It's been a while.
Did you get my letters?
What do you mean, no?
Oh, you mean how I didn't send anyone letters because I have no idea what else to say?
Yeah, then you happen to be right on that one.
Ok really, you didn't come all this way to read some blab about nothing, now did you?
First Question you might have: Where's the title?
Answer: Couldn't think of one.
Second Question: Don't you put thought into your updates?
Answer: ahHAHaHAHAHhHhhhAhaHahHhHAHAHAH no I really don't. If you thought I did you obviously need to look back. My updates consist of me getting tagged and other random... bleep. Aw man that didn't fit on the same line, bummer*flips table*
Third Question: Can you stop assuming we're asking questions?
Answer: ... fine.
You know that should've been the title.
It's three words and everything.
But I'm not gonna change it.
You know why?
Then the first half of this update wouldn't make sense.
Also, I know I have like 2 readers and that's fine.
Cuz 2 is all I need.
Or 3 because I love 3.
and 5 (SOS).
and 13.
But off topic no wait there is no topic I'ma continue.
I have a WiiU.
And I can access YouTube on it.
Shout out to YouTube and Momos *weird pointer finger dance thing*.
Anyway, then I thought:
"Can I play 5sOS VIDEOS ON HERE??!"
And so I tested it out with this song.
Best Friend (NO 1 of 2 readers).
And it was good.
Except for the audio on the actual video was terrible.
But that's fine because then I watched TONS of other 5SOS videos and it was great.
Alright, now I need to write something others can relate to...
Do you ever forget what a word means when you say it like 362102729123 times?
Yeah, so I said the word 'sweet' 362102729123 iN MY HEAD MIND YOU, IT WAS LIKE 3:57 IN THE MORNING (reference you'll nvr get because it's one of my OTHER stories *cri*)
And so then it started sounding weird.
And that's all.
Also the geese know their place.
I showed them.
(These GEESE just think they can SAUNTER over to our field and OWN the place but mind YOU geese that this school belongs to US not YOU. But it's good now cuz they left over the weekend.)
Are these updates getting longer?
I think they're getting longer.
But it's not like I'm wasting my time I choose to sneak on to Wattpad and update.
And when I grow up to be almost 50 I'll start a band.
'Swallow the Goldfish Remastered'
Because Ashton used to be in a band called... 'Swallow the Goldfish'
And so yeah.
And I tend to vibrate when I eat too much chocolate that isn't mine. Like today, I had Famous Amos and some sort of hybrid smore and I started bouncing in my seat and speaking in a high voice and I couldn't stop smiling. It was too happy for me.
And that reminded me of Nirvana for some reason.
Today is not special because same old, 5SOS.
English Love Affair by 5 SeConDS oF sUMmERRRRRrRrRR
Oh yeah.