Chapter 2 (a slippery case)

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Fury flipped through the file again, not that there was much to read. The file was thin only couple pieces of paper. It had been overlooked when transferring files to the computer. Fury had only come across it when searching through his office for his spare eyepatch. He remembered wanting to look into this case more but then the whole chitauri incident happened and it was forgotten. Now though...... He growled in frustrating looking at the bare file that should have received more attention years ago.

Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 12

Mother: Sally Jackson

Father: Unknown

Step Father: Gabe Ugliano (disappeared), Paul Blofis

Wanted for suspected terrorism. Blowing up the St Louis Arch, possible kidnapping, blowing up a bus, assorted suspicious activity.

The short list was enough proof to warrant an investigation and this file was around five years old! Percy Jackson would now be around 17.

Fury growled in frustration again. "Time to assemble the avengers"

**********another time skip named George**********

When Fury walked in he saw Hawkeye perched on top of his chair while next to him Black Widow was sharpening her daggers. Captain America and Bruce were sitting quietly across from them. Thor was speaking to no one in particular about one of his "noble" battles while swinging his hammer around. Tony of course was not to be seen. Fury cleared his throat and immediately the room quieted and everyone sat up straighter. Not before startling Clint who fell from where he was perched making Natasha smirk.

"Where is Stark?" Fury growled. Tony choose that precise moment to enter with a cup of coffee, or more likely a cup of coffee flavored cream. "Stark."

"Yeah, what do you want this time pirate?" Tony said longing back and putting his feet up on the table. Fury said nothing instead tossing the file onto the table.

After the team each looked at it Steve asked hesitantly. "What is this about?"

"I want you to bring him in for questioning." At this some of the members looked startled.

"Wait, you want us to kidnap a 12 year old kid?" Tony asked spinning in his chair.

"Yes, and he would now be 17"

"Sir may I ask why we are going after this kid?" Steve asked.

"As you can see in the file we must determine if he is a threat.

"But he's just a kid" said Clint

"Why us?" asked Natasha.

Fury glared. "Wait" said Tony smiling "We aren't the first ones to get this assignment?"

"Our previous attempts at capture have been unsuccessful"

Tony started laughing. "so SHIELD has been unable to detain a kid, so you have to call in the Avenger?"

"When do we leave?" asked Steve.

"You will be leaving tomorrow morning when he leaves for school. And Stark," he said glaring, "Will be the one to retrieve him on his own."

Tony spluttered causing Clint to laugh and the rest of the team was smirking.

"Fine," Tony grumbled, "how hard can catching one kid be?"

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