jay white (requested)

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requested by: Killer_Elite_SquadX

prompts #18 & #21:

• "I think I'm in love with you and that scares the crap out of me."
• "Choose me."


"Jay, stop!" You shouted out, giggles escaping your lips loudly.

Your best friend and room-mate had just gotten home from his latest tour in Japan.

Now, as a tradition, he tickled you.

To be honest, it was cheesy, but he did it everytime he got home.

Your black German Shepard you shared, Luna, was also excited to see Jay.

So now here you were, dying of laughter as Jay tickled you, Luna barking like crazy, happy to see her dad.

"Okay! That's enough!" You yelled out, pushing him off of you.

"Hmm, I guess so." He said, sitting back smiling at you.

You just smiled at him.


"Oh, it's Fergal, hold on." You said.

You had been talking to Fergal Devitt for about a month now, and despite what you wanted to believe, he was into you.

"Hey, Ferg!" You answered the phone, happy to speak to your friend, if you could even call him that.

"Hey, sweetheart! What are you up to?" He ask, his sweet Irish accent ringing through the phone cheerily.

"Well, Jay just got home so I'm probably about to cook some dinner." You said, leaning the phone up to your ear as you searched the cupboard for some seasoning for the spaghetti you planned on making.

"Oh. Well, that sounds fun." He said.

The truth was that Fergal was ALWAYS wary of Jay. Sure, he was always nice and polite, like the sweetheart he was, but he just didn't like the general vibe that Jay gave off. Their personalities didn't mesh well.

"Everything good in Seattle?" You ask, since he was there for a couple of live shows.

"Yeah, I guess for the most part. Umm, (y/n), can i ask you something?" He ask, as you put him on speaker and started boiling the water.

"Yea, sure. You know we don't keep secrets." You said, smile evident in your words.

"Do you see this going somewhere? Like, (y/n), to be honest with you, I love you, and want to be more than what we are, but, I feel like you don't love me back." Fergal said, voice cracking.

"F-Fergal, I had no idea. I'm so sorry for leading you on. Fergal, I-"

"No, no, it's okay. I expected this. Someone else already has your heart, it's okay." He said, confusing you.

"Who Fergal?" You ask, heart hurting for your best friend.

"I think we both know, (Y/N). I think it'd be for the best if we didn't keep this going even though it's going to hurt me like  hell. Goodbye." Fergal said, hanging up the phone.

You just stood there, looking at the steam rising from the pot.

"Someone else already has your heart." His voice kept running through your head over and over again.

"(Y/N)? You okay?" Jay said, walking into the kitchen, Luna trailing behind him.

"I-Me and Fergal aren't friends anymore." You said, a single tear trailing down your face.

Jay instantly made his way over to you, hugging you into his chest.

You clutched to his black T-shirt.

"Doll, I know it hurts, but what happened?" He ask, wanting to know what happened, but understanding it was still a fairly rough situation.

"H-He said that he wanted us to go further than friends, but that my heart belonged to someone else. Like what does that mean? Jay, who else do I love?" You ask, looking up into his dark brown eyes.

Then it hits you.

It's him.


It's always been, Jay.

Just Jay.

To hold you when you were sad, wipe your tears when other boys broke your heart, and make you laugh like no one else could.

Before you know what's happening, you have your lips on Jay's and you feel sparks running up your spine.

He continues to deepen the kiss, picking you up by your hips and placing you on the countertop.

His hands now on your hips, and his lips started trailing from your lips to your neck.

"J-Jay." You stutter out.

"Hmm?" He says, now looking up from his "work" on your neck, pupils dialated from looking at you.

"I think I'm in love with you and that scares the crap out of me." You said, looking down at the ground.

"(Y/N), look at me," he said, taking your chin into his hand,"I love you, too. But, I know you love Fergal, too. So I'm going to make my case simple and easy; choose me. I love you. I have for so many years now. There, I said it, I LOVE YOU!" He shouted smiling from ear to ear.

"I've decided. It's you Jay, it's always been you and it will always be you." You said, lips meeting back up with his.

Sure, Fergal was sweet, and you liked him.

But Jay had your heart.

And nothing, no person, could change that.

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