Part 2

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Clem and the rest of the group stand in shock in the courtyard. Y/n lies on the ground, clutching his shoulder where he was shot.

Louis: No! Why the fuck did you do that, AJ?

Omar: Oh my God, he's been shot!

Violet: Shit, we need to get him to the nurse's office now!

Ruby: I'll go get the medical kit.

Mitch: This is bad, real bad. He's losing a lot of blood.

Louis: You shot him, AJ! He was giving up, and you shot him!

Louis turns to Clementine, his eyes wide with betrayal.

Louis: You promised him, Clem! You said you'd help him fix things!

Clementine looks at Y/n, her expression a mix of shock and guilt.

Clementine: I didn't think... I didn't know AJ would do that.

Jackson steps forward, his face grave.

Jackson: We need to focus on getting Y/n help. We can deal with this later.

Clementine nods, and the group springs into action, carrying Y/n to the nurse's office. As they work to treat his wound, the group is silent, the weight of what just happened hanging heavy in the air.


AJ: Louis called me a murderer. But... but we're supposed to kill bad stuff. Monsters. Did I do it wrong? I thought Y/n was bad. He killed Brody, he... he kept telling lies.

Clementine: This is a tough one, AJ. You were trying to protect us, and that's important. But Y/n was already defeated and wasn't a threat anymore.

AJ: I don't understand.

Clementine: It means that even though Y/n did bad things, shooting him when he wasn't a threat anymore was wrong.

AJ: So... so I am a murderer?

Clementine: It's not that simple, AJ. You're still learning, and we'll get through this together.

AJ: What are we gonna do?

Clementine: We'll talk to the others and explain what happened. We'll figure it out as a group.

Back at the courtyard, the group surrounds AJ, with Violet stepping in front of him, cleaver in hand.

Violet: Back off! All of you!

Louis: It was under control! I talked Y/n down, and then... then AJ shot him!

Violet: Take AJ, go inside.

Clementine: Come on, let's go.

Louis: Just let them go back to the dorms? What happens the next time one of us does something this kid doesn't like? Should we expect a bullet then too?

Violet: That's not what happened.

Clementine: Louis, stop! AJ didn't mean to hurt anyone. He was scared and confused.

Jackson: We all know Y/n wasn't an innocent man, but that doesn't mean we should have killed him in cold blood.

Louis: It was over, 'til little Mr. Trigger-Happy decided otherwise!

Clementine: Y/n threatened us! He killed Brody and almost got me too! AJ was just trying to protect us.

Louis: He didn't have to shoot Y/n in the fucking stomach! It was over!

Violet: We get it, Louis, just back off, okay?

Louis: Back off?! Seriously?!

Clementine: Let's go, AJ.

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