Part 3

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Clementine stands up and turns to Y/n, who has been watching the exchange with Abel intently.

Clementine: We need to get to that boat before they leave with our friends.

Y/n: Agreed. But we need to be smart about this. We don't know how many of them there are or what kind of weapons they have.

Clementine: I say we take out as many of them as we can from a distance before we move in.

Y/n nods in agreement.

Y/n: I can use my bow to pick them off one by one. We'll need to move quickly and quietly.

Clementine: I'll take out any walkers that get in our way. We can't afford to let anything slow us down.

Y/n: Alright, let's gather our things and head out. We don't have much time.

As they prepare to leave, Clementine turns to AJ.

Clementine: Stay here and keep watch. We'll be back as soon as we can.

AJ nods, looking worried but determined. Clementine and Y/n set off towards the boat, ready to do whatever it takes to save their friends.

Clementine strides through the courtyard, her gaze landing on Willy who clutches Mitch's hand, tears streaming down his face. Mitch's face is concealed beneath a cloth. Ruby stands nearby, shovel in hand, digging a grave.

Willy: Mitch... I... I...

Clementine approaches the heartbroken boy.

Willy: I was so little when it started... Mitch, he took care of me. Some people said he was an asshole, but he was always good to me... Now he's gone... stabbed in the eye by some bastard who didn't even know his name.

Clementine lays a comforting hand on Willy's shoulder.

Clementine: Mitch was protecting us all, Willy. He sacrificed himself so we could keep fighting.

Willy: I know, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

Y/n steps forward, determination etched on his face.

Y/n: Mitch would want us to keep going, to find our friends and bring them back safe.

Willy: And he'd want us to kill the ones who took them.

Clementine: I promise you, Willy, we'll make them regret ever crossing us.

Willy's tears continue to fall, and Y/n tries to calm him down.

Y/n: We need to stay strong, Willy. We need to think about what Mitch would do if he were here.

Willy: He... he'd find a way to get our friends back and then he'd smash Lilly's brains out with a rock.

Louis, Violet, Ruby, and Tenn approach the group.

Louis: Abel's tied up in the basement. He's out cold from the pain.

Clementine: Thanks.

Louis: AJ wanted to stay down there and keep watch. We should bury Mitch now, say our goodbyes.

Willy's grief turns to anger as he shoves Tenn to the ground.

Willy: Stay away from him! This is your fault!

Ruby: Willy!

Willy: It's true! We had a plan, and you screwed it up!

Y/n intervenes, trying to defuse the situation.

Y/n: Willy, stop. This isn't helping anyone. We need to stick together, not turn on each other.

Tenn, hurt by Willy's words, runs off. Willy's outburst leaves the group in stunned silence, with Y/n standing firm as the voice of reason, trying to hold them all together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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