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"Alice! Where is my coffee?" Director Vincenzo Natali shouted at Alice through the large room.

"I'm sorry Mr. Natali. It won't happen again. Here is your coffee." She handed him the large, steaming cup.

"Be careful. It's hot." He grabbed it and quickly took a sip.

"Jesus Christ Alice this is scorching! Take it back I can't drink that do you know how hot that is?" He shoved it back into her hand and rolled his eyes.

"Well I did try to warn y-" she started to spit out.

"Are you trying to sass me? Do I pay you to sit here and argue with me?"

"Actually sir you don't pay me at all. This is an internship remember?" she looked down and fixed a ruffle on her dress.

"Alice I swEAR to god one more rude word out of your mouth and you have no parts at all."

"I'm sorry sir it won't happen again. I'll get you another coffee." The flustered girl walked to the coffee and donuts on a snack table. She poured cream into his coffee and stirred it.

"AND ACTION!" Vincenzo yelled. Alice looked up from the coffee to watch the actresses on set.

"I thought I could trust you!" One woman yelled, fake tears filled her eyes.

"I.. I didn't mean to." The other woman spit out, her words professionally getting caught in her throat as if this was true emotion. Alice has always wanted to be up there. She's wanted to be an actress since she was five.

"CUT CUT CUT!" Vincenzo yelled. Alice snapped out of her daydream, placing a cover on his coffee.

"You need more body language Jennifer. Be more. Flowy. And Laura. Louder. Oh Alice. Thank you. Roll it again!" Alice stood away from Vincenzo, but close enough to watch the actors. She checked her watch. It was getting late. Almost 11:30 PM. This was an important filming, it was running longer then others.

"OK EVERYBODY. THATS A WRAP FOR TODAY!" Vincenzo yelled when they were done filming the scene. Alice grabbed her white sweater and left the building, getting soaked the minute she stepped out the door.

"Crap." She whispered to herself. Her pink Princess Bubble Gum dress was drooping, loosing its bounce. Her white platform sneakers flooding, drenching her socks.

She started walking, her short, platinum blonde hair loosing its ringlets, becoming long and wavy.

She stared down at her feet with every step, looking up only at street lights telling her to walk or wait. Her house was 15 blocks away from the studio and she was usually ok with walking that far. But not today. They didn't get rain a lot in Hollywood. She hated it.

See, Alice was always Up-beat. Perky. Cheery. She disliked anything that put her down. Thunderstorms. Sad stories. Deaths.

She walked to the beat of the rain hitting the ground.

Tip-tap. Tip-tap.

Right-left. Right-left.

After 5 blocks of walking in complete silence other then the rain, she heard a noise behind her and there was a sudden light ahead of her.

As she turned around and the headlights of a car blinded her. Alice stopped and watched the beaten up car expecting it to pass her by. Instead it stopped in front of her. It was a red pickup truck with rust spots on the doors. The bumper was dented and the lights were dull. The window was rolled down and inside the car was a boy her age. He had blue eyes and a lip piercing. His hair was blonde and he had red and orange tips that reminded her of fire. He was skinny and she assumed tall. He wore a baseball tee that was black in the middle, white on the sleeves with red stars.

She examined him. He examined her "Hi." He said with an accent, after two minutes of just staring at each other. "Need a ride?"

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