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"Hoseok? You know him?" Jisoo asked in disbelief.

"Know him? I grew up with him!" Rosé scoffed teasingly.

Jennie fiddled with her fingers in her lap. "But why can't we just ask Lisa to show them proof that he was abusing her?"

"Because he has all my information and will hurt me even more if he finds out that the police are at the door." Lisa said.

All the girls turned around to see Lisa, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"What information does he have?" Jennie asked, standing up to go sit on the foot of the bed.

Lisa looked down with guilt in her eyes. "...I never told you guys how I met him." She whispered.

Jisoo and Rosé got up to sit closer to Lisa.

She sighed. "Nine months ago he popped into my DMs and started getting to know me. We also used video chat to talk more. I was attracted to him mainly because of his humor and how kind he was over the phone. We met up one day and we had so much fun on our date. We said goodbye, and then later that night, he asked me for nudes. Me already being in a trance from his little spell, I sent all the nudes he wanted me to send. When we started meeting up more, he asked for more and more from me. Until one day he asked if we could have sex, and I didn't want to, put he slammed me against the wall and said it wasn't my decision. That's how he became to be so abusive towards me. He said if I broke his heart then he would post everything I have sent him." Lisa said.

"So he basically raped you and that's when everything changed?" Rosé asked.

Lisa nodded. "It was out of nowhere. He was completely fine and how I originally knew him, until we were cuddling and he just asked. Then I said I didn't feel like it. But he got up and threw me against the wall and said I didn't have a say."

"Call Hoseok right now, I've had enough of this shit." Jennie shouted at Rosé, her fist shaking.

Rosé quickly dialed his number.


The girls waited.


"Maybe this isn't a good idea, Rosé." Lisa stammered.


"Let it be." She responded.


"Hi, Hoseok! Do you have anything you're doing right now?" Rosé asked him, tapping on the bed violently.

"Mm, no. I'm completely free right now. What's up?"

"We need you to come over."


"Lisa, Jennie, Rosé and I."

"Ohh the 'girlgroup' huh?"

"Aish, shut up Hobi. Just be here in 10."

"Hahaha, got it. Bye~"


Rosé hung up and slipped her phone in her pocket. "Now, we wait."


Namjoon laid on his bed, staring up at his ceiling. His head pounded like it was getting beat up. He grabbed his phone and looked at his text messages.

(Kim Seokjin)
Hi Namjoon. I heard about your mom... I'm deeply sorry. If you need someone to talk to just give me a call. I never have anything going on. ♥️

He's Insane <(Taehyung+Jungkook FF)> 《discontinued》Where stories live. Discover now