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I'm bitin' my nails

I'm too young to go to jail

It's kinda funny

Felix Roiser was now at the top of the ladder. He smiled at his small office, with a window directly facing the field of dragons. It had taken a long seven years of burns, bites, and dragon pox to get to this point. And he was damn proud of the throne, he couldn't lie. He had the best team of Dragonologists in the country, himself and Charlie Weasley included. Things were changing for the eldest Rosier. 

He turned back towards the box he recently placed on his desk, pulling the top off. He pulled out the first few items, including his prefect badge and captain's badge from his Hogwarts days. He firmly placed them on their respected side on his new desk. Next was the photo of him and a hard faced Aberforth Dumbledore. After residing in the Malfoy family, and his Head of House, he was introduced to the Headmaster's brother, about a temporary housing at Hog's Head Inn, when Felix would graduate from Hogwarts. He'd grown close to the man while he long awaited his approval to the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. Now he was the boss, calling the shots.

A knock at the door took the smile off the scarred face, catching sight of Charlie Weasley, smiling at the man. "Enjoying the view, boss?" Felix chuckled at him, turning back and watching the beast in the respected cages. "Now I will never have them out of my sight." "Yeah, you really can't get away from them, can you, Roiser. Which, I brought this box from camp. The boy's packed up the rest of your items." Felix took the box out of the ginger's hands, staring down at the tattered photo. 

"I found it under your pillow when I was cleaning your bunk out. I figured it was important." Oh it was. It was the only photo the man had of his baby sister he hadn't seen in eight years. Her young features immortalized in the moving photo of the girl, smiling at her brother holding the camera. Guilt cut through the man as he clutched the photo. He believed that leaving her behind would protect her, since everything he tried to physically do was denied. He truly went and applied for custody of the girl once he graduated, but Lucius was right, the hoops that Felix would have to jump through, would simply cause more harm than cure. And giving his a mother a hint on his actions was simply something that refused to do. He knew she would use Elena against him. 

"Thanks, Weasley. I almost forgotten it." The boy nodded to him in reply. "I need to get back to the Norwegian Ridgeback. The sun is starting to set, and I'm almost positive that she will give birth tonight. And you and I both know, it's the trainees I have to worry about. They just get so damn excited about baby dragons." "Easy now, you know we were all the same in the beginning." "Yes, but I don't remember being that stupid when I was first starting out." He did have a point. Just last week, the a group of trainees decided it would be a good idea to try and ride a dragon. Broke bones and burns later, they all ended up in the hospital, before sent home and told not to come back. The new group didn't look as promising either.

"I will be joining you tonight, as soon as I finish some paperwork here." Felix said, slamming a stack of parchment against the crowded desk. The Wealsey whistled, making his exit. "Exactly why I'm just a tamer. Paperwork ain't my thing. See you later, Roiser. I'll save you an egg." The new boss smirked and returned to his seat, looking at the photo again, before ticking it in the side of the frame that held the photo of Aberforth. 

Once he unrolled his first roll of parchment, he felt eyes on him. Looking through the window, he expected one the dragons to be watching him intently, but instead he caught them sleeping soundly. So, he turned his head looking at the dark figure in the doorway. "Did you miss me?" The figure spoke, smirking at the ghost of her brother. Felix wasn't the only Roiser member to mature. While Felix became broader, muscles clinging to his bones tightly after years of hard work, earning calluses and scars, his sister became curvy, her long brown hair that had remained in long braids down her back, now unraveled, hanging loosely at the girls waist, her once pale skin, now matched her brother's dark complexion from too much sun exposure.

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