Chapter 7

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Percy was happy. He had just managed to find time to finish his assignment for his literature class and go grocery shopping so he could fill his sad fridge and pantry. On top of that, Damon was coming over so they could watch Back to the Future and he wanted to make the Salvatore some food. They've been having take-out way too much and Percy was starting to get a small pouch belly.

That was how he found himself listening to music in the kitchen, humming to himself as he cooked. He swung his hips slightly as he went, whisking a bowl of eggs and flour together with some butter. He spun around to pick up more milk from the island for the mix and nearly jumped when he saw Damon leaning on the kitchen doorway, smirking at him, "Dude! Give a guy some warning!"

"Sorry," The man grinned, walking forward. "You seemed like you were having fun," He glanced at the bowl in the teen's hands. "What're you making?"

"Uh, crêpes ," Percy shrugged. "Well, attempting to. It's not that hard."

"I've never had one," Damon said and it was true. While he always let himself enjoy himself as the time passed, he never really felt drawn to crêpes or was in the right place to get them. When he looked at his friend, Percy looked deeply offended.

"Okay, no," He shook his head. "First, you've never seen Back to the Future and now you've never had crêpes? Come over here, I'm teaching you how to make these and you will love it!"

The Salvatore laughed, "Okay, okay. What kind are we making?"

The teen paused for a moment, glancing out the window at the setting sun, "Dessert ones. It's already five."

Damon nodded but he had to wonder how Percy could tell the time just by looking out the window and not at the clock in front of him. You had to travel a lot to be able to do that, or you just studied hard. He glanced at the teen's small speaker, softly playing a song with a familiar piano, "I know this one, I've heard it before."

Percy raised an eyebrow before grinning, "Oh, yeah, it's This Beating Heart by The Score. It's one of my favorites." He hummed along, occasionally singing a bit of the lyrics as he directed the other on what to do. "Hold your head close to the ground, so you can hear my voice as it starts to sound. Can you feel it now, you feel it in your veins? 'Cause I feel it now, I'll never be the same~"

The Salvatore smiled because he did remember the song, "Hear these words, what I sing is true. Every note I write, I write them for you. Can you feel it now, you feel it in your veins? 'Cause I feel it now, I'll never be the same~"

Percy looked pleasantly surprised and it soon ended up with them softly singing to one another as they flipped the desserts. They ended up with eight crêpes, too caught up in the music to realize how much they were making. It was fun though and Damon looked forward to being able to add the toppings.

"So," The teen gave him a lopsided grin as he added blueberry syrup to one of his. "Peanut butter?"

Damon looked down at his dessert, "Yeah, pass it over."

"These are so good," The vampire moaned into his food, already done with his first one.

Percy smiled at him, cheeks dusted a faint pink, "Good. What do you think about the movie?"

"I like it," Damon looked at his friend. "There's a second one, right?"

"And a third one," The teen nodded. "Wanna put in the second one, φιλε μου?" (my friend)

"Vαι μεν," He replied. (yes)

Percy looked impressed before settling into the couch and grabbing the remote, "Alrighty. Back to the Future 2!" He grinned at Damon, gesturing towards the screen, "Prepare for some awesomeness, Day."

"Day?" The vampire raised an eyebrow, internally smiling at the nickname.

"Yeah," The teen gave a small laugh, shrugging. "I gotta call you something, we're friends."

"Alright then, PJ. You gonna finish your food."

"You know it! Back off, Salvatore!" Percy kicked his sock-clad foot gently at the other, making both of them laugh at each other.

Caroline found Percy practically face-first in his coffee, what seemed like ten empty cups around him, "Percy?" She poked his side, and sighed lightly when he barely reacted, "Percy, what time did you go to bed last night? And the night before?"

"I didn't," He mumbled, quietly trying to sip his drink without lifting his head. "Now, leave me to die."

"Oh, hey, Caroline," Jeremy greeted the girl, coffee in one hand. "Percy, I got you another cup."

Said teen made grabby hands towards him, making small pitiful noises until he got it, "T'ank you, Jer'my."

"No problem," The Gilbert grinned.

Caroline looked at Percy, "You should be sleeping more. What's keeping you up?"

"I like cuddling," The Jackson gave her wide eyes, like a child, but it almost seemed like he was partially lying. "And I live by myself."

"You should see if Damon would cuddle with you," She joked and looked at bit horrified when he seemed to be contemplating it.

"O'tay," He said around his coffee, already done with half of it.


Damon was sitting on the couch with a book in the boarding house when he heard his friend call him, "In here!"

"Day!" Percy made a happy noise as he collided with the vampire's side, "I wanna cuddle."

The Salvatore looked down at the teen with raised eyebrows before giving a small smile, gently carding his fingers through his hair, "Want me to read to you?"

Green eyes peered up at him, "Will you?"

"Of course, mi amico." (my friend) "And into the night he ran, his breath quickening with every step he took, heart pounding with every tree he passed. He didn't know where he was going, only that he had to run, had to go. They needed him- but who? He didn't know. So, he ran."

Soon, Percy was asleep, curled into his side, and Damon was done with two chapters. He placed it on the table next to him, careful not to jostle his friend, "Sleep well, amico." (friend)

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