Chapter 9

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I just left out of the CVS after getting another refill of my prescription. They were going down fast causing me to pay more and more for each refill. I know the doctor only told me to take two a day but I was taking at least four at a time. I was just hoping it would go away faster.

I went home to see my dad sitting on the couch drinking his life away as usual. Why my mother was still with him? That was something she could only answer for herself.

She was a good looking,independent woman so I really don't know why she chooses to put up with him. Yeah my father does work. He be working up a storm at those liquor stores at night.

"What you doing home so early girl." My dad slurred.

"They uh let school out early." I lied. I skipped school because I just had a gut feeling not to. I didn't realise I came home an hour early so I made up a lie.

"Well gon back there and make me sumin to eat."

"Why can't you do it yourself." I asked with an attitude. I was tired of being his slave when my mother wasn't.

"Because I asked you to." He replied sternly.

After I made him something I went upstairs to my room. I pulled out my phone reading new messages. I had one from Tiffany from last night saying we needed to talk. I never open the message. I didn't want her to know I was ignoring her. I guess she was the gut feeling on why I didn't go to school today.

I been seeing how her and Andre are becoming real friendly with each other. I didn't like that at all. Truth be told I kinda wanted Andre to myself. Anybody who's anybody can see how I just get super mad when you bring his name up. I guess it's because he only see me as a fuck buddy when I have the potential to be more. I'll be damned if I let Tiff and Andre be a thing. I won't accept it.

Tiffany POV

I just text Kwan my adress telling her to come over. I needed her to help me pick an outfit for this force date.

My mom walked in the room with Kwan following behind.

"Hey girl, so what we doing today." Kwan removed her bag sitting on my bed.

"Oh, well you see Im going some where later on tonight."

"Mhmm with who and why you call me over if you was leaving?"she asked with her arms folded.

"Well Im going somewhere with soombody and I needed your help on picking out an outfit, please?" I gave her puppy eyes.

"I bet it's Andre isn't? You know what don't tell me just show me your closet. Do you even know what type of outfit you should wear. Casual, fancy, anything?" she asked going through my clothes.

I forgot to text Andre how I needed to dress.

I was going through my phone looking for his name in my contacts only to see Daddy Dre saved as it.

'Really.' I thought to myself.

I didn't feel like texting so I just called him and also because I kinda miss his voice.

"Hello." Hearing his voice made me squeeze my thighs together.

"Hey, this is Tiffany."I said shyly.

"I know."

"How?" I asked confused.

"I didn't. So what you need baby?" You can hear the smile in his voice. He knew what I was calling him for.

"How do I need to dress for this date"

"If it was up to me I would say nothing but I guess you can dress into something comfortable."

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