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Norton POV

After the accident I woke up to see only my mother and my sister. It drove me crazy and I started asking for her but they told me she left. I couldn't believe she left me. I needed to talk to her but every time I told mom I was going over to her house she'd have something to do or her mother would tell she's not there.

It was driving me nuts I needed to see her,hug her, kiss her, love her.

Today finally is a Monday. I don't know how bad she was injured cause the weird part is I forgot what happened after the accident. Lucky me my leg wasn't broken it was just dislocated

I sat in my mom's car as she drove my sister and I to school. She's terrified that what happened to dad would have happened to me.

We parked in front the school and I was the first out as I went towards the library. I looked around and stop the beautiful brunette in the corner of the room with a book but wasn't reading she was crying instead. I  walked to her and when she saw me she shuffled around before taking her stuff and walking away.

What the hell? What was that about? I haven't see her for a while and I expected her to run into my arms and love me is that a  little to much to ask. For the rest of the school day I had seen her when she went over to her locker but every time I tried to approach her the same thing kept happening. Even Daniel started questioning me and her actions. We had the same class last period and she was the first out a s I ran after her.

"Julie!" I shouted after her making her pick up her pace.

Why is she acting like this.

Starline POV

"Julie!" He shouted making me walk faster.

Way to make me feel worst.

I went out and went  to my mother's car. She rubbed my back and then we left to the airport. That's what I always do. I run away from my problems because I don't know how to fix them.  I'm moving again without my parents and siblings. Not for long just until I can get myself together I'll be staying with my aunt.

My flight was in 20 minutes as my mom pulled up outside the airport with dad and my brothers in tow. When we went there I looked around wishing he didn't come even though there was a part of me that made me wish this was gonna be like a fairytale and as soon as I'm gonna board the plain he'd come running in. I had placed the friendship bracelet on his porch again but I kept the necklace. We will reunite if that's what fate wants.

It was time to board and I hugged,kissed and shared everything I had to with my family before walking towards the boarding station. I looked at the door of the airport just hoping he'd show but of course not. I turned back and went to board the plain.

The plain ride was nice. I met a new friend her name's Coral and we kind of just listened to music till our phones died and the plain landed. We had exchanged numbers and everything so that's my first new friend that's a change. Aunt Serena picked me up and brought me home to her huge mansion. She was busy so she just left me to explore. I sat with the maids as they were talking and laughing around.

"You're aunt told us about the situation is there anyway we can help" they said in their thick English accents.

"Na I'm fine"  I said smiling.

I think I fell asleep but woke up when I fell myself being lifted. I looked and saw uncle Jeremy and hugged his making him smile.

"How's my little forest sister doing?" He asked.

He calls me forest sister because I have wild green eyes and so does dawn and Eric but I'm the sister the only girl.

"I'm okay I guess" I said yawning as he placed me on the bed of my old room.

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