How You Met

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Jack Skellington:

You're in Halloween Town visiting your cousins the Vampire Brothers. It had been a couple years since you had been in town. It was nice to visit family and see old faces again. Speaking of old faces, you spotted The Pumpkin King himself, Jack Skellington.

"Hey (Y/n), It's been awhile! How have you been?"

"I've been good Jack. It's nice to see you again."

"How long are you staying in town?"

"About a week, hopefully enough time to catch up."

"That's plenty of time! Why don't we go to my house and catch up on some tea?"

"That sounds really nice, thank you Jack."


Sally Finklestein:

You were helping you cousins The Witch Sisters with a new potion for next Halloween. The celebration being in a month, you were determined more than ever to get it right.

Without it exploding in your face.

At 3 in the afternoon your cousins and you were able to achieve this. And after assessing your clothing, they needed a little touching up. You asked your cousins where you should go and they recommended Sally Finklestein's Sewing Shop.

When you get there you are greeted by a kind rag doll woman.

"Hello, and welcome to my ship. What can I do for you?"

"I just need some touching up on my clothing."

"Not a problem, I didn't get your name."


"Sally, it's nice to meet you."

The Mayor:

You were invited by Jack Skellington to attend the first meeting with the other holiday leaders. Being the Leader Of Valentine's Day Town you're attending the gathering. It's taking place in Halloween Town. So you had to do a little traveling. Which was fine, cause you could get your thoughts in order before you actually arrived to the destination.

In the silence of the white forest, you hear someone talking. And it seemed in an upset tone. You follow the noise until you find a short man with a very tall hat panicking.

"Oh my god their coming today the other 6 holiday leaders to Halloween Town why did Jack agree to our Town after what happened with Christmas their going to despise him and the town what am I going to do how am I going to -"

"You think the leaders are going to hate you and your Town?"

He freezes.

"Oh. You heard my rambling. I'm sorry you had to had to hear all that."

"It's okay. People get stressed out stuff all the time. Last week I was scared to call for my next dentists appointment."

He head turns to his happy face as he snickers.

You speak again.

"There we go. Now you want want me to help you figure this out. I want to take some of that stress off your shoulders."

"You don't need to worry about that - I forgot to ask your name I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, my name is (y/n)."


"Ah I would not of guessed that since it's no where near obvious and no on you left breast on your suit!"

Saying triumphantly.

This made the Mayor laugh.

Oogie Boogie:

You were holding back more Heartless from Halloween Town from entering Christmas Town. There numbers were starting to go down as you destroyed them one by one. Soon after what it felt an eternity, the were gone.

Relieved, you could now sit down and breath. As more and more time went by, so did your adrenaline. The pain from your injuries started to kick in. From small cuts, to massive bruises and slashes covering your body. Hopefully someone will come looking for me soon.

"Why's a doll like you doing all beat up in the Hinderlands?"

Not what I meant.

Anybody, I said. But anybody except him.

"What do you want Oogie? Coming back to take over everything again?"

"Actually no. I came here to find Jack to tell him about the Heartless that were coming this way. But seeing you, I'm guessing I don't have to now."

Like you're gonna believe that bullshit.

"Yeah right, you were probably leading them here in the first place. This isn't the first time this has happened. And last time you were all over this. So why should I believed you?"

He just looks you dead in the eyes and responds with,

"If I were leading them they would have killed you."

All you can really say is,

"Point taken."

He then takes out one of his 'hands' and offers it to you.

"How about we continue this conversation at my place. While there maybe patch you up."

"What do you mean 'maybe?'"

"Oh come on I'm just messing with you. Take my hand so I don't have to feel bad about leaving you here."

"Fine, but this better be quick Oogie."

You take his 'hand' pulling you up and off the his lair.

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