frowned at my friends.
"I'm sorry, guys...but I'm with Seto on this one," I said before following my brother. I finally caught up to my brother.
"We're coming, Mokuba!" Seto shouted. We made it to a two way tunnel and I groaned.
"Great, I should have known this wouldn't be easy," I grumbled.
"We tired of your tricks, Noah," Seto agreed. I looked between the two.
"We can't risk getting separated," I told Seto. He nodded agreeing with me.
"Let's go right," he told me. I nodded and we started running again.
"Seto! Sera! Help me!" We heard Mokuba shout.
"Mokuba!" Seto and I called. We stopped to find a side tunnel.
"Mokuba, is that you over here?" Seto asked. We looked and saw Mokuba.
"Seto, Sera," he replied.
"Mokuba!" We gasped running over. Mokuba turned into Noah though.
"Noah!" Seto glared as Noah floated up.
"What have you done with him?!" I asked. Suddenly there was a blinding light. Seto and I screamed as we fell and landed on a red carpeted floor. "Okay, that one hurt," I groaned.
"Ah, thanks for dropping in, you two," we heard Noah say. We looked up and saw the green haired kid.
"Noah, where's our little brother?" Seto asked as we stood up. "I demand that you bring him..." Mokuba appeared behind Noah.
"Mokuba," I said in worry.
"See, Seto, Sera, your little brother is safe and sound thanks to me," Noah told us.
"You're the one who took from us in the first place, so we don't know what kind of stunt you're trying to pull. Just hand him over!" Seto ordered as we walked up.
"Don't you remember? It was your ex-employee Nezbitt disguised as Tristen who took Mokuba. Maybe you should have been better bosses, you two. Anyway, it was me who saved Mokuba from the Big Five. You should be thanking me," Noah said. I reached a hand to grab Mokuba's.
"Come on, Mokuba. Let's go, sweetie," I told him. He smacked my hand away.
"No!" He shouted.
"What's wrong with you? We're getting out of here right now!" Seto told him. I just looked at my little brother with shock.
"Go without me! I'm staying right here!" Mokuba said as he stayed with Noah. "You just stood there and watched as they took me away, Seto and Sera!"
"We what?" I asked shocked.
"Noah, what did you say to our brother?! Why kind of lies did you poison his brain with?!" Seto glared.
"Not one, Seto. Mokuba realized how little you care about him all by himself. So maybe you should take his advice and just go," Noah said.
"Snap out of it, Mokuba!" Seto said to our little brother.
"Oh it'll take more than shouting to erase all those memories from your brother's mind, Seto. Think about all those times you abandoned him, even Sera, just to achieve your own selfish goals," Noah told him. Seto never abandoned me or Mokuba!
"That's a lie! I've never treated Mokuba or Sera like that!" Seto exclaimed.
"Must you raise your voice?" Noah asked.
"Mokuba, please, don't listen to Noah's lies. He's trying to drive us apart," I said to my little brother who seemed sad and scared.
"You've done enough!" Noah snapped at me. He turned to Mokuba with a smile. "It's okay, I won't let them hurt you anymore. Let's go," Noah said gently to him.
"Get back here!" Seto shouted. "Hey! This is not one of your sick games, Noah!" Seto glared at him. Noah just sat Mokuba down on the couch.
"You will not destroy the only family we have," I said feeling tears come.
"You have no family! You're all alone now! It seems to me that Mokuba would rather be my brother and he's not the only thing I'll take from you," Noah told us.
"Enough," Seto hissed.
"As far as I'm concerned, you don't deserve anything you have now so I'll make sure your possessions go to someone who does," Noah said.
"And who deserves to have what's ours?" Seto asked.
"Me of course," he replied. "It's time you learned the truth."
"What truth?" I asked. We turned to find Gozaburo sitting at his desk with Noah standing in front of him.
"Take a close look at the visual projection right in front of you," Noah told us.
"It's you and our step-father," Seto replied.
"Yes, he and I have a history as well," he said.
"It's Noah, Kaiba, and Sera, but what's going on?" I heard Tea ask. I turned and saw my friends. Yugi ran up to us.
"Does this thing mean anything to you, guys?" He asked handing us a picture. It was of Noah and our step-father.
"Huh, it's a trick," Seto said looking at it.
"It's a picture of our step-father," I said.
"You're step-dad? With Noah?" Yugi asked shocked and confused.
