The Wedding and after the wedding Ch 7

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A/N  I don't own victorious sorry for any grammatical mistakes enjoy the story this will be one exciting  chapters of the story but check out more stories by me

It was four months of planning for their big wedding day that would take place .

" ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to bring these  happy couple to happy marriage may I have the rings " said the Minister 

" I got them" said Beck

"Robbie repeat after me I Robbie shapiro take Cat valentine as my lovely wife in sickness and in health  to love and cherish for as long I live  " said the Minister

Robbie repeated the Minister. "Do you Robert Shapiro take Caterina Valentine as your wife ?" asked  Minister

" I do" said Robbie

" Cat repeat after me I Cat Valentine take Robbie Shapiro as my husband in sickness in health to love and cherish for as long as I live" said the Minister

Cat repeated the minister "Do you Caterina Valentine take Robbie Shapiro as your husband ?"asked the Minister

" I do" said Cat

"by the power invested in me by the state of California I now pronounce you Husband and Wife you may kiss the bride !" said  the Minister

Cat and Robbie kissed very passionately that turned into a makeout secession

Cat threw her flowers into the crowd and Tori caught it

one month later Cat and Robbie had two babies a boy and a  girl Robbie Vince Shapiro Jr  and Clair Vanessa Shapiro and they lived very happy together.

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