A Trip to Remember

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Why did I not control myself?

Why did I have to press onward with it?

If I just said no back then,

Then I won't be feeling this right now.

It hurts.

So much.

It hurts really bad.


Where should I begin?

It all started when my boss, Kuroo Tetsurou, my childhood friend Yamaguchi Tadashi, and I headed out to this promising location somewhere in Kabukichou. My work is somewhat similar to an advertising consultant and our company's client asked us to go and check the location where they're planning to open up a new boutique. Yamaguchi currently works for our client and was asked by his bosses to come along as their representative. Kuroo, on the other hand, was already on his way home, and since the location was en route to his apartment, he decided to tag along, planning to visit some nightclub once everything was over. If ever an urge kicked in.

After assessing the site, I talked with the one in charge of the shop together with Yamaguchi. Since Yamaguchi and I knew each other, it was a bit easier to settle the talks, much so since my boss was with us. Settling the transaction with a handshake, the three of us left the area, the attendant bowing to us as we walked away.

You can say that it was already night-time since Kuroo was about to go home.

It was.

And, to be honest, I really wanted to go back home, too.

And try to annoy that one guy I love the most.

(L/N) (M/N).

But no...

The urge just had to kick in.

Against my will, Kuroo dragged us along with him.


"Nee, Tsukishima-san, you want some more?"

"N-No, I'm g-good," I slurred.

Where am I, you ask?

Did you even read the previous lines?

I'm currently in a nightclub Kuroo-san frequents. Since the girls working here knew my boss already, some of them immediately flocked around him, wrapping both his arms as they rubbed their chests onto him.

Yamaguchi and I, on the other hand, were somewhat less entertained, but still were attended to. Two hostesses sat on both sides of Yamaguchi, pouring into his glass Dom Perignon every time it was emptied. Meanwhile, one blonde girl came to me, hugging my right arm as she talked to me with her eyes directed to mine.

"Nee, Tsukishima-san. Can I call you by your first name?" She asked as she continued to bury my arm into her breasts.


"Why, you ask? So that I can entertain you better," emphasis on the 'entertain' part.

"C-Can you not entertain me as we are now?" I tried to say it with venom dripping.

Hope she gets it. Like hell I'd let anyone else besides that (H/C)-haired idiot entertain me that way.

"My, my, Tsukishima-san~" There she goes again, pressing her chest against me. "You're quite the tsundere type, aren't you?" She said as she licked her lower lip.

The Trip - A Tsukishima Kei x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now