"Pay attention to the show, Seto and Sera. I think it will clear things up for you," Noah said to us. We turned back to the projection. Gozaburo slid a picture over to was a picture of me and my brothers.
"Who are these two kids?" Noah asked.
"They are my latest acquisition, their names are Seto and Sera and they and their brother will be coming to live with us. They are extremely intelligent, you could learn a lot from them and that's my plan. Seto and Sera will be here constantly to challenge you. My hope is that having them around will help you motivate your studies. After all, if I'm going to hand Kaiba Corp over to you someday, Noah, you have to prove to me you have the intellect it takes to run a company of this magnitude," Gozaburo told him.
"Alright, you won't be disappointed, father," Noah smiled. We all gasped.
"What did he say?!" Seto and I asked.
"That's his dad!" Yugi confirmed.
Not quite what you were expecting is it, Seto and Sera? Seto and I being step-brothers as Sera would be my step-sister, but it's all true. I am Gozaburo's one true son and I was always supposed to inherit his empire. You two were nothing but another one of my father's servants brought in to motivate me. That's the only reason my father let in riff raff like you into his house, to train me. And that's the story of how two orphans with no class became the president and vice president of Kaiba Corp.," Noah told us.
"Not true!" Seto glared.
"Oh it's true and now the time has finally arrived for me to reclaim my rightful position as the head of my father's empire. Sorry, guess this means you two are out of the job," Noah smirked.
"Noah, you're story makes no sense. If you're really Gozaburo's son, how is that we never met you before? Answer that, Noah," I said crossing my arms.
"Well, that's part two of my story," Noah said.
"Alert! Alert!" We heard the computer say. We looked over and saw Duke, Serenity, and Joey in a truck dodging shots of sand.
"Oh no!" Tea gasped.
"Sorry, but I have to cut this short. Don't move, I'll be back after I deal with them," Noah smirked.
"You are staying here, understand?" Seto shouted.
"The rest of the gang's in trouble!" Yugi said.
"We have to help them!" I said. We then ran off to find them. Soon we did.
"Hey, guys!" Tea shouted.
"We found you! Is everyone alright?" Yugi asked as we all ran up.
"We're all fine!" Joey said jumping off the side of the truck.
"Awesome! That's the best news I heard all day!" Yugi said running over to Joey who put him in a friendly headlock.
"Those wimps never stood a chance!" Joey said.
"I guess the action never stops," Tea said as she helped Serenity down.
"You can say that again," Serenity agreed. I stayed with Seto who was looking at the picture.
"Kaiba? Sera?" Yugi asked getting our attention. "You Noah's story about you being his long lost step-siblings actually be true?" He asked.
"Noah's story is nothing but one big lie designed to mess with mine and Sera's heads, Yugi," Seto told him.
"The supposed conversation he had with Gozaburo would have happened over six years ago which is when this was taken based on the imprinted date," I said handing the picture to Yugi. "But look closely," I added.
"Noah looks the same as he does now!" Yugi agreed.
"He hasn't aged in six years?" Tea asked.
"So Noah's your guys' step-brother?" Duke asked us.
"That's none of your business," Seto retorted. I nudged his arm.
"But it does explain why Noah brought us all here," Yugi said.
"Yeah. He wants to Kaiba's and Sera's step-dad that he's the better son," Joey agreed making Yugi nod.
"So to show his power, Noah teamed up with the Big Five to defeat us and he's holding Mokuba captive to weaken Kaiba and Sera," Yugi said. Seto started walking away.
"I've heard enough," he said. Tea ran in front of him.
"Stop right there," Tea said putting her arms our like a shield.
"What's the problem?" My brother asked.
"Going somewhere? If so then that's the problem, you got that, Kaiba?" Tea asked with a stern tone.
"Just step aside. I already told you geeks, this is family business and it doesn't concern you. So move it!" Seto tried to push past her. She stood her ground.
"That's where you're wrong, Kaiba!" She told him.
"Just let him go, Tea. He's not worth it," Joey told her. I frowned at Joey for saying that.
"You may too concerned with yourself to realize this, but because of your family business we're all trapped here. Don't you realize we can help you save Mokuba?" Tea asked Seto. He just looked away from her. "Look at me when I'm talking to you. Mokuba is our friend and we wanna help him!" She told him. I followed Seto's gaze and we turned.
"Why don't you worry about him instead?" Seto said as we looked at Nezbitt. The other's turned and saw him.
"Look guys, up there!" Yugi pointed.
"Tristen!" Tea called.
