Billy's dilemma

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"Hey,Billy!Wait for me!"
Billy turned and saw Cissy Summerly running along the pavement,Brown satchel swinging,long blonde hair tied in a ponytail.Billy fell in love with her every time he saw her.He raised a hand in greeting.
"Hi cissy!"he greeted her with a big smile.
"I'm so glad I caught up with you!" She grinned holding out a plastic bag and an envelope.
Billy took the envelope first out of sheer curiosity.Unfolding the envelope he pulled out a small five peice Of black card.
"You know I can't come to this right?I gotta find food for tomorrow remember and I don't have any way to clean myself and what I'm wearing is basically all I have.It wouldn't be right even if we are friends!"
"You know I don't care about your look,or about how you smell.I like you William Batson for you not for anyone else.It's also why Mama said that you can come over after school and get ready!You can shower in my private shower and I actually wear a lot of boyish clothes which you might like.There'll be snacks as well!"
Billy rolled his eyes.Cissie wanted something and Billy never had the guts to say no to her.
"Ok,Ok I'll come home with you.But we have to get our homework done.I'm not getting ready until it's done!"
"Thanks Billy!Look here,it's an entire baked lasagna. You can eat it hot or cold.You don't need to keep eating from a dumpster y'know.What do ya have for lunch?"
Billy shrugged.Cissie closed her eyes.
"Billy,Ya NEED to stop doing this to yourself!You need to eat!Your not gonna survive on just an Apple every day."
Billy closed his eyes to stop the tears leaking out of them.
"I know that..but what are you gonna do?I don't come by food easy on the streets or money either!I have to do the jobs I do just to come by the money I get for my clothes.I live in a dump,a literal decrepit building,just so the social won't find me and send me to a new nasty set of foster parents!The last set broke my ribs and both of my arms!"
"But the Vasquez's were nice weren't they?"
Billy shrugs and smiles a tiny smile.
"I suppose.."
"Come on we'd better get to class.Don' t want Mrs Marbles yelling at us for being late."
Billy nods and after school Cissy catches him up at the gate to the school.
"Billy?Where are you going?"
Oh,oh yeah,the party thing he reminds himself
"Sorry Cissy,I guess I just forgot a bit."
"Come on.My driver's over there." She blushes as she points to a stainless steel coloured limousine.Billy remembers a time when they first became friends and were despairing over getting adopted or even fostered.The'd imagine their new parents.Cissy always wanted something -someone- who could and would fill her every want.Billy on the other hand just wanted someone that would love him even after reading his file.
Of course six months later and the summerly's had come along and adopted Cissie and Billy had tried not to feel bad about that.He'd run from every home he'd been placed in and some group homes as well.Ever since the wizard had given him powers Billy had tried to use them for good.But sometimes,sometimes when life was rough he'd call out the magic word and stay as Captain Marvel for a long,long time.
"Ok,Ok,I'm coming!" He laughed allowingCissy to tug him across the car park.
"Parker,this is Billy.He will be coming home with us today."
"Very good miss Cecilia."
They opened the door and stepped into the car.Cissy tugged him down onto the plush leather seats.She pulled up the arm of her chair and indicated to all of the chocolate and sweets stashed there.
"You must be hungry.."she smiled.
Billy suddenly felt very nervous.
"No,it's alright Cissy.I'm not that hungry."

Cissy  gaped at him.He hadn't eaten at all ,all day probably.He was so thin that Cissy knew that her pseudo brother hadn't been eating properly,if at all but Cissy knew it was because he was living on the streets working at the local radio station for the bare minimum wage which barely kept a roof over his head at night.She'd told her parents about him time and time again and each time she'd tried to get across that she wanted them to adopt him as well.

Billy's dilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now