Chapter 1

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It was quiet in Mystic Falls and that was probably the thing that should have tipped Stefan off first.

Being back after so many years should have told him that he wasn't going to be able to have the normal life he always wanted. Resisting blood was hard. Resisting Elena's was harder.

Damon arriving should have told him that his life was going to be a living hell. Yup, an eternity of misery, alright.

When talk came of a new kid in Mystic High, Stefan actually felt afraid for the person. Who knew if they were going to become chow for his brother?

They didn't even know what they were getting into.

The guy was tall and had black hair and almost reminded him of Damon with the way he smirked. Both had bright eyes, though different colors, and both were excessively handsome to a point where you had to avert your eyes (or so Caroline said). He seemed nice enough but Stefan couldn't help but notice how Bonnie tensed when they shook hands. Elena told him that was when she got this "bad feeling". He'd have to watch him.

"So, I heard there's a newbie at your school."

Stefan closed his notebook and looked up at his brother, glaring slightly at him, "Don't even think about it."

"What? I didn't do anything," Damon rolled his eyes but he was smirking. "Come on, Stefan, I just want to know about your high school and the people there. Are they as nice and tasty looking as they sound?"

"You're horrible," Stefan stood, making sure he held his notebook tightly as he walked past his brother. "Why can't you just stop?"

"Because I'm a vampire, Little Brother, and I feed on humans like a normal one. I guess you wouldn't understand since you're so busy catching Bambi."

"Are you really that much of a monster?" The younger Salvatore turned to face Damon, his eyebrows furrowed, "Are you that much of a monster that you have to feed on innocent people- people who've done nothing to you?"

"It's what I do, Stefan. They are meant to be my food because I'm not some punk-ass like you and feed on animal blood!"

"I thought so," The brunette shook his head. "Goodbye, Damon."

"Whatever, Stefan! You can't runaway from who you are!"

"Have you seen the new kid?" Caroline grinned at Elena, eyes alight with something mischievous.

The brunette turned to her friend, "No...? Why? Oh, gosh, you're going to torture them, aren't you?"

"Mm, no, not necessarily..." The blonde tapped her chin, "At least, not right now..."

"Leave the guy alone, Care," Elena rolled her eyes. "Come on, I gotta go, I'm going to be late for class."

When the girl entered her classroom, there was a teenager talking with her history teacher, showing him a paper. He seemed at ease talking to him while the man looked like he was getting more annoyed by the second. Finally, the teacher pointed to a desk in the back and the teen gave him, what looked like, a mock salute.

The raven-haired boy turned around and Elena could have sworn he reminded her of Stefan's brother Damon. They had the same smirk and the same look in their eyes like they were going to fuck you up in the worst way possible for you and the best for them. The guy just waved at her and winked at Stefan, an action that was something she had seen Damon do a few times.

Elena shook her head, moving to sit at her desk next to her boyfriend. She had almost forgotten about the new kid until she felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned around, he was grinning at her like he had just told the funniest joke, "Yes?"

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