kenny omega

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Prompt #20: "Why are you so nice to me?"


As one of the first women who had been signed to the new 'Women Of Honor' faction of Ring of Honor, you had heard all the rumors; especially the bullet club rumors.

You and Brandi Rhodes had quickly become bestfriends, both having backgrounds in WWE, so you quickly learned about the Bullet Club and how it works.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" I heard the certain someone was tinking about say.

"Brandi! Hey, girl!" I said, turning around to give her a hug and dropping the makeup brushes I was applying my final touches with since I was going to go outside in a few minutes to take pictures with fans.

"Congrats on your match! You looked so good out there. I love watching you do your thing! Even Cody and the boys were talking about how good you are!" She said, smiling at me.

"Oh, wow! Umm, thanks a ton!" I said, blush now evident on my face.

"Yea, actually, Tyson wanted me to invite you out to have drinks with me and the guys tonight. You up for it?" She ask, curiosity in her voice.

"Umm, I don't do it often, but why not?" I said, smiling at her.

"Good! I'll get someone to pick you up from your room later." She said, winking at me as she walked away.

After I had taken many, many pictures with fans, I made my way back into my hotel room.

I decided to change out of my "post-wrestling" attire which consisted of leggings, some adidas tennis shoes, and an old band t-shirt and put on something a little nicer.

I put on some black ripped skinny jeans, a white splx shirt, some white vans, and a black leather jacket.

As I was touching up on my makeup, I heard a knock on my door.

Making sure I had my wallet and my phone, I made my way to answer the door.

As I opened the door, I was shocked to see who it was.

"H-Hey, (Y/N)," said the one and only leader of bullet club, Kenny Omega whom was known to the backstage crowd as Tyson Smith.

"Hey, Tyson! Umm, thanks for inviting me." I said, closing my door behind me as we both made our way to the elevators.

"Oh, not a problem. You're showing tons of potential in ROH. Maybe we could work something out with the club," he said smiling at me as we got into the elevator.

You were dumbfounded as this was your first time ever meeting Tyson.

I mean sure, you had been introduced and hung out around each other, but you'd never had had an actual one-on-one conversation with him.

You'd also heard the rumors about the leader of the bullet club.

About how he was kind of closed off and almost rude to others, so this nice and sweet Tyson kind of left you dumbfounded.

As the night went on in the hotel bar, Tyson sat next to you the whole time.

Every time you told a joke, everyone would laugh, but Tyson thought they were hilarious.

The whole night he had his arm rested behind you on the booth and almost at one point put it around you.

He was being strange. Nice, but just all around strange and foreign from what you'd heard backstage about the fearless leader of the bullet club.

As you went to tell everyone that you were heading up for the night, Tyson ask to walk you up to your room.

You, of course, let him and now you were at your door.

"Well, tonight was fun. Thanks for inviting me, Tyson." You said, smiling at the handsome man in front of you.

"No problem. Thanks for coming." He said, returning the smile.

As you went to put your key-card in the door, you turned around to see Tyson walking away.

"H-Hey, can I ask you a question?" You ask, wanting to know something before the night ended.

"Shoot," he said, now making his way back to you.

"Umm, y'know, I've heard some rumors about you being not so nice to some people in ROH and I just wanted to-well-umm. Damnit. Why are you so nice to me?" I said, finally getting frustrated and blurting out what I wanted to know.

Tyson chuckled and hung his down slightly.

"There it is. Well, um, to be completely honest with you, I've liked you since you started here and I kind of wanted you to maybe be the first woman in bullet club. But, I also, like you in another way, too. But, I'll just go." He said, obviously flustered and now walking away.

"T-Tyson, wait." You said, taking his arm into your grasp.

"I-I like you, too. A lot. And truth be told, I'd love to be the first woman in the bullet club." I said, smiling from ear-to-ear.

"Wait, really?" He ask, smile now on his face, as well.

"Yeah, really," I said, smile now turning into a smirk.

"Now are you gonna come in here or am I gonna have to force you in here?" I ask, gesturing to my hotel room.

"Don't have to tell me twice," Tyson said, making his way into your room.

Let's just say, the two of you had a fun night full of you "finalizing" your bullet club membership.

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