questionable hanahaki (Reed900)

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It's just a bunch of dialogue h

"Gavin, I believe something has decided to grow in me"
"Can you get rid of the damn thing?"
"I can try to neutralize it, yes, but it may take a while to get results"

"I'm starting to think the thing inside of me has developed a liking to thirium"
"So it isn't dead yet?"
"No, it isn't"

"Gavin, I may need to remove the thing inside of me manually now as it has started wrapping around some of my biocomponents"
"Fucking hell, do you know what it is?"
"I suppose it may be a very hardy plant"

*when they're about to take it out*
"Uhh.. have you been coughing up flowers?"
"Sometimes, though I believe it's flowers are very-"
"Nines, this is fucking hanahaki!"
"What is that?"
"It's a disease you get when you have one sided love you prick, you haven't searched this up or even looked into what this is??"
"I just thought it was a hardy plant"
"Nines, now I gotta ask who it is so I don't fuck someone over"
"Who you love dipshit!"
"Oh, uhh..."
"Come on spit it out"
"... It's you."
"Holy shit.."

I'm better at this stuff but I still suck

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