A Trip to Unite

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Forgive me.


"Dashi, you have everything with you now?"

"All I need left is a bottled water, (M/N)."

"I some quite a few in my bag. Just get some if you like. I'll say goodbye to the homeowners, first."

As (M/N) turned around and returned inside to where he stayed for the duration of the vacation, I squatted down to the (F/C) travel bag placed beside mine and took a bottle of mineral water.

If one would visit this island, there are a few options for the accommodation – and booking a hotel room is not one of them. It's either you book a cottage overnight or you can set up your own tent on the sandy beaches at no cost whatsoever. But, there's a third option – homestay. Locals would share their home to tourists for a price per night and depending on the size of the house, they could accommodate at most three people per household.

Considering (M/N) did not bring a tent with him, and the cost of renting a cottage for more than two nights was ridiculously expensive compared to the homestay option, he opted for the third choice. On the other hand, I did not expect the lack of hotels in the area, so after our small hiking on my first day, (M/N) arranged for me stay in the house in front of where he was staying – for convenience. His English was way better than mine, so I didn't really interrupt in the arrangements. But he did ask me questions here and there about my own comfort.

After (M/N) said his farewell to his hosts, with even the children of the family waving their hands to their leaving guest, (M/N) and I headed to the beach where our boat was expected to be on standby.

"We'll be arriving at Haneda sometime in the evening." (M/N) spoke out of the blue.

"I haven't yet thanked you for booking me a flight, (M/N)," I replied gratefully.

"You're lucky there are still open seats on the same flight as mine," he cooed.

"Didn't really think things through when coming here, to be honest," God, I feel embarrassed.

"It was quite obvious, frankly speaking," The giggle he gave me made me pout at him.

We continued on our lively chat until we were called to board on our transport. Then, our trip back to Japan officially came to a beginning.


"You can't just apply for a leave and expect it to take effect overnight, Kei."

"Please, Kuroo-san. I need to go to see (M/N)."

"Mixing personal life with work is not the way things go in this office and you should know that by now, Kei. I suggest you wait for your day-off in a few days and settle your issue then."


"That is the end of this matter. Either push on this request and lose your job, or stand down and return to your desk. It's your option."

It's been two days since I requested for that leave, but Kuroo-san just do not understand the urgency of me meeting with (M/N). I want to make up with him but how can I if I can't leave this place?

Right now, I am trapped within the walls of the corporate entity I am working for. The complete incapability to temporarily leave and fly to where (M/N) went is clearly taking a toll on me. Mountains of paperwork here, piles of documents to check there, the files are raining down on me non-stop, and the idea of one of the clients to meet up with the Members of the Board for a conference which would need me to prepare a report for my superiors to have a counter-argument with is obviously not helping my situation.

The Trip - A Tsukishima Kei x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now