Chapter 13

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The next morning I wake up with the worst headache ever ugh what happened last night? I ask myself I get out of bed and go freshen up I pull out some leggings with a sweatshirt and I pull my hair into a ponytail I walk out to the kitchen and see Sam and Haven talking as they eat cereal I go and pull out a bowl for me to I sit down with them we eat in silence until Haven gets up to go finish getting ready "So are you leaving today?" I ask him he nods "Yea I am but I'm gonna come by your school to bring you lunch and say bye." I nod with a smile "How sweet." he laughs at me and I join him "Ava come on let's go or will be late." I get up and grab my bag I kiss Sam on the cheek before heading out to the car.

We get to school and I go to the first-period class I get inside and Carter turns with a hard glare towards me I shrug it off and go sit down at my desk the whole class period I can feel Carter taking glances at me but I don't get bothered by it.

Soon lunch time comes around I go to the cafeteria to wait for Sam to come I look to see Carter sitting with the usual people he sits with and I start looking around for Darian and Haven but I can't find them anywhere so I decide to just sit at a table all by myself. I'm sitting here waiting for Sam to come through the doors and soon he does he looks around for me and I see girls blushing and trying to get his attention while he walks by and you have to admit he is hot but not hotter than Carter Sam's eyes light up as his eyes find mine and he starts to walk over towards me and several of girls are glaring at me including Carter, "Hey." Sam says setting taco bell in front of me "Hey, thank you for the food." I tell him while smiling up at him he smiles down at me placing a kiss on my lips and sitting beside me, from the corner of my eyes I see Carter glaring over at us while clenching his fist I ignore his glare and turn to Sam with a smile on my face "Did you get my favorite?" I ask him he chuckles "Open it up and see for yourself." I open the bag and there are two bean burritos with chips and a cup of cheese, I squeal and hug Sam "Thank you so much." he chuckles and kisses the side of my face and we both start digging into are food after lunch I go and walk Sam to the uber "Bye baby I'm gonna miss you." he says I smile up at him and pull him in for a hug "Bye I'm gonna miss you too." he leans down and plants his lips on mine are lips move in sync with each other until I'm being pulled away from him "Sorry to ruin your little session, but the teacher told me to come to find you your late for the next class bye Sam it was really nice to meet you." Carter says with a fake smile and I know he is lying because since when did these teachers care if you were late or not I put a fake smile on my face "Thanks Carter tell them I'm coming." he crosses his arms and says "Don't worry I can wait." I roll my eyes but turn around and smile at Sam "Bye babe text me when you get home okay." he nods and smiles while whispering bye in my ear before getting in the car to go I wait until the car is out of the school parking lot and turn to face Carter "What the heck is your problem?" I ask him with a glare and glares back at me "Well if you would come to class and not stand in the parking lot making out with your boyfriend we wouldn't have this problem now would we?" I roll my eyes and push by him to get to class "See you at work!" I hear him yell I groan but finish the rest of the day on a good note.

I get to the apartment after school and go change into my life guard swimsuit and some red shorts I groan and lay on the couch "Wow what's got you panties in a twist?" Haven says while laughing "I have to go to work with Carter today." she laughs at my frustration I get up and grab my phone and sunglasses before walking over to the beach I walk to Carter and I chair and I see he is already there looking down at me smirking I roll my eyes before climbing up to sit down "Hey." he says but I put my sunglasses on ignoring him he chuckles and shakes his head "I don't know why you go through this much trouble to make me jealous by jumping from guy to guy it's just proving me that your a whore." I scoff and turn to face him "What makes you think I'm trying to make you jealous?" I ask him he smirks "It's obvious, really." he says while laughing I suck my teeth and look forward "You know what Carter I'm tired of this!" I day referring to him and I he continues to smirk "I'm tired of every time you get mad you throw hurtful words at me and obviously I did get you jealous because if I didn't you wouldn't be so hateful towards me." I say while rolling my eyes and he just starts to laugh like full on hysterical laughing I turn and look at him confused "y-ou you think this is because of jealousy you must be out of your mind than let me get things straight with you Ava I never liked you I was just seeing if I could get in your pants but you were to much to handle so I just let you off easily by saying that we couldn't be together." he starts to laugh again and I start to feel my lips quiver but I don't want to give him the satisfaction of crying so I run off the chair while tears are streaming down my face I continue to run until I get to my apartment I notice Haven left for work which I'm glade because I don't feel like getting bombard with questions I throw my clothes off and get in the shower I get out and dry up before getting in the bed naked soon I fall asleep.

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