Gabriel Reyes/Reaper x reader H/C - relationship

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-So soft!!
   -He gives you the softest looks ever and his touches are so gentle and his kisses are like clouds (despite how chapped they always are)

-He also gives the best hugs! He's just so big and strong, you always feel so safe and warm in his arms.

-PDA is a maybe, though. Depends on the situation.
   -If he has some hard work to do and doesn't want to be bothered, you could kiss his cheek but that's about it.
   -if he's not as busy and not really worried about looking professional, he'll walk around with you as though you two were attached at the hip. Arm around you and all.
      -he'll totally get shit about it from McCree, but he can just kick his ass latter.

-In private, you better be prepared, because you're gonna be on a wall, off the ground.
   -he will kiss you so deeply and passionately, it's like he'll eat you alive. Lip biting, butt groping, this man just loves being so close to you.

-He likes to spoil you. A lot.
   -If he takes a day off, he'll go out and buy you everything you love. Chocolate, cookies, cake, stuffed animals, anything tbh.
   -When you get home, he's making you dinner (without his shirt on because lets be honest, he looks amazing.)
-He'll greet you with a kiss and tell you to go take a lovely bath, because you deserve it.
   -When you're all clean, he'll give you dinner and will watch a movie with you all night.
   -It's the best.

-When you're both working, he'll call you randomly to his office. Just cause.
   -He'll ask you to come down for small or silly stuff.
    "hey, novio. Can you hand me those papers?"
     -they'd be on a table just barely out of his reach. Even then, he's in a rolling chair, he can move.
     "hey, bebita... Can you bring me a coffee?"
     "Why can't you get it yourself? You're not doing anything."
     "I only like how you make it."

   -He'll even ask you in there just to sit on his lap.

-This man loves you so much.


-After the fall, you left and went into hiding, not wanting anything to do with Overwatch.
   -But Gabe wasn't gonna just leave you alone.

-Reaper actively seeked you out when ever he had a little bit of free time.
   -Most people thought he had a big grudge against you and wanted you dead.
   -He just misses you so much.

-about a year and a half after the fall, you began to notice a shadow who followed you everywhere.
   -It was a little scary at first.
      -The shadow just appeared one day in the corner of your eye, ominous eyes following you everywhere
   -but you eventually found comfort in it. You don't know why. But something about the watchful shadow made you feel safe.

-Reaper began to take pictures when he noticed you had began to stare into his hiding spot.

-He was too scared to approach you, he had a reputation and knew you knew who "Reaper" was.
   -He didn't want you to run away.

-So you watched this shadow follow you for about a year before one day you just stood up and began to walk at it.

-He panicked.
   -His first reaction was to grab his gun, but he didn't because he'd shoot you.
   -Second reaction, he began to run away
   -You just barely grabbed onto his arm, but he still slipped away.

-Two months latter, he came up to you when you were in your home. Well, he more just knocked on your door in the middle of the night, waking you up. He didn't want to be seen by anyone.
   -When you answered the door, you were horrified.
      His bone white mask peered down at you, his large, towering figure looming over you as he said no words, stepping into your home. Nothing has gone wrong yet, until you began to run for your kitchen.
   -hah, he caught you though.
   -you could scream and yell and cry all you wanted, but he wasn't letting you go until you calmed down.
   -You eventually wore yourself out and accepted that you might die in his hands.
   -But he hugged you.
   -His mask lifted slowly to reveal his torn, scared and paled face, his beard out of order and his hair grown out.
   -You didn't know what to say. He was alive?
   -God, it's awkward. You didn't know if you should scream and run or cry and curl up.
   -He looked like a sad, lost puppy when you didn't see anything. His eyes lowered and his brow knitted. He looked so sad and adorable, you just- couldn't resist.
   -there was a lot of crying and hugging that night.

-After he left (when you eventually fell asleep), he came back night after night to explain his story and current situation.

-The relationship became... a little complicated.

-He tries to visit you as much as possible

-Your nights are now often filled with you washing him off after a hard day and letting him talk to you.

-Some nights, he doesn't visit though.
   -Those are the nights when he has to deal with much more important matters, it could take a few days before you see him again.
   -Often after missions like that, he'll shadow step into your home and not say anything until you've washed, fed and kissed him.

-(hey let's get into lighter topics, ya?) His kisses are very rare, he's often scared to touch you. The night he hugged you, he was horrified that he might tear you apart.
   -But the kisses are soft and sweet, often full of love.

-He's terrified of loosing you again, so when he does decide to snuggle you, he's very attached. He won't let you get up for any reason, or he'll follow.
   -want a snack? You'll live.
   -thirsty? He'll distract you from it.
   -Need to pee? He's following you to the door.

-If you decide to join Talon, he's never gonna leave you alone, even when you think you're alone.
   -Like, geeze, he's so over protective.
   -But he does it out of love and fear. He doesn't want to see you cry again.

-But what ever form he takes, he will always love you.

(sorry that this one's a little longer then the previous ones, but I love this man so much. I got carried away.)

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