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Hands, hands getting cold,

Losing feeling's getting old.

Was I made from a broken mold?

Hurt, I can't shake,We've made every mistake.

Only you know the way that I break.

The young girl curled her knees to her chest, as the wind blew harder, snatching her brown hair as it passed. Small birds appeared around her, tweeting softly. She sniffled, wiping her nose against her long sleeved shirt, grimacing realizing that if her mother saw, she would surely be punished, again. She sighed, watching the water move across the lake, carrying away the golden leaves that had fallen from the branches that towered over the girl and the water. She only wished that she could be one of the pieces of foliage, escaping from her view. Until she heard a twig snap from behind her. 

Her thin frame shot up, eyes wide, her back now facing the water. She scanned the area around her, assuming it to be her older brother, Felix, to collect her, after a nasty encounter with their mother. He was the only one who knew where she would vanish too. This lake, a few miles away from the house the girl felt swallowed in. But her eyes did not meet the warmth of her sibling, but the cold, curious glare from a blonde boy her age. The girl squared her shoulders, watching the stranger carefully. "Who are you?" She questioned, wanting to keep the distance. 

"I could ask you the same thing, considering this is my family's property." He spoke coolly. The boy inched closer, extending his hand towards the girl. "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." I accepted his hand lightly like my mother taught me, lowing my knees in a curtsy. If only her mother had seen, considering she marked her daughter as a failure. "Elena Rosier. I live back towards that direction." Pointing to the path she came from, hours earlier. "I've seen you come down here before. But this is the longest you've stayed without that older boy." "I consider this my secret place, since my mother doesn't know where it is to find me." 

"Why don't you want to be found by your own mother?" The boy asked, taking a seat on the tree stump Elena had previously occupied. "Because she's evil." The seven year old breathed. It felt good for the words to finally leave her mouth. She meant them too, after being verbally ripped apart that morning, it felt right to finally have some backlash against the woman. "She told me I'm not good enough to be apart of my family." Her breath caught in her throat, tears swelling. "I understand. My dad expects me to be exactly like him, but it's hard when he's not around much. He's always at work." "My dad's dead." She said, plopping down into the dirt in front of the boy. 

The boy blinked at her blunt comment, before looking at the water's edge. "When I get yelled at by my father, sometimes I wish he was dead too." "I wish my mother would die. I'd rather be alone than to live with her." Fat tears rolled down the girls porcelain cheeks, dropping into her lap. "You can live with me. My mother always wanted a daughter to dress up, maybe she would like you." "Let's go then!" The girl cheered, pulling herself on her feet. 

The innocence shown off the children, as the wandered hand and hand into the woods.

Needless to say, Narcissa Malfoy was surprised to see her son returning with a girl in tow. The woman watched from her sitting room, as they entered the room, Draco smiling proudly. "Mummy, this Elena! I met her by the lake. She's the girl I told you about that I saw!" She eyed the young girl as she curtsied before her, smiling sheepishly. "Well, Elena, why were you down by the lake?" "It's my thinking place." The young girl spoke softly, looking into the woman's eyes with confidence. "How did you get there by yourself? No one as young as you should be able to find that lake all by themselves." The girl turned red, looking down. "My brother Felix showed me how to get there. It takes awhile to walk there from my house, but my father showed him when he was my age." 

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