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Jake's eyes, or in this case, eye fluttered opened.

"What? Where am I?" He looked to his side seeing Albert sleeping peacefully in a nearby chair.

Jake tried seating up right but he had dozens of wires attached to him. He sighed and leaned back seeing as how he had no choice.

"Albert?" Jake whispered. Albert jolted awake almost immediately.

"Jake? Are you okay? Does it hurt?" He asked reaching over to comfort him.

"Does...what...huh?" Jake was becoming lightheaded. He closed his eyes and began trying to regain is breath.

"Do you not remember? He asked. Jake rolled his head gently to look over at Albert.

Jake did remember. He remembered the sort of imaginary hole he fell into but didn't remember the events after. He didn't want to talk about the situation however. It seemed unbearable to talk about.

"You uhm," Albert gulped and choice his next few words carefully. "You r-ripping your e-eye o-out..." Albert said. His voice trembled as he spoke.

Jake slapped a hand over his right eye. He felt the fabric of an eye-patch over it.

"With my own hand?!" Jake yelled. Nurses began flooding into the room pushing Albert to the side.

"How is he awake?!"

"He's not suppose to be awake as yet."

"How has he survived this?!"

The nurses crowded around Jake and rushed through files and cabinets that were stored in the room.

"Do you know who you are?" One of the nurses asked turning their attention to Jake.

"Uh, Jake?" Jake stared looking at her as she talked to him like a child.

"Do you know where you are?" She asked again pressing her hand against his forehead.

"I'm guessing a hospital." Jake chuckled slightly.

"Do you know who this is?" She pointed towards Albert who was watching the nurses crowded around Jake.

"Yeah that's Albert, my boyfriend." Jake smiled looking at him. Albert looked back with a sad smile.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Uh well I think, from what Albert told me, I ripped my own eye out?" Jake said quietly. Every time he said that, he thought himself a mad man with extreme mental problems.

The nurses left the room finally leaving Albert and Jake alone.

"Why the sad face babe?" Jake asked turning his head to see Albert sitting in the chair thinking.

"You scared the fucking hell out of me Jake. Hearing your boyfriend scream and come up to see him ripping his own eye out while sprawled out on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding him is hard to get out from your head." Albert said with a concerning look.

"The nurses were asking all sorts of questions to each I supposed to be dead?" Jake asked. Albert sighed and began pacing up and down the room floor.

"You passed out somehow, I don't know if it was loss of blood or trauma but I wrapped your head with bandages, carried you out to the car, drove as fast as I could to the hospital, dragged you in, they immediately took you in so I sat in the waiting room, a doctor came out after about 2 hours saying you could die due to blood loss, they let me in your room and I've been sleeping here for the past 8 days. Its the evening right now so more happened this morning. This morning around 6 a doctor came in and told me that if you were to survive, which you had a small chance, you would be put into a mental health institution for a month." Albert handed Jake a slip of paper which was tucked inside of his back pocket. "They somehow can tell when a person has done self inflicted actions, for example, the way you pulled out your eye was this great force so they were able to tell you bled a lot and it hurt like a bitch. So that's all." Albert sat back down in the chair he had been seating in for the past week.

"Wow...I, uh..." Jake didn't know what to say. He had put his loving boyfriend through all of this because of a mental breakdown that he had had. He felt guilty knowing Albert probably had to explain what happened, fill out tons and tons of forms and watch his almost lifeless body for days.

"You rest, I need to talk to the doctor." Albert left the room leaving Jake. You would assume 'coming back from the dead' would be a good thing but Jake was now more stressed than ever. A mental hospital? I'm not crazy am I? Yeah sure I ripped my own eye out, murdered someone, and have murderous thoughts but doesn't everybody? He thought to himself. His thinking was more or less just him trying to keep himself sane.

~ Meanwhile ~

"I thought you said he would die?" Albert said firmly to the doctor.

"I know, I don't know how he is even alive. With the amount of blood lost, he should've died." The doctor stated looking through, presumably, Jake's file.

"What will they be doing at this mental hospital thing?" Albert asked biting his lip for a nervous response.

"Jake will be under a one month trail. This means he has one month to basically prove he's not crazy. He will be put through a series of tests and will be attending therapy as well. It may be a mental hospital but the employees there are very kind. They will treat him with respect and tend to any need he may have. If he fails to complete the one month trail, he will have to stay another month and so on." The doctor handed Albert another sheet of paper with more information on it.

"What do you mean, fails to complete?"

"With each test and therapy session we will be keeping a record of things. If we feel that Jake is not fit to leave the facility then he will have to be there for longer till we see improvement." The doctor gave a warm smile as if he noticed the dry expression on Albert's face.

"I see...thank you doctor for everything you've done." The doctor smiled and they both parted ways. Albert returned to the room seeing Jake has fallen fast asleep in bed. Albert kissed his forehead and sat back in the chair for him to watch him.

"I'm worried about you..." Albert whispered.

A/N: This book isn't that gore-like yet. I need to fix that because I need this to be as violent as possible. Nah I'm kidding but I still want it to be sort of violent. Anyway, have a nice day! ~ Sam

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