"That's not Tristen remember?" I asked.
"It's the techno geek of the Big Five, Nezbitt. Even I kicked his nerdy butt in that duel, he still took Tristen's body," Kendra growled. Nezbitt laughed, but that sounded like Gansley's laugh.
"I'm not alone in here," Nezbitt said.
"Today's special is five for one!" Crump's voice came out.
"And the verdict is in," Johnson's voice added.
"Our combined force will destroy you," Leichter's voice said last. It's then their Duel Monster forms appeared.
"They're all using Tristen's body!" Tea said.
"Give him back!" Yugi demanded.
"Listen Yugi, there is only one way we'll return your friend," Gansley told him.
"But believe me Junior, the odds are in our favor," Crump said next.
"Yup, that's Crump; sicko," I muttered.
"Alright, tell us what we have to do to get Tristen out of your control!" Yugi shouted.
"Why, duel us. Win and he's yours," Leichter replied. They walked down to us.
"Now, let's duel, Yugi," Gansley smirked as a Duel Disk appeared.
"You five are on!" Yugi glared as his Puzzle glowed. Time for my boyfriend to take over.
"Let's do this, for Tristen!" Yami said as his Duel Disk opened. I looked at Joey, he nodded.
"Hold it right there!" I said as I ran up. "Five against one is so unfair, so count me in."
"Are you sure?" Yami asked me.
"Yeah, no question. The two of us are a team, Yugi. Joey's still here giving us support making it the three us as a team again. Now, let's waste these five suits," I told him.
"Yes and together we'll save Tristen," Yami smiled at me.
"Far on, Yugi. Five on two," Johnson's voice came through. "Since this duel is two bodies against one, the only way for justice to be served is to start out with 8000 life points while you two begin with 4000, and you'll be reunited with your friend when you lose and you all belong to us!" Johnson told them.
"Are you two ready to lose?" Gansley asked.
"No, because you five are dueling the dream team and you're going down!" I told them.
'Let's do this, love,' I thought to Yami.
'Ready when you are,' he thought back.
"Let's get down to business. Choose your virtual decks, you'll need all the help you can get. Now, it's time to choose your Deck Master," Gansley told them.
(Big Five-8000, Yugi-4000, Sera-4000)
"I choose this monster, Dark Magician!" Yami summoned.
"And I'll pick Rainbow Dragon!" I said next.
"Since there are five of us, we're going to rotate our Deck Master. So we'll start with this, my Deepsea Warrior, a strong investment. Now stand back, I'll begin!" Gansley told them. He drew his card. "First thing's first I'll play this card; Legendary Ocean." It's then water and an Atlantian like city appeared.
"Oh no!" Yami gasped.
"Time to flood the market!" Gansley said.
"Run guys!" Duke shouted. The other's ran then.
"And now I'll summon this monster, The Legendary Fisherman (1850 ATK, 1600 DEF)!" Gansley summoned.
"That's the card Meko Tsunami almost beat me with! Hey, hold on! You have to sacrifice something first to play that card. It's too powerful to summon to the field in your first move!" Joey said.
"With his magic card he can," Yami stated as I nodded.
"As long as that card is in play, he's at a big advantage. I have no doubt this ocean will dry up in no time thought," I smirked.
"You'll sink long before that!" Gansley told me.
"You take the next move, Sera. Remember, these corporate tycoons can't be trusted," Yami said to me. I nodded.
"You and are going to put these five out of business, for good. It's time to start now. First I shall play two cards face down then I shall summon Kaiser Sea Horse (1700 ATK, 1650 DEF) in defense mode, thus ending my turn," I said as my monster appeared. Yami drew his card next.
"It's my move now and I summon Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts (1500 ATK, 1200 DEF) in defense mode!" Yami summoned.
"And that's all? Now..." Gansley trailed off. I'm not liking this....
"Now get ready!" I heard.
"His voice changed!" I told Yami.
"Yes, they've switched control!" Yami agreed.
"Correct. I'm Crump, the Big Fives accountant and I'm an expert in punching numbers and crushing my rivals," Crump said. His Nightmare Penguin appeared.
"And it had to be that pervert," I muttered.
"Meet my Nightmare Penguin, the last Deck Master you two will ever see," Crump said. I scoffed.
"I remember you saying something familiar to that when I dueled you and if I remember correctly...I kicked your ass," I smirked making Crump glare at me.
