Group Chat

177 9 16

Yeah I don't know what this is either.

Patton added Thomas, Roman, Virgil, and Logan.

Patton named the group: My FamILY ❤️

Patton: Welcome everyone!!!

Roman: Hello all of you beautiful but-just-not-as-beautiful-as-me people!

Logan: I am confused as to why I am here.

Thomas: I think that it's an amazing idea Patton!

Logan: Amazing idea, Patton*.

Roman: Oh stop it, Microsoft Nerd

Roman changed Logan's name to "Microsoft Nerd 📚"

Microsoft Nerd 📚: Roman, change it back. I do not like nicknames.

Virgil: Guys stop you guys spamming the chat is causing Tumblr to freeze up

Roman: Oh poor you

Patton: Now everyone, play nice

Patton: We are a family after all

Thomas: Logan you to realize that you can change the name yourself right?

Thomas: do*

Microsoft Nerd 📚: Yes, I am aware.

Virgil: Aww he likes it so he's not changing it


Microsoft Nerd 📚: Shut up.

Virgil changed Roman's name to "Prince Un-Charming 🥀"

Prince Un-Charming 🥀: HEY!!!

Virgil: It's true

Prince Un-Charming 🥀: RUDE!!!

Prince Un-Charming changed Virgil's name to "Emo Tumblr Rat 🐀"

Emo Tumblr Rat 🐀: Pretty much sums me up

Emo Tumblr Rat 🐀: Thanks


Microsoft Nerd changed their name to "Logan"

Emo Tumblr Rat 🐀: Aw you're no fun

Logan: Well these silly nicknames don't suit me. I'm serious. I'm always serious, and forever will be. I wear a necktie.

Thomas: Logan pls

Logan: Your grammar horrifies me.

Patton: Is nobody gonna change my name :(((((

Emo Tumblr Rat 🐀: I gotchu

Emo Tumblr Rat 🐀 changed Patton's name to "Softest Dad"

Softest Dad: YAYYYYY

Prince Un-Charming 🥀: I'm glad you didn't put a different word in there...

Emo Tumblr Rat 🐀: Roman shush

Softest Dad: What?

Thomas: But Logan did call him that once

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