Julian Devorak x reader story

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So, recently I have discovered the mess of a man, Julian Devorak! I knew I absolutely had to write for him when I saw him. If you don't know who Julian Devorak is (AKA Doctor Devoral/Doctor Jules) I highly recommend you play The Arcana. I'm not getting promoted to do this I genuinely love that game and think yall should check it out.

So, without further adue, Julian!

Today was your day. You decided to stay home with Mazalinka and practice some tricks and spells from a book Asra lent to you. You listened to the sweet elderly lady rant and ramble as she cooked her amazing stews for everyone in the home.

"That boy! I swear he can not live a day without you. It is a miracle he left the house without you tied to his hip!" She exclaimed, raising her wooden spoon in motherly frustration. She lowered her arm as you huffed a chuckle. "He really loves you. When you leave him with me, you're the only thing on that boy's tongue."

When the words left Mazalinka's mouth, your face burned beat red. She dropped the big L word! How is she sure it's love though? Did Julian really say explicitly hat he loves you? Or is she assuming that because he talks about you religiously?

"Did he really say that?" You turn in your chair to face the small woman.
"Say what?" She didn't look at you.
"That he loves me... Does he really?" You ask, hands clutching the back of the chair as if, if you let go, you'd be pulled from this dream. There was a beat of silence when Mazalinka turned her head to you.

"He has said that more times than all the spells in your books." She huffs and laugh and smiles. "Do not hurt that boy! Or I will hurt you!" She points her spoon at you in a threatening manner, to which you put your hands up with the biggest smile ever.

"I'd never dream of it!'


It was late when you decided to retire to the shared bed you and Julian slept in. But it was a restless night. Your mind was plagued by thoughts of a demestic, fear free life with Julian. A small cottage within the woods, plenty of space to cast your spells while Julian tended to his needs, dealing off leaches and remedies for the ill or.. caring for a small child.
Your thoughts roamed, the alone time you'd have with him, how you'd live happily with him, how you'd tease him.. Dressing scantily as you worked, "accidentally" cutting him then teasing the spot. Calling his name into the endless woods as he made you feel 5000 feet high.

Your thoughts ended when you heard the soft chatter just outside the curtain. Julian was home. Mazalinka was scolding him for being out so late and how he should be quiet, as to not wake you. That talked quietly or their stews, eventually bidding good night to each other. The curtain drew back as your tired eyes landed on the slender form of Julian Devorak. He say your open eyes and flushed.

"Ah- (Y/N). You're awake. Did we wake you? I'm sorry-" He let the curtain fall behind himself. You shook your hand as you moved over for him, your own cheeks rosy pink.

"No, don't worry, I couldn't sleep anyway I was..." You look up into his grey eyes as he kicked his boots off, pulling the cummerbund from around his hips.

He looked down at you as he took a seat at the edge of the bed. It was obvious he wanted to say something. Something that involved the L word. But he didn't.

"Do you... want to talk?" His hushed honeyed voice asked. Your cheek grew warmer.
Oh no. You can't do this. It's. It's too much..
You knew if you said something now, you'd fall apart, you couldn't speak. So You shook your head, turning away. Julian may have only one good eye, but he's not blind. He can see when you very obviously do want to talk. He squinted, leaning onto his side and hovering over you, speaking lowly.

"You do, I know.. Please don't hide it from me. I... I don't want to be selfish. So I won't push, but I will always listen to you." He moved some hair from your face. Your (E/C) eyes met his blueish grey ones. A rush of courage came to you and it just left your mouth.
"Mazalinka told me.. What you talk about when I'm not home." Your hands lay still on your stomach, but in the dark, no one could see the nervous itching at your knuckles. Julian's hand stilled around your cheek as his eyes grew wide. His face bloomed bright red, words failing to come out of his mouth as it hung open. The small bit of courage left you, making your skin as pail as a ghost. Was what Mazalinka said not true? Shit. You had to get out of there. You knew it. It's too good to be true. Julian is a hansom man with a big brain, his taste must be refined, how could he love a witch, you had to leave.

Just as you made a move to bolt, Julian pined you to the bed. No words came from his mouth still, only sweat and a red blush upon his face. Why would he stop you?

"Mazalinka doesn't lie... She can't. There's no point in me lying to you now, huh?" The blush never left, but a shy smiling formed on his lips, his eyes softening. "This... isn't the place I wanted to tell you... I was going to bring you to the bridge we teamed up on. Where I.. fell.. in love with you.. When that vampire eel bit you." A bitter laugh trembled from his lips. Huh, you weren't the only one bad at confrontation. "I understand if you don't feel the same, though. I'm a horrible person."

You grab his hand from your shoulder, making him fall over you, your arms wrapping around his torso.
"God you idiot, I love you too...! You're not a horrible person! We will find your innocents." You weeped into his shoulder. His arms laced around you, holding you close. The sound of his hard heartbeat calming calmed your tearful moment. Julian flipped the two of you so you lied on top of his chest, his hand playing with your (H/L) hair.

"Thank you so much...

You should sleep now though, my love."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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