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Few months later, Judy learned that Night Howlers are flowers that make the predators gone savage. She takes her family truck, and goes back Zootopia to reconcile with Nick and Aggie.

When she arrived in Zootopia, Judy saw Nick and Finnick's van. She knocks on the van door, and Finnick opened the door angrily, holding a bat, "Who is it?!" He was shocked when he saw Judy.

"I need to find Nick, please." Judy begged Finnick.


Judy searches for Nick on a stone bridge, hoping she could apologize to him. Then she found him under the bridge, lounging in his lounge chair, wearing sunglasses, and slurping a smoothie.

"Oh, Nick." Judy was thrilled to see him as she goes down to comfort him, "Night Howlers aren't wolves, they're toxic flowers! I think someone is targeting predators on purpose and making them go savage."

Nick removes his sunglasses, and puts the smoothie down as he said, still angry, "Wow...Isn't that interesting." He turns and slowly walks away from her as he heads under the bridge.

Judy ears goes down as she watch him walk off, "Wait, please don't. I-I know you'll never forgive me, and I don't blame you. I wouldn't forgive me either." Nick stops walking, and listens to what Judy will have to say. "I was ignorant, and irresponsible and small-minded. But predators shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes. I have to fix this. But I can't do it without you. And after we're done, you can hate me, and..." Then Judy starts to cry, "That'll be fine, because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you, and you... and you can walk away knowing that you were right all along - I really am just a dumb bunny."

As Judy continues to cry, Nick secretly recorded her last line with her carrot pen, and hits the button to play, "I really am just a dumb bunny." Judy lifted her head up as she see his arm rise up showing her pen as he plays the recording again. "I really am just a dumb bunny."

Nick turned to Judy, and said in softer tone, "Don't worry, carrots. I'll let you erase it...In 48 hours."

Judy still cries, but mixed with laughter and happiness when she was forgiven by her best friend.

"Alright, get in here." Nick opened his arms, and Judy placed her head on his chest as she continued to cry. The fox pulls the bunny in embrace, "Okay, oh, you bunnies, you're so emotional. There we go, deep breath. Are you just trying to steal the pen? Is that what this is?" He teased her as Judy slowly starts to laugh softly reaching for her pen. She didn't know that she is standing on Nick's tail, "You are standing on my tail, though... Off, off!" Nick begged in a little pain.

"I'm sorry. " Judy gasped and backed away.

"Hey, no problem." Nick handed her the pen as Judy puts it in her pocket.

"Nick, thank you... for accepting my apology." The bunny wiped her tears away.

"Hey, it's what I do, Carrots. Now let's go out there and finish cracking this case for real." The fox smiled widely.

Suddenly, Judy thought that something or someone is missing, "But this case cracking needs a third. Where's Aggie?"

Nick's eyes widened in realization, "Oh yeah, her. I don't know. We've got separated after we left you."

Judy thought, and thought, and thought, until she snapped right out of it, her eyes are widened, and her ears up straight, "I know where she is."


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