Part 1.

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Time has passed since the outbreak has started and people were running all over places from places looking for food and shelter. While someone remain within little small places. And of course there are some kids that are sitting ducks and are lying low in a school. None of the kids even find the courage. But one of the kids then stood up and find the courage to stand up and fight for everyone in the school. He's one that the school would depend on the most. He goes by the name Y/n and everyone of his friends would be the one to depend on him since.

Clementine and AJ drive along the road. She adjust the rearview mirror to look at AJ, who is spinning the bullet chamber of a revolver.

Clementine: Whatcha doin' there, goofball?

AJ: Pretending we got bullets.

Clementine: Well, don't. It's getting on my nerves.

AJ: I don't like goofball. I'm too big for it.

Clementine: Would you prefer shitbird?

AJ: (laughs) No! That's mean! You're a shitbird.

Clementine: Huh, so I guess you're all grown up now.

AJ: Yup. Let me drive!

Clementine: I'm not letting you drive!

Clementine: Aww, I've always called you goofball.
AJ: It's time for you to stop. It's Alvin Junior.

Clementine: AJ still work?

AJ: AJ still works.

AJ: It's Alvin Junior.

AJ holds his stomach.

Clementine: What's wrong? AJ?

AJ: Hungry.

Clementine picks up a magazine sitting on the front passenger seat and passes it to AJ.

Clementine: Here, practice your reading.

AJ: But I don't wanna.

Clementine: It'll take your mind off your stomach.

AJ: Preee-heat...oven. P-l-ace cream, van-ni-lla bean--beans!--into a sauce pan and bring to a bo-ill.

Clementine: Uhh, on second thought, never mind. That's only gonna make you hungrier.

Clementine holds up a toy in front of AJ.

Clementine: "Hey, there, Alvin Junior. It's me, Disco Broccoli! Word on the street is that you wanna eat me. Is that true? Do you wanna eat me?"

AJ: C'mon, Clem. I can't eat a toy.

Clementine: "Aw, man. My feelings are hurt."

AJ: My stomach hurts.

Clementine: "Hmph, sassy."

Clementine picks up a bag of chips sitting on the front passenger seat and passes it to AJ.

Clementine: Here you go. About all we got.

AJ: What about you?

Clementine: Go for it. We'll find something else soon.

AJ: I believe you.

AJ: We didn't see any kid around.

Clementine: No, we didn't. That might be why they gave up searching.

Clementine: You alright?

AJ: Yeah, just hungry.

Clementine: Got the munchies?

AJ: No, just regular hunger.

Clementine: Not a bad spot to catch some sleep.

Clementine inspects a can under the window.

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