Chapter 4

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Bella's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a scream coming from the corner nearest to the door. I jumped up and looked around. It was pitch black. I wasn't able to see a thing. My first reaction was to cry for help. I had nobody to call to. I didn't know his name or anybody else's. I felt something cover my mouth and pull me back. I tried screaming but whatever was covering my mouth didn't allow me to. I struggled to get out of the person's grip but it was no use.They were too strong. I felt someone else come in and tie my hands down tighty with a rope. I felt the rope cutting deep into my wrists. seconds later, I was being lifted off the floor.

I tried to get out of his grip again but he wouldn't let me go. I was extremely terrified. The man who called said that if you were captured, you'd be executed.

I felt myself being dragged out of the room. The man was dragging me out by my hair. When he dragged me out of the room my head hit the side of the door. The pain was intense.

He dragged me somewhere but I couldn't tell where because of how dark it was.

I was soon placed on a chair and I felt my hands being placed under something metallic. The lights turned on and there were two guys standing in front of me. They took off the cloth that was placed on my mouth.

"Ahh.. Bella." One of the guys said.

I couldn't say anything.Not because I wasn't able to but because if I did I knew I would start crying.

"Mhmm you're quiet. You're never quiet." Another man said. How would he know.

I looked down. My legs were strapped down. I instantly knew where I was seated. I was sitting in an electric chair. I was hyperventilating.

"Alright. Turn it on."The man said.

I knew nobody would hear me if I screamed. I wouldn't even know what to say. I needed him right now. I don't even know his name. What if they got him too? At this moment nothing mattered. I knew I was going to die.

"Aye boss, come here for a minute! The control pad isn't working." a man said from behind a glass window.

"Don't move a muscle." the man in front of me said rolling his eyes and walking towards the younger looking man.

"What did you do you idiot?!" the man said making his way to the man. I looked around once again on the verge of tears and seen a shadow pass from one corner to the next. I had to keep quiet but I was terrified.

"Girl." I heard a whisper come from one of the corners. I couldn't tell which corner but I recognized the voice.

"Help me please." I mumbled on the cloth.

"Stay calm." I didn't notice my sobbing so I held my breath every time I almost sobbed. He came out of the corner and raced to me and tried untying me as fast as he could. I whimpered as he pulled it a bit tighter on accident.

"Fuck this." he said taking a pocket knife out and cutting me loose. We looked up to the guys and quietly ran out into the complete darkness. I felt a sharp pain on the side of my wrist. I whimpered a bit and covered it with my hand.

"Are you ok? " he asked.

"Y- yeah I'm fine. " I said hold my wrist to stop some of the bleeding.

"Alright we gotta go. " he grabbed my arm and we ran as far away as we could. He stopped and turned to open a door .

"Quick! In here! " he said pulling me in the room. He looked in the room for a light switch. He flipped the switch hoping the lights would turn on. Success! The light flickered on and I immediately gasped and covered my mouth. He looked at me confused and then back. His eyes widened.

"They're all dead. " I whispered through my hands. He looked furious as he counted the stack of dead bodies.

"There's only 5 bodies. Where are the other three? " he said looking around to see if there was anymore bodies. I was standing there still in shock.

"This was recent. A little less the two hours. That's why they don't stink yet. " he said sitting next to the bodies observing them closely.

"H- how do y- you know? " I managed to ask.

"I studied it as a fall back just in case. " he said still observing. All of a sudden the door shuts hard behind me. I looked back quickly terrified and the boy came in front of me. A woman was standing in front of the door. She was from the group. I'd recognize that pink tipped black hair, piercings, and tattoos all over.

"Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you. We escaped this kill just like you escaped yours. We need to stick together. There looking for us. We need to get to E8 soon. " two men appeared from out of the closets.

"I'm Melissa. That's Jason. " she said pointing to the very talk muscular man with brown spikey hair and brown eyes.

"And that's Adam. " she said pointing to the shorter less muscular man with brown messy hair and blue eyes and pale skin.

"What's your names? " by this time we were all scattered sitting on the floor. I finally get to know this boys name.

"I'm Bella" I said quietly.

"That's a beautiful name."the boy whispered in my ear.

"And yours? " Melissa said pointing at the boy.

"I'm Austin. " he said smiling. I had forgotten all about the cut until he seen it.

"Pleased to meet you I'm Adam."Adam said extending his hand to shake it. I gladly shook his hand.

"Bella! Your wrist! "Austin said grabbing my arm.

"Did I do this? Tell me the truth! " I nodded. He accidentally cut me when he was cutting me free.

"Well we'll be in the next room. Let's go boys. " Melissa said getting up and walking out with Jason and Adam.

"Why didn't you tell me? That could get Infected! Look at it! " he said angrily.

"You're overreacting Austin. " I said almost in a whisper. He pushed my hand back and turned around.

"You handle your own business then if I'm ' overreacting ' I'm going to sleep. "He said moving farther from me.

I was terrified of sleeping next to a pile of dead rotting people. I moved as far as I could from the dead people and laid down sobbing into my cardigan. I laid there for a while crying quietly then a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. My first reaction was to scream but he covered my mouth and shh'd me. It was Austin.

"It's ok. It's just me.I'm sorry I yelled at you. I promise  everything is going to be ok Bella. " I turned around to face him and sobbed in his chest as he cradled me in his arms stroking my hair and singing in my ear till I fell asleep.

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