Full of memories Ch 9

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A/N I don't own Victorious . sorry for any grammatical mistakes in this story. there will be more chapters to this story so be on the watch for them please read, review, comment thanks for your patience and enjoy the story :)

Next day it was Christmas day as the kids got up at 5:00AM and generously let their parents sleep for one more hour before waking them up to open presents. The kids still got up their friends at 6:00AM they ran into Cat and Robbie's room . Cat was sleeping in Robbie's arms , the kids walked in and said " mommy, daddy it's christmas wake up" "Charlie Robert Shapiro go tell you siblings we will be down in a minute to open presents mommy and daddy need to spend some quality time together first " Robbie gently said kissing his wife goodmorning in the process.

After everyone was up Cat made hot chocolate  and breakfast before they opened up their presents. they ate a delisious breakfast that was already prepared, after breakfast they cleaned up their mess and moved to the living room to proceed to open christmas presents while sipping hot chocolate.after all the presents were opened and the stockings were all emptied out Charlie and his brothers and sisters started playing with their christmas presents, while the grown ups talked in the living room for a while.

That night they ate a wonderful christmas dinner and just enjoyed spending time together as a family. they sat down and had christmas desserts while Cat and Robbie got cozy together on the couch Tori and Andre had to go home after dinner and desserts because of their pets at home. Jade and Beck were staying another night at the Shapiro household.

The kids were all tired out from playing with their new christmas toys that they fell asleep on the living room floor. Cat and Robbie just cuddled on the couch and watched christmas movies for the evening . before they were tired and Robbie carried two of their kids up to their rooms while Cat carried the other two kids to bed , when the kids were all tucked into bed Cat and Robbie went to bed and crashec immediately.

The  next morning the kids got up early again to play with their new toys and decided to leave the grown ups alone to sleep. After 8:00 am Robbie and Cat woke up with smiles on their faces when they saw the kids playing,Jade and Beck were still asleep so everyone had to be quiet inorder to let them sleep.

 At 9:00am Jade and Beck woke up and had their cup of coffee when they went into the living room with Cat and Robbie and their kids Robbie and Cat were sitting on the couch together drinking their coffee and watching their kids. Jade smiled because she remembered christmas time growing up she loved her childhood, beck rubbed her back and smiled at her and went back to watching the kids as well. when the kids took a break from playing they all sat down to breakfast then Beck and Jade left to go home . Robbie and Cat after breakfast spent the day just snuggling while the kids went back to playing with their presents which they had a blast playing with their new toys.

 " Tori and Andre came over and hung out with their friends as usual then later that day they went back home to spend time together they were happy to come over and see Cat and Robbie any day which made their friends very very happy , Cat and Robbie went to bed early that night because they were tired.

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