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Walking into the empty playground, I sit on the swings. Pushing myself lightly off the ground, letting the heels of my boots scratch against the sand.

"Yo. Are you Dare?" Flinching up at the sudden voice slicing through the air, I notice a boy around my age, shuffling his feet anxiously.

"Depends who's asking." Tilting my head to the left, with a lifted brow, I look at him quizzically.

He looks over his shoulder and my eyes follow his gaze. Seeing a group of boys, some with an arm slung around a girls' shoulder. Others standing around, shoving and snickering. But most had their beady eyes upon us.

I hum thoughtfully. "What's it to ya?"

"Well, they say they don't believe it's you - doing the stunts and all, with you being a girl and all." Narrowing my eyes at the group in disdain. I stand up, and start stalking towards the group.

I watch as they start scanning me from top to bottom. Some stares lingering more than I liked.

Forcing out a grin, I wave at the group, "Hey!" I force flush to cover my face. Fluttering my lashes, I bit my bottom lip, "So, you guys don't think I'm Dare?"

"Uh - uh... No." most of them stutter out incomprehensible sentences.

"I don't belive you are Dare." I tense up and look at the direction the words were spoken. The little group shifted to reveal a leather clad male, standing in the back.

When he strides between them to stand in front of me, he takes the opportunity to look me over down. I'm sure he doesn't see much.

My hair up in a ponytail, a few fly aways. My collared dress, making me look like a pristine girl. White collar, but the actual dress black. The dress cinched at the waist, only to flair out and land a few centimeters above my knees. The only thing out of place were my scuffed up boots.

Another boy walks beside him, and opens his mouth,"We don't believe you. If you were Dare, like you're trying to tell us now, you'd show us." He smirks, like he just thought of some masterful plan that would dupe me.

"Why would I prove myself to a couple of sexist baboons?" I shift my hip to the right, my hand landing there. I tilt my head with a smile, my hair cascading down and over my shoulder.

A couple of the girls with them snicker, and shift uncomfortably when they feel the heated stares the boys were giving them; causing them to hold up their hands and stifle their mirth.

"Do it!"


"Guys come on, she's just lyin', she ain't Dare.."

"Let's go guys."

"Wait!" The whole group stops and turns around to face me after my outburst. Rubbing my head in frustration, I slide my hand down my face, "God dammit, I'll show you baboons I'm really Dare."

"Good," Leather Clad smirks, "I have my motor in the back of my pick-up."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"No. No way in hell!" I exclaim once they show me the spot they expect me to ride on.

"Yeah, you gotta ride around Hell's Pit." Leather Clad still has that smug smirk on his face, making me frown and grunt with controlled frustration.

"Fúck you, Leather." I watch as his eyebrow lifts in question, but it disappears quickly as I lift my leg up and over the bikes seat and settle down on it.

"You wouldn't be scared to do this.. that is, if you really were Dare." He chuckled at my facial expression. "Come on, Button. Go show us - we're right."

My face shrews up, and I snatch the helmet he has extended towards me. I thrust it over my head I push my foot back and the stand kicks up. I turn the key and feel the engine pur. Flicking the helmets visor down, i twist the handle bar, throwing my middle finger up at him. Then I'm flying forward.

My butt is bumping up and down on the seat, luckily I changed into a tight racerback, jeans and my jacket. So my chest isn't bouncing with every hill and bump, and my skin is protected from the rubble that comes flying up from the tires.

Giving out a holler of excitement, I lean back slightly, and the motorbike tilts with me, lifting the front wheel up.

Settling the wheel back down on the dirt ground. Sticking out my foot, the bike curves around and around; going in a 360 degree.

Skidding to a stop, I look behind me to see the group of boys watching me intently, seeing no girls in sight. Rolling my eyes, probably too much dirt and rocks for them.

Looking ahead; I see a hill that starts and goes up and doesnt stop until reaching at least 10 feet high.

Thinking over the pros and cons, I kick start the bike again and rev the engine.

Speeding up the to hill, I skid to a stop a couple feet before the drop off. And slid back down, the group behind me watching intently boos, but I stare out and see Leather Clad shake his hand a motion towards me. His lips moving, and forming a smirk.

I watch as the boys step closer towards me and the hill, then stop.

Closing my eyes, I squeeze my hands together, and wipe the sweat off, unto my jeans.

You can do this, Sam. You have practiced this since - forever. You have imagined this time and time again. You're ready! GO!

Revving up the engine, I lift my butt off the seat and press back on the accelerate. My eyes wide behind the visor.

Once a couple of feet from the drop off, I lift the weight of the bike. Once the back wheel is at the edge of the cliff, I rock backwards and take the bike with me.

Feeling the world tilt with me, I smile and screech in excitement. I executed the flip!

Watching as the land comes near, my eyes go wide. Oh, no. I try to turn the wheel, but feel it lock up, I start to panic.

It happened to quickly.

I feel a blast of pain, ripple through my body. Like I was struck on the neck, and become paralyzed with fear. A jab to my ribs from the handle, knocking the breath from me, and I can't scream out. I'm immobilized from not only my worst fear but the bike on top of

Squinting my eyes, my vision going in and out. I feel the dark, numbness over take me.

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