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Billy felt awful.He knew he should feel lucky,after all the Summerly's had adopted him and filled his every need.But he felt awful about how sick he was.While he'd been on the streets he'd developed a hash cough which turned out to be pneumonia and now his nose ran,head felt like cotton wool and he felt like a huge burden to Cissy who he knew was worried about him.He'd lost quite a lot of weight as he hadn't wanted to eat anything and he slept a lot of the time.
Cissy went to school each day very hesitantly and Billy knew that she wanted to stay home with him.
Much later on when Billy was half asleep Cissy came home.She rushed up stairs to Billy's room and went to sit in the chair beside the bed.
"Billy,wake up,you're gonna want to hear this!"
Billy opened his eyes wearily.
"There's a new guy at school!His name is Damian and he said to Courtney and me that he was looking for you!"
"Damian?..As In Damian Wayne?"
"Yup!" Cissy's voice was bright and cheery.
"Cissy we've met before and I'm his friend but he's quite hard to be friends with."
"Oh,I know!And his language!"
Billy narrowed his eyes.
"What's wrong with the way he speaks?"
Cissy fidgeted with her hands.
"It's just he speaks so I'm not proper as if he was told off for speaking any other way.
"Yeah,I guess it does sound like he's a prince a little bit.But Cissy I think it's how he was brought up"
"I know.How are you doing Billy?"
"It kinda hurts to breath but I'm not as sleepy any more."
"I'll get mama and papa on the case.Oh yeah,they told me that they were gonna get you a tutor so that y'know you don't fall behind at school."
Billy nodded.
"I think I am getting better but it's slow.I'm still really tired and all but not sleepy."
"That's really good Billy! But Papa's worried about how much you eat.Please eat more Billy,please just try for me!"
Billy heaved a sigh.
"Ok,Ok.But it hurts to eat.I don't know why but it really hurts me to eat."
"But I promise to try my best Cissy for you!"
From then on Cissy began to watch Billy as they ate their meals in the dining room.She saw that he struggled to swallow meats,or any hard foods like potato's,chips or broccoli he easily gulped down easy meals like porridge,yoghurt,mashed veg and smoothies.She slipped a note between the cooks wash cloths as they were sent back from the laundry.She could tell it was getting harder and harder for Billy to eat anything and her heart broke as he pushed away his bowl of Greek yogurt which was barely touched.
"Honey,Cissy,Your brother's sick with something at the moment -that's why he won't eat"Her parents smiled down at her.Cissy wanted to shake them in her frustration.Could they not see the rate at which Billy was loosing weight at was making him thinner than ever?Could they not see that he wasn't just "sick" that there was something properly wrong with him?
Sometimes Billy just pushed the food around and around the plate not eating a bite.Only Cissy noticed though.
She confronted Billy again in his bedroom as they were getting ready for bed.She was in her pink pyjamas her long blonde hair in plaits.
"Billy,why won't you eat?Look how thin you are!" Cissy sounded horrified as she circled her small fingers around his thin wrist.Billy looked down at his wrist and grimaced.
"Look,I know I'm way to thin but it hurts me to eat.Like I hate eating.It hurts my stomach so badly and I just want to throw it all up afterwards anyways.Sometimes I do throw up.Not often or anything.But I need it to stop.Please help me Cissy,I don't know how to stop it hurting me.I need to tell your mom and dad but I'm scared.What if they don't want me any more?"
Cissy frowned at him.
"Momma and daddy are not going to let you live on the streets again-I won't let them!And we can tell them together in the morning Alright.Do you want me to sleep here with you tonight?I heard you've been having nightmares."
"Sure Cissy,If you don't mind"
Billy slid across the massive double bed so that Cissy could climb into the other side.
She turned the lamp out and lay down to sleep.
"Tomorrow,everything will be better."Cissy thought as she went to sleep.

Billy's dilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now