When They Ask You Out

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Jack Skellington:

You've been in town for over two weeks now. Getting into your old routine before you had moved out. You hadn't realized you missed it, constantly thinking about moving back into Halloween Town.

It doesn't help that you've been staying with Jack while you clean and renovate your old house during the day. It isn't a bad thing though. You like spending time with him. It's just nostalgic thinking about what you used to do. And what had changed in town or what has stayed the same. Most things seem to never change though. People's routines, mannerisms, and even personalities didn't seem to change as time went by.

Getting lost in your train of thought, you had forgotten Jack was talking to you while walking back to his house.

"You should of been there, Barrel has found the biggest pumpkin in the patch! It was over 300 pounds! I couldn't believe my — ...... Hey (Y/n) you okay?"

Snapping out of your train of thought, you to look to see Jack's concerned expression.

"I'm fine. Sorry, I just have had a lot on my mind today."

"It's okay! I know I've really put pressure on you lately about being in town longer and the possibility of moving back. I just wanna say any decision you make I'll be 100 percent behind you on."

"Thanks. That's nice hearing it from you. Right now I'm just thinking things through."

"That's good; and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me to dinner tomorrow, I really enjoy spending time with you again (Y/n)."

"You mean like a date?"

"Yeah, is that okay with you?"

"Of course, I like spending time with you again as well."

"Great! I'll make the reservations right now!"

Sally Finklestein:

Returning to the shop, you enter to see Sally humming to herself while sewing a piece of clothing. She notices you from the bell on her door and greets you.

"Hello (Y/n), it's good to see you again. I had a nice time with you yesterday."

"Right back at you, and being honest, that isn't something I find in most people. So thank you."

"Not a problem, would you like me to get you a seat? You could sit here while I—"

"It's fine, I like standing anyway."

"Are you sure? It's really no trouble."

"Yeah, I'm okay, really it's fine."

She looks away for a second, then turns back to me and says;

"I wanted to thank for spending time with me. I really appreciate it, especially since I don't know you well."

You wanna blurt out 'I love spending time with you as well', but you see her take a pause in her speech as she continues.

"And I wanna get to know you more, since you seem like a kind person. So I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime. It's okay if you say n—"

"I would never say no." Quickly blurting out, "Especially to you Sally."

She blushes.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to agree so quickly."

"Well I am a quick thinker." Jokily saying.

She snickers at your lame joke.

"Okay, so would tonight at 7:00 be alright?" You ask.

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