i. | what if tony stark has a little sister

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What if Tony Stark.... has a little sister as sweet as young Tony Stark. If you think Tony is already small when he's grown up, she is smaller than Tony because of her bad childhood.

Growing up, Tony and Carmilla (random name picked by me) are close. They play together. They laugh together. They cry together. When she is sick, Tony would stay beside her until she's healed and when it's Tony's turn to be sick, Carmilla would do the same. People would think that Howard loves Carmilla and treats her like a princess because that's how a father should treat his daughter, but that's just talk.

Howard often mistreats her and Tony will always jump to take the blame.

"They're just children, Howard..." Maria, their mother, would tell Howard every time Howard is mad and shouting at them, hoping that Howard will be good to them, but nothing changes. Even when Maria backs them up, it doesn't mean anything because that old cow is stubborn as hell. He won't take anyone's advice.

Things get worse when Maria died. Tony was sent to a boarding school and rarely come home. Carmilla will only see him during a long holiday like summer and Christmas. That if he's allowed to come home. Otherwise, Carmilla will be sitting at home alone, waiting for her brother, meanwhile Tony is forced to go to a pre-soldier camp every summer (or any camp). No one understands why. Tony doesn't want to be a soldier. Although he respects them, but he doesn't see himself going to war. He sees himself being a scientist helping those soldiers behind the scene.

And then, when Carmilla reaches 13, it's her turn to go to a boarding school because Howard is too busy to take care of her too. He likes it when he's free from any restrictions especially kids. At least, with them in boarding school, Howard doesn't have to worry about sending them and picking them from school, or worry that they haven't eaten, or worry if any of his projects being delayed because "a project manager has to take a few days off because his kids are sick". He can't afford anymore of them. But what Howard doesn't know is by doing all of these, only make Carmilla and Tony hate him.

Carmilla started to be a bully in school because she wants attention especially that everybody knows that she's the most influenced Stark's daughter, no one dares to touch her. Sometimes, she'll sneak out from her school and comes back after a few days because she wants to meet Tony. She's caught so many times by the CCTV. Howard was called by the Principal because of her behaviour. She has gone through a lot of punishments but whatever the school done to her, they seem to fail.

When Tony graduated MIT at young age and started to make money and young age, he persuaded Carmilla to study better. He promised that if Carmilla graduated with flying colours without being blacklisted, Carmilla can live with him. And that her life will be extra fun and exciting especially that they're together again as siblings just like they used to.

Carmilla believed him. Though, little did Carmilla know, Tony has also changed 360 degrees. Tony drinks every night, bringing different girls home every night. Talking sweet and lure them to bed only to leave them the next morning emotionlessly. Tony don't remember their name. Carmilla noticed that some nights, he wasn't even that drunk to think straight, just high, and the girls sometimes aren't drunk at all. Although they know Tony is already famous with being a playboy, but still they believe Tony when he said he loved them. Most of the time, the girls Tony slept with leave with teary eyes.

Carmilla became depressed with her unlucky life. She went to find her own apartment, moved out and find her own job although Tony offered her to work with him. Not like the offer was bad, but she can't risk working with Tony. She doesn't want to mix her personal life with her working life. Although Tony was still bummed but he still help Carmilla with business and financially knowing Carmilla needs the money more. Plus, Howard passed his empire to Tony and left nothing for Carmilla. Tony is nice enough to give Carmilla some money as monthly income. It's funny but it's real.

Carmilla's life turns a little bit more better when Pepper came. Pepper knows a lot about business and, although, Tony told Pepper to help Carmilla, but she's a rule-follower since she applied to be Tony's intern. She's smart, but she did help Carmilla a little bit. And Carmilla's depression lessens now that she has a friend to talk to. Tony being Tony, being bitchy to a girl who doesn't want to sleep with him, but Carmilla always backs her up. Since Tony respects his little sister, he often doesn't say anything more although he continues to try to make Pepper sleeps with him. He fails every single time.

Carmilla gives a lot of input about Tony's empire. At least, from what she remembers from Howard. When Howard talked on the phone or discussed with his colleagues, Carmilla will eavesdrop. She likes business but she doesn't dare to take over a big empire so she's grateful that Howard didn't give her Stark Industries. She'd rather start small, although a part of it is because Howard didn't give her a chance at all. At least, left her something like a small modal/budget to open her own business.

Then, Happy and Rhodey came. While Happy is mostly with Pepper and Tony, but they still know each other. But Rhodey... he has a huge crush on Carmilla. He likes how Carmilla handles her big brother. He likes how Carmilla independantly runs her business. He likes how she stands up for Pepper and other intern women. Carmilla never showed how tired she is with her busy life mainly because she likes her life, but Rhodey doesn't know how she cries every day once getting home. She has friends, arrogant yet funny brother, but she is lonely. Not necessarily because she needs a boyfriend, no.

Then, Carmilla's business had a problem. At the same time, Tony went missing from that Afghanistan mission. Rhodey was there with him but only Rhodey came back. She didn't talk to Rhodey for months (for as long as Tony went missing) and Carmilla noticed how Pepper cannot stop crying when thinking about Tony.

When Rhodey found Tony in the middle of the desert, he quickly called Carmilla. That's the first time they talked since Tony went missing. Rhodey apologised and he is relieved when Carmilla accepted his apology. She knew that it wasn't his fault but the fact that Tony went missing under Rhodey's care, angered her. But now that Tony is saved, they're fine.

Carmilla was there through Tony's journey with his iron heart. It was her who usually helps Tony with it, but when she's not around, Pepper will help (after one time, Pepper surrender and since then, Tony will ask Carmilla's help before she goes out if she has a plan). And since Afghanistan, Carmilla partnered up with Tony to run Stark Industries. And now that Carmilla's business doesn't promise her anything anymore, she works with Tony at the lab. They're a good duo. When Tony's flying with Ironman suit, Carmilla will be Tony's third and fourth eyes. That's what makes Tony invincible.

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