Shinsou Hitoshi H/Cs - Relationship

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-So, Hitoshi isn't a very public guy when it comes to relationships. From past experiences, people always assumed the girl was either crazy, or he brainwashed her on a daily.

-So, for the first couple of months into your relationship with Hitoshi, he would not do anything with you that made it seem like he was dating you. You could prod and tease him about it in public, but he would refuse to even hold your hand.

-In private though, he couldn't keep his hands off of you.

-You could just be chilling with him in his room, watching TV late at night and he would have to have some sort of contact with you, whether it be him holding your hand or you being on his lap, he hated being away from you.

-Loves kissing you. He will kiss any part of you he can reach without being weird about it. Your face, your jaw, your neck, hands, arms, he will shower you in lovely little kisses.

-Needs constant reassurance that you aren't dating him out of pity or a bet you lost. He loves you so much and it scares him to the core at the thought of you leaving him or just being with him because you have a strong quirk, giving you power over him.
    -people will say that the relationship if not stable if he needs constant reassurance, but your relationship if very stable, he's just scared.

-About a year latter, he just grabbed your hand one day and walked into school, like it was no big deal.

-So I guess that's how he made it public?All of his and your friends were freaking out though. They asked so many questions, some even seemed concerned.
"When did you two get together?"
"Is he nice to you?"
"What about the other guy?"
"Did he brainwash you!?"

-You had to calm everyone down while Hitoshi sort of hid behind you, scared that they'll start screaming at him for supposedly 'brainwashing' you.

-But once you explained everything to your friends, they accepted the relationship and actually congratulated Hitoshi.

-His friends were a little different.
"How did you get a girl like her!?"
"How long have you two been together?"
"Have you slept with her yet?"

-You hid behind him this time.

-But the situation was very quickly diffused when Hitoshi made sure they knew not to fuck with you or him. He didn't even say anything, he just gave them a look that could kill if it were his quirk.
"This is my girlfriend of a year now and I plan on keeping her."

-He left with you in toe.

-He'd probably get teased hardcore the next hour, but he didn't care. People knew, and he finally felt free to hug you publicly.

-You two may get in fights though, they always circled around one topic; quirks.

-You'd get mad when he would turn a guy away with his quirk if he seemed to be flirting with you. Or when he'd make someone do something embarrassing because they might have said something bad to you (as a joke).

-But in turn, he'd get mad at you for your quirk because it was so big, powerful, and beautiful, you neglected it often.

-In training, you were good at looking busy, but he saw when you slacked off and became lazy with your quirk. He'd get mad and start pushing you to do better, it always got his blood boiling when you refused to do anything in times when you should be getting stronger.

-But they fights always ended quickly, the two of you making up and possibly making out. ;)But always remember, he love you. Very very much.

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