Chapter 21

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With that being said we all start heading up to each of our rooms. From what the foyer looks like this house is just as big on the inside as it is on the outside. Just looking at the stairs I'm out of breath. This place is amazing, it's a lot bigger than my house, or should I say my apartment. I'm out of breath by the time I reach the top of the stairs as I figured I would be. There are pictures of Simon and his newest girlfriend hanging on the hall walls along with previous accomplishments including the boys. I smile remembering when I first watched the show on my computer seeing each of the boys. Harry of course was the one who had my heart from the beginning, to be completely honest I swore Louis was gay. Sluggishly I make my way to the room that Carrie and I are supposed to be sharing.

"Nina!" carrie yells as I walk into the room. There is only one bed so I'm guessing we will be sharing tonight.

"Carrie!" I say waving my hands in the air, slowly jogging over to the bed.

"Isn't this incredible? we are in the same house with one di-rec-ti-ion" she emphasises their name.

"Believe me I know, I can't believe I kissed him." crap!

"What?! when did this happen?" she shouts and crawls next to me. Luckily Niall comes to my rescue.

"Hey, uh, Carrie, do you, um maybe want to come hang out with me?" He asks shyly, looking everywhere but her.

"Uh with just you?" Niall shakes his head yes. Carrie looks at me and I nudge her while wiggling my eyebrows. She gets off the bed and slowly walks past Niall smiling.

Then there is me, sitting alone, with my thoughts. My phone is dead from recording the concert so that's not an option. Suddenly I'm sad, not exactly sad but just... empty. How can all of a sudden my life become so imperfectly perfect? This whole thing with them is just going to end. Tears fall down my face but I'm to weak due to everything that has happened. Interrupting my crying in piece Harry knocks softly on the door frame. When I look up at him his face falls and he comes to my aid. Though now is not the time that I need him to be.. well him.

"Oh, please don't cry." he says as he sits on the bed, pulling me into him.

"Leave me alone." I plead, but deep down I do want him here.

"What's wrong?" he asks, and as odd as it may be I can't help myself from laughing.

Have you ever just started laughing for no apparent reason and you can't stop until your crying? Yeah, that's exactly what was happening right now.

"What is wrong with you?" harry asks amused.

For a second I stop laughing but when I look at him it begins again. He starts laughing to, but he's laughing at me. My stomach begins hurting as I try desperately to stop. Eventually I stop although I completely forgot Harry was still in the room with me.

Now we are both just starring into each other eyes. His are so beautiful, they're so much.. prettier in person. Soon my gaze wonder to his whole body. His lips are a pale pink, his jawline much more defined, and his hair, oh his curly locks. The way his shoulders are just relaxing, and his arms are so long! It's now that I've realised that he has no shirt on, and he's just got a simple pair of pants on.

"Stand up" I say not realising how demanding and unusual I sound. He tilts his head but still gets up.

I knew it. The sweats he is wearing hang ever so slightly on his hips. They show his v-line, but end just before you see anything good. He notices my intent starring and begins shaking his hips and moving his hands up and down his body, twirling around.

"You likey now do you." He tries speaking in his best girly voice which causes me to laugh again. As I'm laughing he's still spinning around but falls onto the bed.

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