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"Ah, just leave your shoes here, Lisa." Jennie said, smiling as she gestured to an empty spot near the door.

After they took off their shoes, Lisa collapsed on the couch and grabbed a blanket to put over herself.

Jennie smiled softly, looking at the girl. She tiptoed over and sat next to Lisa, using some blanket.

Lisa gazed at Jennie, admiring the way how her messy hair and soft heart matched so well with her personality.

"So... did you get another flashback from the smell?" Jennie asked quietly, looking over to Lisa.

Lisa nodded, eyeing the package of cigarettes in Jennie's purse.

Jennie sighed as she looked over at them. "I need to try vaping, I can't keep acting like my health isnt a priority." She said as she shook her head.

Lisa giggled in response. "Use one without nicotine."

Jennie looked over at her and showed her little half smile.

They sat in silence for a few seconds, the one thing that neither of them can handle.

The classic,

awkward silence.

"Hey let's watch something."

"Yeah, yeah let's do that."

"Yeah this is just, too much silence, I can't really-"


Jennie awkwardly grabbed the remote and turned on Netflix. She handed the remote to Lisa, letting her choose what to watch.

As Lisa scrolled through the selection on Netflix, Jennie stared at her. She glanced at Lisa's hands again, they were shaky and swollen.

"Here, Lisa, let me do it." Jennie said, holding her hands out for the remote.

"It's okay, I can do it. It doesn't hurt that bad, only when I press the buttons." She answered, still holding onto the remote.

Jennie sighed and scooted closer to Lisa, lifting her weightless body carefully and setting Lisa on her lap.

They both looked down and blushed, trying to be unnoticed.

Lisa still had her hands on the remote, so Jennie moved her hands around Lisa's.

They both blushed again, trying not to freak out.

They silently scrolled through Netflix together, Lisa leaning back on Jennie's chest. And somehow, being close like this didn't make them awkward or uncomfortable, the silence was almost like their calming background noise.

Jennie took her hands off of Lisa's hands and put them on her waist, her thumb and pointer finger going slightly under her shirt.

Lisa shivered at the feeling of her hands on her skin, and leaned more onto Jennie, signaling that she was okay with it.

Jennie calmly rubbed her waist in circular motions, causing Lisa to shuffle around more as her breathing became heavier.

She slowly moved her hand higher and higher under Lisa's shirt, slowly stroking her waist just to tease her. She moved her hand to Lisa's back and undid her bra.

Lisa's nervousness was visible, she shook (sister shook) slightly, trying to calm her heart down as Jennie traced her fingers across Lisa's delicate figure.

"J-Jennie, I-"

Jennie hushed her and turned Lisa around so they were facing each other, Lisa straddling Jennie's lap, too nervous to look at her face.

He's Insane <(Taehyung+Jungkook FF)> 《discontinued》Where stories live. Discover now