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Everyone was eating peacefully, Jimin and Taehyung exchanging few words while Taehyung was struggling hard to concentrate on the conversation, Jungkook being the distraction. Since the moment they had locked their eyes, every now and then Taehyung would look up in the prince's direction while Jungkook had kept a constant eye on the princess, hardly paying any attention to Jennie who had come over to eat with him.

Jungkook did listen to Jennie, he too had made efforts to reciprocate the talks, he would smile or nod every now and then in her direction while she kept ranting about some adventure she had done and how brave she was. Jungkook hardly cared, he was too indulged in fancying the belle.

But Jennie had sensed that the prince was not involved in the convo, she had followed his eyes which landed on Taenie. Now, she was intently analysing Jungkook and she had observed that he had a strange look in his eyes looking while looking at princess Taenie. She knew that Jungkook had started liking her already. She was too determined to lose prince to anyone like that, she had always dreamt of being the queen of the most powerful royalty line. She can't let it go, she will do anything to win the prince's heart, to be the queen. Anything.

Jennie had left the table a few minutes ago as she was done eating. Taehyung left his place too, just as Jungkook was about to get up, an arrow came and its tip got buried right in the middle of Jungkook's table which made him flinch a little. Everyone gasped while the king, queen and guards ran over to Jungkook.

"Son!!! Are you okay??" The king asked with worry.

"Are you hurt? Namjoon call the doctors !!" His mother asked while checking for any bruises or cuts.

His parents made him snap out of the shock from the sudden attack.

"Mother, father, please calm down. I am not hurt. It didnt even touched me. Are you both okay ?"
Jungkook said in a soft, calm voice to which his parents nodded at the last question.

Jungkook asked if everyone else was okay and not hurt. The king ordered to check for the culprit who shot the arrow while Jungkook tried to calm his mother. His eyes landed on the arrow once again and thats when he noticed, there was something wrapped on its shaft. He furrowed his brows and let go of his mother.

He picked up the arrow, untying the knot and unwrapping several loops of the thin rope. When the rope was untied completely, he found a paper covering the middle part of the shaft of the arrow. He opened it and there was something scribbled on it.

"To the handsome prince i say
Now its time for a game to play
Gonna follow you everywhere
For another eight days coming here
Eight days of efforts to find my stall
Eighth evening your last nightfall"

Jungkook grit his teeth as he read it, surprised at the audacity of that human who dared to threaten the Busan prince knowing how strong he is and that if he is caught then the consequences can be way more than worse. But he smirked to himself thinking of a new adventure he would encounter.

"Kook ..are you okay ?" Jimin asked panting as he had left with the guards earlier and didn't got the oppurtunity to ask him sooner. Jungkook nodded in response.

Jimin's eyes fell on the paper in Jungkook's hand, he read it too.
Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other and a playful smirk took place over their lips.

Taehyung stood their watching the scene unfold, confused as earlier the frowns on the faces of both the princes' face had diverted itself to their lips in a smug smile.

Taehyung was walking around the hall when he spotted a body size mirror. He checks around to see if there were much people or not and luckily for him, there weren't. Cause the breakfast was over and everyone had left to make the arrangements for the 'date' with the prince and due to the warning message, the security team is having a meeting with the royals so there were no guards either.

So he started to fix his wig and well his fake boobs too cause they looked a bit misplaced and that was when Jennie made her appearance.

Jennie had developed a grudge against Taenie  since she had seen the prince looking at her with so much adoration held in his eyes. As far as she had noticed the brown haired princess, she didnt speak much and looked innocent, so the stereotype striked her mind she had made a note that she can be easily manipulated and was weak. She decided to downgrade her so her confidence drops down and ofcourse prince won't choose a timid being. And here she goes.

"Trying to show off your cleavage are you? That's probably the only way you can grab attention." Jennie said with her hands folded on her chest.

Taehyung looked in the direction of voice. He got a bit anxious as may be she had seen him fixing his fake things. But as soon as he realised the words which she had said, he rolled his eyes and backfired.

"Darling I don't crave for attention rather, it's my beauty attracts the eye." Taehyung retorted sassily.

"You really are full of yourself aren't you? But you really think that you're even a fight for me. You've got no manners to eat, to walk, to speak. Do you think those traits of yours are gonna get you anywhere in the race for the crown." Jennie snapped back.

"Manners for speaking, eating and blah blah blah." Taehyung said making babbling gestures. "Sweetheart why don't you publish a monograph for breathing too. I guess you even pay peculiar attention on how you expand your lungs." Taehyung said with a sweet smile.

"Be all sassy you wanna be. You'll be eating your words when I win the crown." Jennie said.

"You know my room is on the second floor, fourth room from the left. That is, I'm here and so are you. We'll see who wins who'll be choking on their words. Till then, have an eventful evening darling." Taehyung left saying those words with a pissed Jennie.

Oh how wrong he had proved her. She can't be manoeuvred, she was sturdy, she was phlegmatic.

But Jennie had decided she wont let her be the queen of Busan while Taehyung was determined too to help his parents in any way possible.

"No matter what rock or which mountain comes in its way, a river is destined to meet ocean. If they are destined together, they will meet too."

Ok....this was not good...forgive me i will try better next time😅
But thankyou everyone for being so patient with me.
We are nearing 10,000 reads...😢😢😢😢😢😢
You people are so good...i cant even tell.
Love you all for this❤❤❤
And yeah i love reading your comments and i try to respond to each one of you so keep commenting🙂🙂🙂🙂

Bye bye💜💜💜
Namjoon's UN Speech😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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