iv. | what if tony stark doesn't approve his daughter's relationship

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What if Tony Stark

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What if Tony Stark.... doesn't like his daughter's boyfriend. It's not that he has an attitude or something, but despite how much he loves music, he doesn't imagine a musician to be in his family seeming that he lived with an inventor, engineer and billionaire father and a good housewife mother. He grew up with kids in the boarding school and most of them came from doctor parents or estate father or nurse mother or teacher mother. So Tony doesn't think that he can accept his daughter is having a relationship with a musician.

Tony hates it when his daughter's boyfriend talks about his tour and about the fans singing along to his songs. He cringe when the boyfriend talks about how the songs are inspired by Tony's daughter, though in another person's perspective, it's sweet. He hates to hear when the boyfriend says that he is always on the road and has to leave Tony's daughter. He hates to hear how sad they can be when they're apart. Tony tries to keep them to himself but until one day, Tony cannot stay quiet anymore.

"Okay, you know what. I'm going to stop you right there," Tony says while they were having dinner and Tony's daughter's boyfriend was talking about bringing her with him on tour. "I don't think I can be quiet anymore. I don't like you."

Tony's daughter and Pepper were shocked about it.
The daughter's boyfriend had a hard time processing what's happening in the situation. He's a big fan of Iron Man and he thought they get along well together seeming how good Tony treated him whenever he comes over.

"Sir?" The boyfriend's smile faded. The cheer in his eyes faded. All the hopes about bringing his girlfriend on the road faded.

"I don't like you."

"What are you talking about Dad?"

"Tony, you can't be serious. They're so good together."

"Yes, they are, but I can't accept that she's dating a musician!" Tony yells at Pepper.


"I'm sorry. I–I can't." Tony got uo and left the dinner table.

The daughter's boyfriend, though he tried to smile, but Pepper and the daughter knew he was hurt. He was quiet for a few seconds before he cleared his throat and said, "Well, I–I guess I better leave."

"What? No, no. Don't leave. I'm sorry about my Dad. He must be having a rough day."

"Nah, that's okay. I'll see you around, okay?" The boyfriend got up and left the dinner table and not sooner after that, he left Pepper and Tony's mansion.

The daughter and Tony got into an argument later on that night. Pepper was there, but even she can't say anything to calm Tony down because he looked like he's firm with his own feeling towards the daughter's boyfriend. Tony explained why he doesn't like the boyfriend and doesn't approve of their relationship. The daughter doesn't understand why her Dad thinks that going on a tour with him would effect the company and effect being the legacy because Pepper is still around to look after Stark Industries. And Tony also said that he knows how a musician will act once his name is on every billboard on every state and Tony doesn't want his daughter to experience that kind of heartbreak.

The daughter hates to hear that and hates to see Tony acting as if he knows everything about the world around him (though Tony is actually kinda was) but the daughter left the mansion and got back to her own apartment. She was working at her working table when she heard the door being knocked. She made sure to check up on the CCTV camera before answering the door because she doesn't expect a visitor late that night. And there he was. Tony at the front door with a bag of his daughter's favourite take-away.

September 2019.

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