When I Met Him

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I'm at the mall in Calgary, alone and I'm so bored.

I walked into Starbucks with headphones in my ears listening to Domino.

I sat alone at a table drinking my Caramel Frappuccino.

As I finished my Starbucks, I walked outside while on my phone and suddenly a guy bumps into me.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." he said feeling bad for me.

Just before I looked up, I said "No it's my fault, I'm sorry."

I looked up and realized it was Darren Espanto, from the Voice Kids of the Philippines!

"Hi you're Darren! I'm a huge fan! May I have a picture with you?" I said blankly but fangirling on the inside.

"Of course! I love my fans! What is your name?"

"Emily." I said as I clicked the camera while we took a selfie together.

"Well, Emily, you're very beautiful, and seem like a really fun person to hang out with. We should hang out some time. Meet me here tomorrow at 2?"

What. Just. Happened. Darren just asked me to hang out!

"Aww thank you! And Of course! Well, see you then!" I said.

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