Chapter 4

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"Hey," Damon smirked as Percy slid into the passenger side of his car.

"Hey," The green-eyed teen smiled at the vampire before fishing something out of his pocket. "Here."

"What's this?" He grabbed the item, "You got a phone?"

"Yup, just yesterday. I want ya to put your number in -you know, in case I need a ride or something," Percy shrugged, a grin on his face.

Damon rolled his eyes, "Right, that's why you want my number." He chuckled and opened the contacts. He was a bit shocked when he realized that he would be the only contact. What the heck? What about his mom or dad? His father at least should be on here since he, supposedly, lives in the area. He put in his number and handed the phone back, waiting for the teen to read his name.

"Did you seriously put a kissy-face emoji?"

"Yup," The vampire chuckled, starting his car. They hadn't even left the school parking lot yet.

"Give me your phone," Percy snatched the device from the other's hand before he even had a chance to lift up his arm.

Normally, that was the part where they'd be dead or, at least, lose a limb but Damon, once again, found himself doing nothing. Percy seemed to be the only person who willingly hung out with him and not his brother. He was his friend- someone who binge watches all the Star Wars movies with him even though he has school the next day, drinks coffee like it's a life-saving thing, and is not afraid to make fun of him for messing up or try to trip him to mess him up.

When Damon got the phone back, he snorted, "You chose the one with sunglasses? Seriously?"

Percy arched an eyebrow at him before pulling out black shades, putting them on, "It fits me, no?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"So, where're we going this time?" The green-eyed teen asked, getting comfortable in the worn seating.

"I thought we could get something to eat at this little diner a couple minutes away. Then we can watch a movie or something," Damon shrugged. He wasn't good at planning stuff like this, he realized.

"Sounds good to me," The other grinned.

Percy didn't seem to mind that part about him, though.


"No way," Damon laughed loudly, drawing attention to them, but they didn't care about everyone else. It was just them, two friends having fun. "Your friend pranked his crush? To show his "love"?"

"Yeah," Percy chuckled, eyes going distant for a split second. "It wasn't very smart of him, I guess."

"That's hilarious," The vampire shook his head, reaching for his drink. "How's your Italian coming along?"

The green-eyed teen pouted for a moment, "Not good. I can't get it down for some reason."

"That's okay, we've only been practicing for a couple of days," Damon shrugged.

"True," Percy smiled, looking up at the waitress when she came around with their food. He eyed his spaghetti with a pleased look, grabbing his fork eagerly.

Damon could feel his own smile forming on his lips and quickly ducked his head when the other looked up at him. This had never happened to him before. When was the last time he felt so... So... flustered?

Percy glanced up again at the vampire through his lashes before, suddenly, pulling his chair closer to the other and taking out his phone, "Let's take pictures! I wanna print them out, I love photos!"

The Salvatore nodded, idly noticing a block on the back of the teen's phone, "Sounds good to me." He put an arm around his friend's shoulders, giving his signature smirk, "This goo-" He was cut off by having a mouth full of spaghetti and turned to Percy, who was holding up his phone and laughing, with wide eyes.

"Oh, man, you're face!" Percy cackled before flinching when tomato sauce hit his face. He looked at the vampire, who was holding his fork up with a smirk. "Okay, it's on!"


They got kicked out.

It was a given, though, seeing as they were throwing their food around more than eating it.

"I had so much fun!" Percy giggled, stumbling around like he was drunk despite only drinking some Pepsi.

"Me, too," Damon nodded. "Oh, hey," He took out his phone before grabbing the other by his waist, pulling him close to his side to take a picture. "For your collection," He explained.

The green-eyed teen grinned, "Yay! Let's watch a movie now! I wanna watch some Disney."

The vampire opened the passenger-side door of his car for the other, "I have Finding Nemo at my house."

Percy stopped before looking up at the Salvatore, "It's like you were fucking made for me."

Damon blinked in shock before releasing a bark of laughter.

Definitely keeping him.


"What is he doing here?" Stefan hissed, pulling his older brother to the side.

"What?" Damon looked over at Percy, who was looking around their living room curiously. It didn't seem like he could hear them so he looked at the brunette next to him, "You can bring Elena here but I can't bring a friend?"

The youngest Salvatore went to say something when he stopped short, "Friend?"

"Yes, friend," Damon glared. "I have those. Now, if you'll excuse me, little brother, my friend is waiting for me." He didn't bother looking at Stefan again as he passed by, smiling at Percy, who looked at him so happily. He couldn't remember a time where he was greeted with a look like that and it made him almost afraid to know what would happen if he told Percy the truth about him. He didn't think he was ready to lose his friend. "Ready?"

"Yes!" Percy fist-pumped the air before flopping on one of the couches, snuggling in the pillows, "I love Finding Nemo."

Damon grinned and grabbed a throw-blanket, sitting next to the teen and tossing it over them. He grabbed his remote and hit play, watching as it started. He could hear Percy making comments here and there and he was pretty sure, at one point, he heard the other sniffling. "Getting emotional there?" He whispered, chuckling in his ear.

Percy shivered, looking up at the vampire, "Shut up, it's- it's just dusty here."

"Riiight. Whatever you say, PJ."

"Damn straight."

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