Your Fear and How They Found Out

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Jack Skellington:

Fear: Nelophobia (fear of glass)

How he found out:

• Noticed how you avoided windows whenever you were in a room with one.
• Politely refuse any drink given to you in a glass. Or poured from a glass container.
• Became extremely uncomfortable in an area where broken glass was present. And most of the time leave when you heard the shattering or see the sight of it.
• Finally asked if you were scared of glass while telling you all the things he noticed you doing.
You say yes and it's because in your youth someone smashed a wine bottle on you and tried to kill you with the top shard. And you haven't felt safe around anything made of glass since. And you still remember how the glass felt in your head. And having to take out every piece yourself. The cuts on your head and fingers afterwards. Still having scars in those areas.

Sally Finklestein:

Fear: Ligyrophobia/Phonophobia (fear of loud noises)

How she found out:

• Noticing how any type of sudden noises big or small startles you. Like someone knocking on a door or calling your name from afar.
• Seeing how you quickly flinch seconds after a loud noise is heard. Saying that 'you're just a little jumpy today.'
• Seeing your face in dread if there is an object or thing that is going to make a sudden or loud noise.
• Will avoid large crowds and events. And will only join in if asked or persuaded. But can see how you lightly regret going. Especially if the event will most likely be a loud celebration.
• Confronts and asks you about it after you have a panic attack during a thunderstorm.
• You say how this used to never be a problem until Oogie Boogie took over the town. How you became complacent with what was going on. And the noise of his goons is the only things you heard for months until Jack set things right. And now everything you hear loud or sudden noises you feel as if you are in danger. Even though most of the time you know your not. You feel your mind and body are programmed now to react like 'There's danger somewhere, there was a loud noise. There was a sudden noise, you are in danger.'

The Mayor:

Fear: Claustrophobia (fear of small and/or confined spaces)

How he found out:

• Noticed how nervous you got around crowded areas. Excusing yourself multiple times and walking out to an area by yourself to take a breather.
• Looking fine in a large area, and anxious in a small one. Even if you were in a good mood that day. It seems to ruin it in seconds.
• Avoiding narrow areas and passageways. And if you have to use them you do it quickly. Apologizing after for not waiting saying 'I'm just excited to get to the destination.'
• Making remarks on how some areas 'figuratively suffocate you.' Or how you would rather use stairs than an elevator since 'I won't be smothered and have other people to add on.'
• When he asks about the remarks and then connecting it to your behavior, you admit to him your phobia. Saying it originated from when you were captured from Oogie when he tried to take over all of the towns. And being in a bag for months caused so much stress. The first time you really felt trapped until Mayor rescued you and the other leaders. And now every time your in a small area, you feel that same suffocating fear you felt them.

Oogie Boogie:

Fear: Cleithrophobia (fear of being trapped, locked in, or unable to leave)

How he found out:

• Noticed whenever you were in a room with a closed door with him, you would make sure it was unlocked.
• Look at a door multiple times in a short time span of you had to stay in the area.
• Will look panicked if there aren't any windows in a room.
• Asked multiple times when the exit point of his lair was. Asks why they can't always see it when they walk in. And how they can see it at all times.
• Finally asks if this is because of something he did, you say no. Explaining how when you were young, your brother and a couple of his friends played a prank on you. And they locked you in a closet for half a day until they let you out. Ever since then you have to know where exits are. Or any way to leave an area if needed. How you get terrible anxiety if you can't find any. And you don't feel safe until you do.

Authors Note: If you don't know the difference, Claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces while Cleithrophobia is the fear of being trapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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