"Here goes! Legendary Fisherman, attack Yugi's Mythical Beast now!" Crump ordered. "Thanks to the special ability of my Nightmare Penguin, my Fisherman gets a 200 attack point bonus. It's all about the numbers, kids and your numbers up!" Crump told us. I smirked.
"Not on my watch, bird brain. I activate Magic Cylinder to redirect your attack right back at you!" I said revealing my card.
(Big Five-5950, Yugi-4000, Sera-4000)
"Thank you, Sera," Yami smiled at me. I smiled back.
"No problem. I have to keep my partner safe, now don't I?" I asked. He chuckled.
"Next I summon Catapult Turtle (1400 ATK, 2200 DEF) in defense mode!" Crump summoned.
'We have to get rid of his magic card or we're toast, Yami,' I thought to him.
'I know, but right now I don't have any cards to do so,' he thought back.
'And neither do I,' I replied. "You guys better be ready to give Tristen back to us because you're going down! First I shall play Pot of Greed, allowing me to draw two more cards," I said. I drew my cards, good, these cards will do. "I'll set a card face down. Then I'll sacrifice my Kaiser Sea Horse to summon my Summoned Skull (2500 ATK, 1200 DEF) in attack mode! Now Summoned Skull, attack his Catapult Turtle!" I ordered. My Summoned Skull attacked and Catapult Turtle was no more. "That ends my turn," I smirked. Yami drew his card.
"And starts mine. First I summon Mystical Elf (800 ATK, 2000 DEF) in defense mode! Now let's see what you can do, Crump!" Yami told him.
"And now, say goodbye to your Mystical Elf. Behold, Legendary Fisherman, destroy Yugi's monster with Harpoon of Doom!" Crump ordered.
"Not so fast! I activate my Mirror Force trap card. All your monsters are destroyed!" I smirked.
"Great move, Sera!" Yami praised.
"Why thank you," I smiled at him. Crump glared at me. "Hey, why the long face? Don't tell me your upset that your Fisherman is gone. Maybe now you know who you're dealing with. After all, Yugi and I have more experience compared to you," I smirked.
"You really are Kaiba's sister," I heard Yami mumbled.
"I thought we established that on the boat to Duelist Kingdom," I told him.
"Still surprising though," he stated. I shrugged.
"I'll conclude by facing one monster face down in defense mode and that ends my turn," Crump finished.
"Way to go, guys!" Tea called.
"Soon Tristen will have his body back!" Duke added.
"That's awesome," I heard Serenity agree.
"Show them what you're made of, girl!" Kendra shouted.
"Beat these guys into the ground!" Joey added last.
"Now it's my turn!" I called. I drew a De-Fusion card. "Now it's time for a drought! I activate Dust Tornado then I'll use Summoned Skull destroy your set monster!" I told him. The water was gone and his Magician of Faith was destroyed. "Dammit!" I hissed.
"You just triggered Magician of Faith's special effect! Thank you, Kaiba. Now I can bring back one magic card. I'll give you one guess which card I choose...times up!" Crump revealed his Legendary Ocean. I sighed.
'Sorry about that, Yami,' I thought to him.
'Even professionals make mistakes. Don't worry about it,' Yami thought back with a reassuring smile. I smiled a little and nodded.
"You fools are making this way too easy, you're defeating yourselves!" Crump laughed.
"Calm down, Crump. This duel is still on. My move now," Yami said drawing a card and smirked. "Alright, Crump, now it's about time someone put you in your place," he said.
"Go ahead," Crump encouraged.
"I play Kuriboh in defense mode. Next I'll activate Card Destruction. Now we must throw away all our cards which means your Legendary Ocean is gone again. Now it's time for all of us to draw a brand new hand, right Crump?" Yami smirked.
'That's my Yami,' I thought making his smirk widen a little as we drew new cards.
"I'm through for now," Yami told him.
"Alright, you brats," Crump said before going silent.
'They're switching again,' I warned making Yami nod.
"Crump has been dismissed, kids," Johnson's voice came through. "Time to bring you to justice. In case you didn't already know, the name's Johnson and I'm the legal expert of the Big Five and my first order of business is to clear the field of this Penguin if you don't mind," Johnson as his Judge Man took place. "Meet Judge Man," he added.
"You talk too much," I deadpanned making Johnson glare at me. "What? It's true, I bet even Joey would agree," I said.
"I agree!" Joey confirmed.
"There ya go," I said. "It doesn't matter who has control over Tristen's body, you'll all go down the same!"

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