21 ↠ unwavering

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The next two weeks flew by. Midterms were done and over with, the new semester started, and today was the day Noah could try riding again.

"Are you nervous?" I asked as we walked Comet up to one of the arenas.

"A little," Noah admitted, giving Chis horse a pat. "But I'm mostly excited."

"Me, too," I grinned as he entered the ring. I took a seat on the fence, and watched as he and his trainer talked for a bit. Finally, Noah mounted, and he began warming up.

"It's going to be a light ride," his trainer called out to him. "Keeping it flat, minimal canter, that kind of stuff. We need to work back up to jumping over the course of the next month."

"Yeah, I know," Noah nodded as he adjusted his reins. He trotted Comet off, and you could immediately tell that both of them had missed each other. They instantly fell into rhythm with each other and worked with ease.

"Feeling good?" I asked as Noah rode by. I could tell by the grin on his face that he was.

I watched as the pair practiced what they knew. Walk, trot, canter. Direction change. Walk, trot, canter. Some circles and serpentines. Noah's face was flushed as he began cooling out.

"That was a workout," he huffed as I hopped off the fence to walk beside him.

"It's been a hot second since you've been on a horse," I pointed out. "Don't worry, it won't be long until you're back to normal."

"I love you," he smiled down at me. "Thanks for coming out today."

"Of course," I smiled back. "I love you, too."

After he finished cooling out, we walked back to the barn together, hand in hand. We put Comet on some cross ties and groomed him together, giving him some love and attention.

"Alright, I have to run," I told Noah before I quickly kissed me. "I have a date with Bridget tonight."

"Oh, that's right," he smiled at me. "Have fun. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye!" I exclaimed as I left the barn. I headed to the dining hall where I grabbed some chicken, pasta, salad, and bread, along with some lemonade for two. I headed back to my dorm room where I found Bridge sitting at her desk.

"She arrives!" she exclaimed, hopping down onto the floor. "What'd you get?"

"It's Italian night," I explained as I opened up the containers. "I come bearing carbs!"

"Hell yes," Bridge groaned as she grabbed her fork. "Alright. What's the tea from today?"

"Hmm," I thought as I munched on some lettuce. "Noah's ride went well. He's beyond happy to be back in the saddle."

"I can imagine," she laughed. She split the bread up and handed half of it to me. "Did Comet behave?"

"Are you kidding? That horse is perfect, of course he did."

"Unrelatable," she groaned. "Cisco is such a pain in the butt. He's improving, but he's nothing like Scarlett."

"I'm sure you guys will figure it out. He's still on the young side, he has a lot to learn," I assure.

"Moose is younger than him though," Bridge frowns. "He acts like a seasoned professional."

"Moose is insane," I shook my head. "I don't know how I got so lucky with him."

She snorted. "I wish. I have the worst luck when it comes to horses. Jupiter was too old, Scarlett was too small, Cisco is too psycho."

"Hope used to be a crazy mare too, you know," I explained. "I used to not be able to use a bit with her. She would not let me touch her mouth."

"Really?" Bridge asked. "She seems to willing and eager to please."

"She always has been, but the minute you touched her mouth she would throw a fit," I said as I shoveled more noodles into my mouth. "Took lots of patience."

"That's what I'm lacking," she replied with a stuffed mouth. "Patience."

"Oh, Bridge," I smiled as I shook my head. "You're almost hopeless sometimes."

"Yeah, but you love me," she grinned.

"Ugh, fine, yes I do," I laughed back.

Sorry for the hiatus and short chapter! I have some ideas but I need to set the storyline up 😁

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